
<!doctype html>
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'use strict';

test(() => {
  let result = new CSSVariableReferenceValue('--foo');
  result.variable = '--bar';
  assert_equals(result.variable, '--bar', 'variable reflects new value');
}, 'CSSVariableReferenceValue.variable can updated to a valid custom ' +
   'property name');

test(() => {
  let result = new CSSVariableReferenceValue('--foo');
  assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => result.variable = '');
  assert_equals(result.variable, '--foo', 'variable does not change');
}, 'Updating CSSVariableReferenceValue.variable to the empty string ' +
   'throws TypeError');

test(() => {
  let result = new CSSVariableReferenceValue('--foo');
  assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => result.variable = 'bar');
  assert_equals(result.variable, '--foo', 'variable does not change');
}, 'Updating CSSVariableReferenceValue.variable to an invalid custom ' +
   'property name throws TypeError');
