<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<!-- TODO: Add a more specific link for this once it is specified. -->
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-transitions-2/#csstransition">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src='support/helper.js'></script>
<div id="log"></div>
'use strict';
function singleFrame() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
test(t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
transition.effect = null;
assert_equals(transition.transitionProperty, 'left');
}, 'After setting a transition\'s effect to null, it still reports the'
+ ' original transition property');
promise_test(async t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
await transition.ready;
transition.effect = null;
assert_equals(transition.playState, 'finished');
}, 'After setting a transition\'s effect to null, it becomes finished');
promise_test(async t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
await transition.ready;
transition.effect = null;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).left, '100px');
}, 'After setting a transition\'s effect to null, style is updated');
// This is a regression test for https://crbug.com/964113, where Chromium would
// crash if the running transition's effect was set to null and a new transition
// was started before the running one could finish.
promise_test(async t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
assert_equals(div.getAnimations().length, 1);
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
await transition.ready;
// Without yielding to the rendering loop, set the current transition's
// effect to null and start a new transition. This should work correctly.
transition.effect = null;
div.style.left = '150px';
// This will run style update.
const animations = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(animations.length, 1);
const new_transition = animations[0];
await new_transition.ready;
assert_not_equals(getComputedStyle(div).left, '150px');
}, 'After setting a transition\'s effect to null, a new transition can be started');
// This is a regression test for https://crbug.com/992668, where Chromium would
// crash if the running transition's effect was set to null and the transition
// was interrupted before it could finish due to the null effect.
promise_test(async t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
assert_equals(div.getAnimations().length, 1);
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
await transition.ready;
// The transition needs to have a non-zero currentTime for the interruption
// reversal logic to apply.
while (getComputedStyle(div).left == '0px') {
await singleFrame();
assert_not_equals(transition.currentTime, 0);
// Without yielding to the rendering loop, set the current transition's
// effect to null and interrupt the transition. This should work correctly.
transition.effect = null;
div.style.left = '0px';
// Yield to the rendering loop. This should not crash.
await singleFrame();
}, 'After setting a transition\'s effect to null, it should be possible to '
+ 'interrupt that transition');
promise_test(async t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.width = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
await transition.ready;
transition.currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
transition.effect = new KeyframeEffect(div,
{ left: [ '0px' , '100px'] },
20 * MS_PER_SEC);
assert_equals(transition.playState, 'finished');
}, 'After setting a new keyframe effect with a shorter duration,'
+ ' the transition becomes finished');
promise_test(async t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.width = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
transition.effect = new KeyframeEffect(div,
{ marginLeft: [ '0px' , '100px'] },
100 * MS_PER_SEC);
assert_equals(transition.transitionProperty, 'left');
}, 'After setting a new keyframe effect targeting different properties,'
+ ' the transition continues to report the original transition property');
promise_test(async t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.width = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
transition.effect = new KeyframeEffect(div,
{ marginLeft: [ '0px' , '100px'] },
100 * MS_PER_SEC);
// As a sanity check, check that the transition actually exits the
// pending state.
await transition.ready;
}, 'After setting a new keyframe effect on a play-pending transition,'
+ ' the transition remains pending');
test(t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
transition.effect = null;
assert_equals(transition.transitionProperty, 'left');
}, 'A transition with no effect still returns the original transitionProperty');
test(t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
// Seek to the middle and get the portion.
transition.currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
const portion = transition.effect.getComputedTiming().progress;
// Replace the effect but keep the original timing
transition.effect = new KeyframeEffect(
{ top: ['200px', '300px', '100px'] },
// Reverse the transition
div.style.left = '0px';
const reversedTransition = div.getAnimations()[0];
const expectedDuration = 100 * MS_PER_SEC * portion;
}, 'A transition with a replaced effect still exhibits the regular transition'
+ ' reversing behavior');