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<title>CSSHSL tests</title>
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'use strict';

const gUndefinedKeyword = new CSSKeywordValue("undefined");

const gValidHueInputs = [
  {hue: 180, desc: "a number", expected: CSS.deg(180)},
  {hue: CSS.deg(180), desc: 'degrees', expected: CSS.deg(180)},
  {hue: CSS.rad(1), desc: 'radians', expected: CSS.rad(1)},
  {hue: CSS.grad(81), desc: 'gradians', expected: CSS.grad(81)},
  {hue: undefined, desc: "undefined", expected: gUndefinedKeyword},

const gInvalidHueInputs = [
  {hue: CSS.px(1), desc: "css pixels"},
  {hue: CSS.em(1), desc: "css em"},

for (const {hue, desc, expected} of gValidHueInputs) {
  test(() => {
    const result = new CSSHSL(hue, 0.5, 0.5);
    assert_color_channel_approx_equals(result.h, expected);
  }, `Constructing a CSSHSL with ${desc} for the hue works as intended.`);

  test(() => {
    const result = new CSSHSL(CSS.deg(0), 0.5, 0.5);
    result.h = hue;
    assert_color_channel_approx_equals(result.h, expected);
  }, `CSSHSL.h can be updated with a ${desc}.`);

for (const {hue, desc} of gInvalidHueInputs) {
  test(() => {
    assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", () => new CSSHSL(hue, 0, 0));
  }, `Constructing a CSSHSL with ${desc} for hue throws a SyntaxError.`);

test(() => {
  const result = new CSSHSL(CSS.deg(27), 0.7, CSS.percent(91));
  assert_color_channel_approx_equals(result.h, CSS.deg(27));
  assert_color_channel_approx_equals(result.s, CSS.percent(70));
  assert_color_channel_approx_equals(result.l, CSS.percent(91));
  assert_color_channel_approx_equals(result.alpha, CSS.percent(100));
}, 'CSSHSL can be constructed from three numbers and will get an alpha of 100%.');

test(() => {
  const result = new CSSHSL(CSS.grad(101), 0.2, 0.3, CSS.percent(0.4));
  assert_color_channel_approx_equals(result.h, CSS.grad(101));
  assert_color_channel_approx_equals(result.s, CSS.percent(20));
  assert_color_channel_approx_equals(result.l, CSS.percent(30));
  assert_color_channel_approx_equals(result.alpha, CSS.percent(0.4));
}, 'CSSHSL can be constructed from four numbers.');

test(() => {
  assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", () => new CSSHSL(CSS.deg(0), CSS.number(1), 0, 0));
  assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", () => new CSSHSL(CSS.deg(0), 0, CSS.number(1), 0));
  assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", () => new CSSHSL(CSS.deg(0), 0, 0, CSS.number(1)));
}, `Constructing a CSSHSL with CSS.number for s, l or alpha throws a TypeError`);

for (const attr of ['s', 'l', 'alpha']) {
  test(() => {
    const result = new CSSHSL(CSS.deg(0), 0, 0);
    assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", () => result[attr] = CSS.number(1));
  }, `Updating a CSSHSL with CSS.number for ${attr} throws a SyntaxError`);

  test(() => {
    const result = new CSSHSL(CSS.deg(0), 0, 0);
    result[attr] = 0.5;
    assert_color_channel_approx_equals(result[attr], CSS.percent(50));
  }, 'CSSHSL.' + attr + ' can be updated to a number.');

  test(() => {
    const result = new CSSHSL(CSS.deg(0), 0, 0);
    result[attr] = CSS.percent(50);
    assert_color_channel_approx_equals(result[attr], CSS.percent(50));
  }, 'CSSHSL.' + attr + ' can be updated with a CSS percent.');