<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>KeyframeEffect.setKeyframes() for CSS transitions</title>
<!-- TODO: Add a more specific link for this once it is specified. -->
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-transitions-2/#csstransition">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="support/helper.js"></script>
<div id="log"></div>
'use strict';
test(t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
transition.effect.setKeyframes({ left: ['200px', '300px', '100px'] });
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).left, '200px');
}, 'Keyframes set using setKeyframes() are reflected in computed style for'
+ ' a running transition');
test(t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
transition.effect.setKeyframes({ top: ['0px', '100px', '300px'] });
assert_equals(transition.transitionProperty, 'left');
}, 'A transition with replaced keyframes still returns the original'
+ ' transitionProperty');
test(t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s';
div.style.left = '100px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
transition.effect.setKeyframes({ });
assert_equals(transition.transitionProperty, 'left');
}, 'A transition with no keyframes still returns the original'
+ ' transitionProperty');
function retarget_test(description, newKeyframes, reversed_start) {
test(t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
div.style.left = '0px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s linear';
div.style.left = '100px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
transition.currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
// Reverse transition
div.style.left = '0px';
const reversedTransition = div.getAnimations()[0];
50 * MS_PER_SEC, 1,
"The reversed transition has correctly reduced duration"
assert_equals(reversedTransition.effect.getKeyframes()[0].left, reversed_start,
"The reversed transition starts at the expected point");
}, description);
retarget_test("A transition with replaced keyframes animating the same property " +
"still exhibits normal reversing behavior.",
{left: ['200px', '300px', '100px']}, '300px');
retarget_test("A transition with replaced keyframes animating a different property " +
"still exhibits normal reversing behavior (reversing from the base value).",
{top: ['200px', '300px', '100px']}, '100px');
retarget_test("A transition with replaced keyframes animating nothing " +
"still exhibits normal reversing behavior (reversing from the base value).",
{}, '100px');
test(t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
// Initialize the style.
div.style.left = '100px';
div.style.top = '100px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s linear, top 100s linear';
// Start some transitions.
div.style.left ='200px';
div.style.top = '200px';
const transitions = div.getAnimations();
// Hand control of the left property over to top's transition. The composite
// ordering of the animations is 'left' then 'top' since the transitions were
// generated in the same transition generation and follow Unicode ordering.
assert_equals(transitions[0].transitionProperty, 'left');
{left: '100px', top: '100px'},
{left: '400px', top: '200px'}])
// These updates form a single style change, equivalent to setting times and
// then setting left.
transitions[0].currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
div.style.left ='100px';
transitions[1].currentTime = 60 * MS_PER_SEC;
// As there was a style change event, the new 'left' transition now has a
// higher value for the transition generation than the 'top' transition,
// reversing the order of the transitions returned by getAnimations.
const reversedTransition = div.getAnimations()[1];
assert_equals(reversedTransition.transitionProperty, 'left',
"A reversed transition on left is produced");
50 * MS_PER_SEC, 1,
"The reversed transition has correctly reduced duration (based on the " +
"original left transition).");
assert_equals(reversedTransition.effect.getKeyframes()[0].left, '280px',
"The reversed transition gets its start value from the other " +
"transition controlling left");
}, "A transition with replaced keyframes animating nothing on a property " +
"being controlled by another modified transition exhibits normal " +
"reversing behavior and reverses from the other transition's current " +
test(t => {
const div = addDiv(t);
// Initialize the style.
div.style.left = '100px';
div.style.transition = 'left 100s linear';
// Start the transtion.
div.style.left ='200px';
const transition = div.getAnimations()[0];
// Update the keyframes and advance to the midpoint of the animation.
{ offset: 0, left: '-50px', composite: 'add', easing: 'linear'}]);
transition.currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).left, '175px',
'The computed style is based on the updated keyframes');
div.style.left = '100px';
const reversedTransition = div.getAnimations()[0];
assert_equals(reversedTransition.effect.getKeyframes()[0].left, '175px',
'The start value matches the \'before change\' value');
}, 'A transition with replaced kefyrames and composite \'add\' exhibits ' +
'normal reversing behavior, and the effect is not double counted when ' +
'calculating the before change style');