
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>CSS Test (Transforms): Simple Backface-Visibility, scalez(-1)</title>
    <link rel="author" title="Aryeh Gregor" href="mailto:[email protected]">
    <link rel="help" href="">
    <meta name="assert" content="This is the same as
    transform3d-backface-visibility-001.html, except it uses scalez(-1) instead
    of rotatex(180deg).  scalez(-1) has no visible effect when applied by
    itself to a box, since the box's Z-coordinates are all 0, but it still
    causes it to be affected by 'backface-visibility'.">
    <link rel="match" href="transform-lime-square-ref.html">
    <style>div { height: 100px; width: 100px }</style>
    <div style="background: lime">
      <div style="background: red; backface-visibility: hidden;
        transform: scalez(-1)">