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  <title>CSS Text Test: computed value of 'word-spacing: normal' and of various &lt;length&gt;</title>

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  <meta content="This test checks that the computed value of 'normal' for the property word-spacing is '0px'. We also check the computed value of various &lt;length&gt;." name="assert">

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      font-size: 20px;

  <div id="target">A Z</div>

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  function startTesting()

  var targetElement = document.getElementById("target");

    function verifyComputedStyle(property_name, specified_value, expected_value)

      {, "91px");

      The purpose of setting the property to an arbitrary value
      is to act as a fallback value in case the specified value
      fails. Since we are running 12 consecutive tests on the
      same element, then it is necessary to 'reset' its property
      to an arbitrary value.
      */, specified_value);

      assert_equals(getComputedStyle(targetElement)[property_name], expected_value);

      }, `testing ${property_name}: ${specified_value}`);

    verifyComputedStyle("word-spacing", "normal", "0px");

    verifyComputedStyle("word-spacing", "0", "0px");

    verifyComputedStyle("word-spacing", "1.27cm", "48px");

    verifyComputedStyle("word-spacing", "1em", "20px");

    verifyComputedStyle("word-spacing", "0.5in", "48px");

    verifyComputedStyle("word-spacing", "25.4mm", "96px");

    verifyComputedStyle("word-spacing", "5pc", "80px");

    verifyComputedStyle("word-spacing", "18pt", "24px");

    verifyComputedStyle("word-spacing", "7px", "7px");

    verifyComputedStyle("word-spacing", "101.6Q", "96px");

    verifyComputedStyle("word-spacing", "3rem", "48px");

    verifyComputedStyle("word-spacing", "0ch", "0px");

