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<title>CSSPerspective tests</title>
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.css-houdini.org/css-typed-om-1/#cssperspective">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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'use strict';
const gInvalidTestCases = [
{ length: 'auto', desc: 'a keyword other than none (string)'},
{ length: new CSSKeywordValue('auto'), desc: 'a keyword other than none (CSSKeywordValue)'},
{ length: 3.14, desc: 'a double'},
{ length: 0, desc: 'a unitless zero'},
{ length: '10px', desc: 'a string length'},
{ length: CSS.number(10), desc: 'a number CSSUnitValue'},
{ length: CSS.s(10), desc: 'a time dimension CSSUnitValue'},
{ length: new CSSMathSum(CSS.deg(1)), desc: 'a CSSMathValue of angle type' },
for (const {length, desc} of gInvalidTestCases) {
test(() => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSPerspective(length));
}, 'Constructing a CSSPerspective with ' + desc + ' throws a TypeError');
for (const {length, desc} of gInvalidTestCases) {
test(() => {
let perspective = new CSSPerspective(CSS.px(0));
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => perspective.length = length);
assert_style_value_equals(perspective.length, CSS.px(0));
}, 'Updating CSSPerspective.length with ' + desc + ' throws a TypeError');
const gValidTestCases = [
{ length: CSS.px(-3.14), desc: 'a length CSSUnitValue' },
{ length: new CSSMathSum(CSS.px(1)), desc: 'a CSSMathValue of length type' },
{ length: new CSSKeywordValue('none'), desc: 'none (CSSKeywordValue)' },
for (const {length, desc} of gValidTestCases) {
test(() => {
const perspective = new CSSPerspective(length);
assert_equals(perspective.length, length);
}, 'CSSPerspective can be constructed from ' + desc);
test(() => {
let perspective = new CSSPerspective(CSS.px(0), CSS.px(0));
perspective.length = length;
assert_style_value_equals(perspective.length, length);
}, 'CSSPerspective.length can be updated to ' + desc);
const gConvertingValidTestCases = [
{ length: "none", expected: new CSSKeywordValue('none'), desc: 'none (string)' },
for (const {length, expected, desc} of gConvertingValidTestCases) {
test(() => {
const perspective = new CSSPerspective(length);
assert_style_value_equals(perspective.length, expected);
}, 'CSSPerspective can be constructed from ' + desc);
test(() => {
let perspective = new CSSPerspective(CSS.px(0), CSS.px(0));
perspective.length = length;
assert_style_value_equals(perspective.length, expected);
}, 'CSSPerspective.length can be updated to ' + desc);
test(() => {
let perspective = new CSSPerspective(CSS.px(0), CSS.px(0));
perspective.is2D = true;
}, 'Modifying CSSPerspective.is2D is a no-op');