#include "./InternalHeaderCheck.h"
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
#if defined(EIGEN_USE_GPU) && defined(EIGEN_GPUCC)
template <typename T, typename R>
__device__ EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE void atomicReduce(T* output, T accum, R& reducer) {
if (sizeof(T) == 4) {
unsigned int oldval = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(output);
unsigned int newval = oldval;
reducer.reduce(accum, reinterpret_cast<T*>(&newval));
if (newval == oldval) {
unsigned int readback;
while ((readback = atomicCAS((unsigned int*)output, oldval, newval)) != oldval) {
oldval = readback;
newval = oldval;
reducer.reduce(accum, reinterpret_cast<T*>(&newval));
if (newval == oldval) {
} else if (sizeof(T) == 8) {
unsigned long long oldval = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long*>(output);
unsigned long long newval = oldval;
reducer.reduce(accum, reinterpret_cast<T*>(&newval));
if (newval == oldval) {
unsigned long long readback;
while ((readback = atomicCAS(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long*>(output), oldval, newval)) != oldval) {
oldval = readback;
newval = oldval;
reducer.reduce(accum, reinterpret_cast<T*>(&newval));
if (newval == oldval) {
} else {
gpu_assert(0 && "Wordsize not supported");
gpu_assert(0 && "Shouldn't be called on unsupported device");
template <typename Type>
__device__ inline Type atomicExchCustom(Type* address, Type val) {
return atomicExch(address, val);
template <>
__device__ inline double atomicExchCustom(double* address, double val) {
unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long int*>(address);
return __longlong_as_double(atomicExch(address_as_ull, __double_as_longlong(val)));
template <typename R>
__device__ inline void atomicReduce(half2* output, half2 accum, R& reducer) {
unsigned int oldval = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(output);
unsigned int newval = oldval;
reducer.reducePacket(accum, reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&newval));
if (newval == oldval) {
unsigned int readback;
while ((readback = atomicCAS((unsigned int*)output, oldval, newval)) != oldval) {
oldval = readback;
newval = oldval;
reducer.reducePacket(accum, reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&newval));
if (newval == oldval) {
template <typename R>
__device__ inline void atomicReduce(Packet4h2* output, Packet4h2 accum, R& reducer) {
half2* houtput = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(output);
half2* haccum = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&accum);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
atomicReduce(houtput + i, *(haccum + i), reducer);
template <>
__device__ inline void atomicReduce(float* output, float accum, SumReducer<float>&) {
atomicAdd(output, accum);
gpu_assert(0 && "Shouldn't be called on unsupported device");
template <typename CoeffType, typename Index>
__global__ EIGEN_HIP_LAUNCH_BOUNDS_1024 void ReductionInitKernel(const CoeffType val, Index num_preserved_coeffs,
CoeffType* output) {
const Index thread_id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const Index num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
for (Index i = thread_id; i < num_preserved_coeffs; i += num_threads) {
output[i] = val;
template <int BlockSize, int NumPerThread, typename Self, typename Reducer, typename Index>
__global__ EIGEN_HIP_LAUNCH_BOUNDS_1024 void FullReductionKernel(Reducer reducer, const Self input, Index num_coeffs,
typename Self::CoeffReturnType* output,
unsigned int* semaphore) {
const Index first_index = blockIdx.x * BlockSize * NumPerThread + threadIdx.x;
if (gridDim.x == 1) {
if (first_index == 0) {
*output = reducer.initialize();
} else {
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
unsigned int block = atomicCAS(semaphore, 0u, 1u);
if (block == 0) {
atomicExchCustom(output, reducer.initialize());
atomicExch(semaphore, 2u);
} else {
unsigned int val;
do {
val = atomicCAS(semaphore, 2u, 2u);
} while (val < 2u);
eigen_assert(gridDim.x == 1 || *semaphore >= 2u);
typename Self::CoeffReturnType accum = reducer.initialize();
Index max_iter = numext::mini<Index>(num_coeffs - first_index, NumPerThread * BlockSize);
