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<title>CSSNumericValue.to tests</title>
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.css-houdini.org/css-typed-om-1/#dom-cssnumericvalue-to">
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'use strict';
test(() => {
assert_throws_dom("SyntaxError", () => CSS.px(1).to('lemon'));
}, 'Converting a CSSUnitValue to an invalid unit throws SyntaxError');
test(() => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSMathMax(1, CSS.px(1)).to('number'));
}, 'Converting a CSSNumericValue with invalid sum value throws TypeError');
test(() => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSMathProduct(CSS.px(1), CSS.s(1)).to('number'));
}, 'Converting a CSSNumericValue with sum value containing more than one value throws TypeError');
test(() => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => CSS.px(1).to('number'));
}, 'Converting a CSSUnitValue to an incompatible unit throws TypeError');
test(() => {
for (const unit of gValidUnits) {
// FIXME(778495): Remove this check onec all the units are supported.
if (CSS[unit])
assert_style_value_equals(CSS[unit](1).to(unit), CSS[unit](1));
}, 'Converting a CSSUnitValue to its own unit returns itself');
// TODO(776173): cssUnitValue_toMethod.html has more comprehensive tests of converting
// within the same base type. Merge those tests into here.
test(() => {
assert_style_value_equals(CSS.cm(1).to('px'), CSS.px(37.7952755));
}, 'Converting a CSSUnitValue to its canonical unit returns correct value');
test(() => {
assert_style_value_equals(new CSSMathSum(CSS.px(1), CSS.px(1)).to('px'), CSS.px(2));
assert_style_value_equals(new CSSMathSum(CSS.px(1), CSS.px(1), CSS.px(1)).to('px'), CSS.px(3));
}, 'Converting a CSSMathSum to a single unit adds the values');
test(() => {
assert_style_value_equals(new CSSMathProduct(CSS.px(2), 3).to('px'), CSS.px(6));
assert_style_value_equals(new CSSMathProduct(-1, CSS.px(2), 3).to('px'), CSS.px(-6));
}, 'Converting a CSSMathProduct to a single unit multiplies the values');
test(() => {
assert_style_value_equals(new CSSMathMin(CSS.cm(1), CSS.mm(1)).to('mm'), CSS.mm(1));
}, 'Converting a CSSMathMin to a single unit finds the min value');
test(() => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSMathMin(CSS.px(2), CSS.s(3)).to('px'));
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSMathMin(CSS.px(2), 3).to('px'));
}, 'Converting a CSSMathMin to a single unit with different units throws a TypeError');
test(() => {
assert_style_value_equals(new CSSMathMax(CSS.cm(1), CSS.mm(1)).to('mm'), CSS.mm(10));
}, 'Converting a CSSMathMax to a single unit finds the max value');
test(() => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSMathMax(CSS.px(2), CSS.s(3)).to('px'));
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSMathMax(CSS.px(2), 3).to('px'));
}, 'Converting a CSSMathMax to a single unit with different units throws a TypeError');
test(() => {
assert_style_value_equals(new CSSMathClamp(CSS.px(90), CSS.px(100), CSS.px(110)).to("px"), CSS.px(100));
}, 'Converting a CSSMathClamp to a single unit returns the clamped value');
test(() => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSMathClamp(CSS.px(2), CSS.s(3), CSS.px(4)).to('px'));
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSMathClamp(CSS.px(2), CSS.em(3), CSS.px(4)).to('px'));
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CSSMathClamp(CSS.px(2), 3, CSS.px(4)).to('px'));
}, 'Converting a CSSMathClamp to a single unit with different units throws a TypeError');
test(() => {
assert_style_value_equals(new CSSMathNegate(CSS.px(1)).to('px'), CSS.px(-1));
}, 'Converting a CSSMathNegate to a single unit negates its value');
test(() => {
const expr = new CSSMathProduct(CSS.px(4), new CSSMathInvert(CSS.px(2)));
assert_style_value_equals(expr.to('number'), CSS.number(2));
}, 'Converting a CSSMathInvert to a single unit inverts its value and units');
test(() => {
// max((1s * 1s * 1px * 1px) / (1s * 1px), 2000ms * 2em) / 1em - min(500ms, 1s)
const expr = new CSSMathSum(
new CSSMathProduct(
new CSSMathMax(
new CSSMathProduct(
new CSSMathProduct(CSS.s(1), CSS.s(1), CSS.px(1), CSS.px(1)),
new CSSMathInvert(new CSSMathProduct(CSS.s(1), CSS.px(1))),
new CSSMathProduct(CSS.ms(2000), CSS.cm(2))
new CSSMathInvert(CSS.cm(1))
new CSSMathNegate(
new CSSMathMin(
assert_style_value_equals(expr.to('ms'), CSS.ms(3500));
}, 'Converting a complex expression to a single unit');