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<title>CSSRotate tests</title>
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'use strict';

const gInvalidAngleTestCases = [
  { angle: CSS.number(10), desc: 'a CSSUnitValue with type other than angle'},
  { angle: new CSSMathSum(CSS.s(10)), desc: 'a CSSMathValue that doesn\'t match <angle>'},

const gInvalidCoordTestCases = [
  { coord: CSS.px(10), desc: 'a CSSUnitValue with type other than number'},
  { coord: new CSSMathSum(CSS.px(10)), desc: 'a CSSMathValue that doesn\'t match <number>'},

for (const {angle, desc} of gInvalidAngleTestCases) {
  test(() => {
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSRotate(angle));
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSRotate(0, 0, 0, angle));
  }, 'Constructing a CSSRotate with ' + desc + ' for the angle throws a TypeError');

for (const {coord, desc} of gInvalidCoordTestCases) {
  test(() => {
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSRotate(coord, 0, 0, CSS.deg(0)));
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSRotate(0, coord, 0, CSS.deg(0)));
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSRotate(0, 0, coord, CSS.deg(0)));
  }, 'Constructing a CSSRotate with ' + desc + ' for the coordinates throws a TypeError');

for (const attr of ['x', 'y', 'z']) {
  for (const {value, desc} of gInvalidCoordTestCases) {
    test(() => {
      let result = new CSSRotate(0, 0, 0, CSS.deg(0));
      assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => result[attr] = value);
      assert_style_value_equals(result[attr], CSS.number(0));
    }, 'Updating CSSRotate.' + attr + ' to ' + desc + ' throws a TypeError');

for (const {angle, desc} of gInvalidAngleTestCases) {
  test(() => {
    let result = new CSSRotate(CSS.deg(0));
    assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => result.angle = angle);
    assert_style_value_equals(result.angle, CSS.deg(0));
  }, 'Updating CSSRotate.angle to ' + desc + ' throws a TypeError');

test(() => {
  const result = new CSSRotate(CSS.deg(3.14));
  assert_style_value_equals(result.x, CSS.number(0));
  assert_style_value_equals(result.y, CSS.number(0));
  assert_style_value_equals(result.z, CSS.number(1));
  assert_style_value_equals(result.angle, CSS.deg(3.14));
}, 'CSSRotate can be constructed from a single angle');

test(() => {
  const result = new CSSRotate(-3.14, CSS.number(3.14), 3.14, CSS.deg(3.14));
  assert_style_value_equals(result.x, CSS.number(-3.14));
  assert_style_value_equals(result.y, CSS.number(3.14));
  assert_style_value_equals(result.z, CSS.number(3.14));
  assert_style_value_equals(result.angle, CSS.deg(3.14));
}, 'CSSRotate can be constructed from numberish coordinates');

test(() => {
  const result = new CSSRotate(
    new CSSMathSum(-3.14),
    new CSSMathProduct(3.14),
    new CSSMathNegate(-3.14),
    new CSSMathMax(CSS.deg(3.14))
  assert_style_value_equals(result.x, new CSSMathSum(-3.14));
  assert_style_value_equals(result.y, new CSSMathProduct(3.14));
  assert_style_value_equals(result.z, new CSSMathNegate(-3.14));
  assert_style_value_equals(result.angle, new CSSMathMax(CSS.deg(3.14)));
}, 'CSSRotate can be constructed from CSSMathValues');

for (const attr of ['x', 'y', 'z']) {
  test(() => {
    let result = new CSSRotate(0, 0, 0, CSS.deg(0));
    result[attr] = 3.14;
    assert_style_value_equals(result[attr], CSS.number(3.14));
  }, 'CSSRotate.' + attr + ' can be updated to a double');

  test(() => {
    let result = new CSSRotate(0, 0, 0, CSS.deg(0));
    result[attr] = CSS.number(3.14);
    assert_style_value_equals(result[attr], CSS.number(3.14));
  }, 'CSSRotate.' + attr + ' can be updated to a number CSSUnitValue');

  test(() => {
    let result = new CSSRotate(0, 0, 0, CSS.deg(0));
    result[attr] = new CSSMathSum(3.14);
    assert_style_value_equals(result[attr], new CSSMathSum(3.14));
  }, 'CSSRotate.' + attr + ' can be updated to a CSSMathValue matching <number>');

test(() => {
  let rotation = new CSSRotate(CSS.deg(0));
  rotation.angle = CSS.deg(6);
  assert_style_value_equals(rotation.angle, CSS.deg(6));
}, 'CSSRotate.angle can be updated to a degree CSSUnitValue');

test(() => {
  let rotation = new CSSRotate(CSS.deg(0));
  rotation.angle = new CSSMathSum(CSS.deg(3.14));
  assert_style_value_equals(rotation.angle, new CSSMathSum(CSS.deg(3.14)));
}, 'CSSRotate.angle can be updated to a CSSMathValue matching <angle>');

test(() => {
  let rotation = new CSSRotate(CSS.deg(0));
  rotation.is2D = true;
  rotation.is2D = false;
}, 'Modifying CSSRotate.is2D can be updated to true or false');