for (Index i = 0; i < max_iter; i += BlockSize) {
const Index index = first_index + i;
eigen_assert(index < num_coeffs);
typename Self::CoeffReturnType val = input.m_impl.coeff(index);
reducer.reduce(val, &accum);
#pragma unroll
for (int offset = warpSize / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
#if defined(EIGEN_HIPCC)
if (std::is_floating_point<typename Self::CoeffReturnType>::value) {
reducer.reduce(__shfl_down(static_cast<float>(accum), offset, warpSize), &accum);
} else {
reducer.reduce(__shfl_down(static_cast<int>(accum), offset, warpSize), &accum);
#elif defined(EIGEN_CUDA_SDK_VER) && EIGEN_CUDA_SDK_VER < 90000
reducer.reduce(__shfl_down(accum, offset, warpSize), &accum);
reducer.reduce(__shfl_down_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, accum, offset, warpSize), &accum);
if ((threadIdx.x & (warpSize - 1)) == 0) {
atomicReduce(output, accum, reducer);
if (gridDim.x > 1 && threadIdx.x == 0) {
atomicInc(semaphore, gridDim.x + 1);
#if defined(EIGEN_HIPCC)
gpu_assert(0 && "Shouldn't be called on unsupported device");
template <typename Self, typename Reducer, typename Index>
__global__ EIGEN_HIP_LAUNCH_BOUNDS_1024 void ReductionInitFullReduxKernelHalfFloat(Reducer reducer, const Self input,
Index num_coeffs, half* scratch) {
eigen_assert(blockDim.x == 1);
eigen_assert(gridDim.x == 1);
typedef packet_traits<Eigen::half>::type packet_type;
Index packet_remainder = num_coeffs % Index(unpacket_traits<packet_type>::size);
if (packet_remainder != 0) {
half2* h2scratch = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(scratch);
for (Index i = num_coeffs - packet_remainder; i + 2 <= num_coeffs; i += 2) {
*h2scratch = __halves2half2(input.coeff(i), input.coeff(i + 1));
if ((num_coeffs & 1) != 0) {
half lastCoeff = input.coeff(num_coeffs - 1);
*h2scratch = __halves2half2(lastCoeff, reducer.initialize());
} else {
packet_type reduce = reducer.template initializePacket<packet_type>();
internal::pstoreu(scratch, reduce);
template <typename Self, typename Reducer, typename Index>
__global__ EIGEN_HIP_LAUNCH_BOUNDS_1024 void ReductionInitKernelHalfFloat(Reducer reducer, const Self ,
Index num_coeffs, half* output) {
const Index thread_id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const Index num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
typedef typename packet_traits<Eigen::half>::type PacketType;
const Index num_packets = num_coeffs / Index(unpacket_traits<PacketType>::size);
PacketType* p_output = reinterpret_cast<PacketType*>(output);
for (Index i = thread_id; i < num_packets; i += num_threads) {
p_output[i] = reducer.template initializePacket<PacketType>();
Index packet_remainder = num_coeffs % Index(unpacket_traits<PacketType>::size);
if (thread_id < packet_remainder) {
output[num_coeffs - packet_remainder + thread_id] = reducer.initialize();
template <int BlockSize, int NumPerThread, typename Self, typename Reducer, typename Index>
__global__ EIGEN_HIP_LAUNCH_BOUNDS_1024 void FullReductionKernelHalfFloat(Reducer reducer, const Self input,
Index num_coeffs, half* output,
half* scratch) {
typedef typename packet_traits<Eigen::half>::type PacketType;
const int packet_width = unpacket_traits<PacketType>::size;
eigen_assert(NumPerThread % packet_width == 0);
const Index first_index = blockIdx.x * BlockSize * NumPerThread + packet_width * threadIdx.x;
if (gridDim.x == 1) {
if (first_index == 0) {
int rem = num_coeffs % packet_width;
if (rem != 0) {
half2* p_scratch = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(scratch);
pstoreu(scratch, reducer.template initializePacket<PacketType>());
for (int i = 0; i < rem / 2; i++) {
*p_scratch = __halves2half2(input.coeff(num_coeffs - packet_width + 2 * i),
input.coeff(num_coeffs - packet_width + 2 * i + 1));
if ((num_coeffs & 1) != 0) {
half last = input.coeff(num_coeffs - 1);
*p_scratch = __halves2half2(last, reducer.initialize());
} else {
PacketType reduce = reducer.template initializePacket<PacketType>();
pstoreu(scratch, reduce);
PacketType accum = reducer.template initializePacket<PacketType>();
const Index max_iter =
numext::mini<Index>((num_coeffs - first_index) / packet_width, NumPerThread * BlockSize / packet_width);
