<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>scale interpolation</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="scale supports animation.">
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.parent {
scale: 0.5 1 2
.target {
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
background-color: black;
scale: 1.1 1;
.expected {
background-color: green;
<template id="target-template">
<div class="parent">
<div class="target"></div>
// Matching two <number> version.
property: 'scale',
from: '-10 5',
to: '10 -5',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '-30 15'},
{at: 0, expect: '-10 5'},
{at: 0.25, expect: '-5 2.5'},
{at: 0.75, expect: '5 -2.5'},
{at: 1, expect: '10 -5'},
{at: 2, expect: '30 -15'},
// Matching three <number> version.
property: 'scale',
from: '2 30 400',
to: '10 110 1200',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '-6 -50 -400'},
{at: 0, expect: '2 30 400'},
{at: 0.125, expect: '3 40 500'},
{at: 0.875, expect: '9 100 1100'},
{at: 1, expect: '10 110 1200'},
{at: 2, expect: '18 190 2000'}
// From three <number> to two <number>; test that it expands correctly.
property: 'scale',
from: '26 17 9',
to: '2 1',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '50 33 17'},
{at: 0, expect: '26 17 9'},
{at: 0.125, expect: '23 15 8'},
{at: 0.875, expect: '5 3 2'},
{at: 1, expect: '2 1'},
{at: 2, expect: '-22 -15 -7'}
// Test one <number> is expanded correctly.
property: 'scale',
from: '1',
to: '10 -5 0',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '-8 7 2'},
{at: 0, expect: '1'},
{at: 0.25, expect: '3.25 -0.5 0.75'},
{at: 0.75, expect: '7.75 -3.5 0.25'},
{at: 1, expect: '10 -5 0'},
{at: 2, expect: '19 -11 -1'},
property: 'scale',
from: '-10 5 1',
to: '1',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '-21 9'},
{at: 0, expect: '-10 5'},
{at: 0.25, expect: '-7.25 4'},
{at: 0.75, expect: '-1.75 2'},
{at: 1, expect: '1'},
{at: 2, expect: '12 -3'},
// Handling of the none value.
property: 'scale',
from: 'none',
to: 'none',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: 'none'},
{at: 0, expect: 'none'},
{at: 0.125, expect: 'none'},
{at: 0.875, expect: 'none'},
{at: 1, expect: 'none'},
{at: 2, expect: 'none'}
// Going from none to a valid value; test that it converts properly.
property: 'scale',
from: 'none',
to: '4 3 2',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '-2 -1 0'},
{at: 0, expect: '1'},
{at: 0.125, expect: '1.375 1.25 1.125'},
{at: 0.875, expect: '3.625 2.75 1.875'},
{at: 1, expect: '4 3 2'},
{at: 2, expect: '7 5 3'}
// Test neutral keyframe; make sure it adds the underlying.
property: 'scale',
from: neutralKeyframe,
to: '1.5 1',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '0.7 1'},
{at: 0, expect: '1.1 1'},
{at: 0.25, expect: '1.2 1'},
{at: 0.75, expect: '1.4 1'},
{at: 1, expect: '1.5 1'},
{at: 2, expect: '1.9 1'},
// Test initial value; for 'scale' this is 'none'.
property: 'scale',
from: 'initial',
to: '2 0.5 1',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '0 1.5'},
{at: 0, expect: '1'},
{at: 0.25, expect: '1.25 0.875'},
{at: 0.75, expect: '1.75 0.625'},
{at: 1, expect: '2 0.5'},
{at: 2, expect: '3 0'},
property: 'scale',
from: '2 0.5 1',
to: 'initial',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '3 0'},
{at: 0, expect: '2 0.5'},
{at: 0.25, expect: '1.75 0.6251'},
{at: 0.75, expect: '1.25 0.875'},
{at: 1, expect: '1'},
{at: 2, expect: '0 1.5'},
// Test unset value; for 'scale' this is 'none'.
property: 'scale',
from: 'unset',
to: '1.5 1',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '0.5 1'},
{at: 0, expect: '1'},
{at: 0.25, expect: '1.125 1'},
{at: 0.75, expect: '1.375 1'},
{at: 1, expect: '1.5 1'},
{at: 2, expect: '2 1'},
// Test inherited value.
property: 'scale',
from: 'inherit',
to: '2 0.5 1',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '-1 1.5 3'},
{at: 0, expect: '0.5 1 2'},
{at: 0.25, expect: '0.875 0.875 1.75'},
{at: 0.75, expect: '1.625 0.625 1.25'},
{at: 1, expect: '2 0.5'},
{at: 2, expect: '3.5 0 0'},
property: 'scale',
from: '2 0.5 1',
to: 'inherit',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '3.5 0 0'},
{at: 0, expect: '2 0.5'},
{at: 0.25, expect: '1.625 0.625 1.25'},
{at: 0.75, expect: '0.875 0.875 1.75'},
{at: 1, expect: '0.5 1 2'},
{at: 2, expect: '-1 1.5 3'},
// Test combination of initial and inherit.
property: 'scale',
from: 'initial',
to: 'inherit',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '1.5 1 0'},
{at: 0, expect: '1'},
{at: 0.25, expect: '0.875 1 1.25'},
{at: 0.75, expect: '0.625 1 1.75'},
{at: 1, expect: '0.5 1 2'},
{at: 2, expect: '0 1 3'},
property: 'scale',
from: 'inherit',
to: 'initial',
}, [
{at: -1, expect: '0 1 3'},
{at: 0, expect: '0.5 1 2'},
{at: 0.25, expect: '0.625 1 1.75'},
{at: 0.75, expect: '0.875 1 1.25'},
{at: 1, expect: '1'},
{at: 2, expect: '1.5 1 0'},