
This is a testharness.js-based test.
[FAIL] Constructing a CSSHWB with css pixels for hue throws a SyntaxError.
  assert_throws_dom: function "() => new CSSHWB(hue, 0, 0)" threw object "TypeError: Failed to construct 'CSSHWB': Hue must be a CSS angle type." that is not a DOMException SyntaxError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 12
[FAIL] Constructing a CSSHWB with CSS.number for s, l or alpha throws a SyntaxError
  assert_throws_dom: function "() => new CSSHWB(CSS.deg(0), CSS.number(1), 0, 0)" threw object "TypeError: Failed to construct 'CSSHWB': Black, white and alpha must be interpretable as percentages." that is not a DOMException SyntaxError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 12
[FAIL] Updating a CSSHWB with CSS.number for w throws a SyntaxError
  assert_throws_dom: function "() => result[attr] = CSS.number(1)" threw object "TypeError: Failed to set the 'w' property on 'CSSHWB': White must be interpretable as a percentage." that is not a DOMException SyntaxError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 12
[FAIL] Updating a CSSHWB with CSS.number for b throws a SyntaxError
  assert_throws_dom: function "() => result[attr] = CSS.number(1)" threw object "TypeError: Failed to set the 'b' property on 'CSSHWB': Black must be interpretable as a percentage." that is not a DOMException SyntaxError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 12
[FAIL] Updating a CSSHWB with CSS.number for alpha throws a SyntaxError
  assert_throws_dom: function "() => result[attr] = CSS.number(1)" threw object "TypeError: Failed to set the 'alpha' property on 'CSSHWB': Alpha must be interpretable as a percentage." that is not a DOMException SyntaxError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 12
Harness: the test ran to completion.