for (Index i = 0; i < max_iter; i += BlockSize) {
const Index index = first_index + packet_width * i;
eigen_assert(index + packet_width < num_coeffs);
PacketType val = input.template packet<Unaligned>(index);
reducer.reducePacket(val, &accum);
#pragma unroll
for (int offset = warpSize / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
#if defined(EIGEN_HIPCC)
PacketType r1;
half2* hr = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&r1);
half2* hacc = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&accum);
for (int i = 0; i < packet_width / 2; i++) {
union {
int i;
half2 h;
} wka_in, wka_out;
wka_in.h = hacc[i];
wka_out.i = __shfl_down(wka_in.i, offset, warpSize);
hr[i] = wka_out.h;
reducer.reducePacket(r1, &accum);
#elif defined(EIGEN_CUDA_SDK_VER) && EIGEN_CUDA_SDK_VER < 90000
PacketType r1;
half2* hr = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&r1);
half2* hacc = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&accum);
for (int i = 0; i < packet_width / 2; i++) {
hr[i] = __shfl_down(hacc[i], offset, warpSize);
reducer.reducePacket(r1, &accum);
PacketType r1;
half2* hr = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&r1);
half2* hacc = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&accum);
for (int i = 0; i < packet_width / 2; i++) {
hr[i] = __shfl_down_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, hacc[i], (unsigned)offset, warpSize);
reducer.reducePacket(r1, &accum);
if ((threadIdx.x & (warpSize - 1)) == 0) {
atomicReduce(reinterpret_cast<PacketType*>(scratch), accum, reducer);
half2* rv1 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(scratch);
if (packet_width > 2) {
reducer.reducePacket(rv1[2], rv1);
reducer.reducePacket(rv1[3], rv1 + 1);
reducer.reducePacket(rv1[1], rv1);
if (gridDim.x == 1) {
if (first_index == 0) {
half tmp = __low2half(*rv1);
reducer.reduce(__high2half(*rv1), &tmp);
*output = tmp;
template <typename Op>
__global__ EIGEN_HIP_LAUNCH_BOUNDS_1024 void ReductionCleanupKernelHalfFloat(Op reducer, half* output, half* scratch) {
eigen_assert(threadIdx.x == 1);
typedef packet_traits<Eigen::half>::type packet_type;
if (unpacket_traits<packet_type>::size == 1) {
*output = *scratch;
} else {
half2* pscratch = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(scratch);
half tmp = __float2half(0.f);
for (int i = 0; i < unpacket_traits<packet_type>::size; i += 2) {
reducer.reduce(__low2half(*pscratch), &tmp);
reducer.reduce(__high2half(*pscratch), &tmp);
*output = tmp;
template <typename Self, typename Op, typename OutputType, bool PacketAccess, typename Enabled = void>
struct FullReductionLauncher {
static void run(const Self&, Op&, const GpuDevice&, OutputType*, typename Self::Index) {
gpu_assert(false && "Should only be called on doubles, floats and half floats");
template <typename Self, typename Op, typename OutputType, bool PacketAccess>
struct FullReductionLauncher<
Self, Op, OutputType, PacketAccess,
std::enable_if_t<internal::is_same<float, OutputType>::value || internal::is_same<double, OutputType>::value,
void>> {
static void run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, OutputType* output,
typename Self::Index num_coeffs) {
typedef typename Self::Index Index;
const int block_size = 256;
const int num_per_thread = 128;
const int num_blocks = numext::div_ceil<int>(num_coeffs, block_size * num_per_thread);
unsigned int* semaphore = NULL;
if (num_blocks > 1) {
semaphore = device.semaphore();
LAUNCH_GPU_KERNEL((FullReductionKernel<block_size, num_per_thread, Self, Op, Index>), num_blocks, block_size, 0,
device, reducer, self, num_coeffs, output, semaphore);
template <typename Self, typename Op>
struct FullReductionLauncher<Self, Op, Eigen::half, false> {
static void run(const Self&, Op&, const GpuDevice&, half*, typename Self::Index) {
gpu_assert(false && "Should not be called since there is no packet accessor");
template <typename Self, typename Op>
struct FullReductionLauncher<Self, Op, Eigen::half, true> {
static void run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, half* output,
typename Self::Index num_coeffs) {
typedef typename Self::Index Index;
const int block_size = 256;
const int num_per_thread = 128;
const int num_blocks = numext::div_ceil<int>(num_coeffs, block_size * num_per_thread);
half* scratch = static_cast<half*>(device.scratchpad());
if (num_blocks > 1) {
LAUNCH_GPU_KERNEL((ReductionInitFullReduxKernelHalfFloat<Self, Op, Index>), 1, 1, 0, device, reducer, self,
num_coeffs, scratch);
LAUNCH_GPU_KERNEL((FullReductionKernelHalfFloat<block_size, num_per_thread, Self, Op, Index>), num_blocks,
block_size, 0, device, reducer, self, num_coeffs, output, scratch);
if (num_blocks > 1) {
LAUNCH_GPU_KERNEL((ReductionCleanupKernelHalfFloat<Op>), 1, 1, 0, device, reducer, output, scratch);
template <typename Self, typename Op, bool Vectorizable>
struct FullReducer<Self, Op, GpuDevice, Vectorizable> {
static constexpr bool HasOptimizedImplementation =
!Self::ReducerTraits::IsStateful && (internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, float>::value ||
internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, double>::value ||
(internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, Eigen::half>::value &&
reducer_traits<Op, GpuDevice>::PacketAccess));
static constexpr bool HasOptimizedImplementation =
!Self::ReducerTraits::IsStateful && (internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, float>::value ||
internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, double>::value);
template <typename OutputType>
static void run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, OutputType* output) {
gpu_assert(HasOptimizedImplementation && "Should only be called on doubles, floats or half floats");
const Index num_coeffs = array_prod(self.m_impl.dimensions());
if (num_coeffs == 0) {
FullReductionLauncher<Self, Op, OutputType, reducer_traits<Op, GpuDevice>::PacketAccess>::run(self, reducer, device,
output, num_coeffs);
template <int NumPerThread, typename Self, typename Reducer, typename Index>
__global__ EIGEN_HIP_LAUNCH_BOUNDS_1024 void InnerReductionKernel(Reducer reducer, const Self input,
Index num_coeffs_to_reduce,
Index num_preserved_coeffs,
typename Self::CoeffReturnType* output) {
typedef typename Self::CoeffReturnType Type;
eigen_assert(blockDim.y == 1);
eigen_assert(blockDim.z == 1);
eigen_assert(gridDim.y == 1);
eigen_assert(gridDim.z == 1);
const int unroll_times = 16;
eigen_assert(NumPerThread % unroll_times == 0);
const Index input_col_blocks = numext::div_ceil<Index>(num_coeffs_to_reduce, blockDim.x * NumPerThread);
const Index num_input_blocks = input_col_blocks * num_preserved_coeffs;
const Index num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
const Index thread_id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (gridDim.x == 1) {
for (Index i = thread_id; i < num_preserved_coeffs; i += num_threads) {
output[i] = reducer.initialize();
for (Index i = blockIdx.x; i < num_input_blocks; i += gridDim.x) {
const Index row = i / input_col_blocks;
if (row < num_preserved_coeffs) {
const Index col_block = i % input_col_blocks;
const Index col_begin = col_block * blockDim.x * NumPerThread + threadIdx.x;
Type reduced_val = reducer.initialize();
for (Index j = 0; j < NumPerThread; j += unroll_times) {
const Index last_col = col_begin + blockDim.x * (j + unroll_times - 1);
if (last_col >= num_coeffs_to_reduce) {
for (Index col = col_begin + blockDim.x * j; col < num_coeffs_to_reduce; col += blockDim.x) {
const Type val = input.m_impl.coeff(row * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col);
reducer.reduce(val, &reduced_val);
} else {
#pragma unroll
for (int k = 0; k < unroll_times; ++k) {
const Index col = col_begin + blockDim.x * (j + k);
reducer.reduce(input.m_impl.coeff(row * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col), &reduced_val);
#pragma unroll
for (int offset = warpSize / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
#if defined(EIGEN_HIPCC)
if (std::is_floating_point<Type>::value) {
reducer.reduce(__shfl_down(static_cast<float>(reduced_val), offset), &reduced_val);
} else {
reducer.reduce(__shfl_down(static_cast<int>(reduced_val), offset), &reduced_val);
#elif defined(EIGEN_CUDA_SDK_VER) && EIGEN_CUDA_SDK_VER < 90000
reducer.reduce(__shfl_down(reduced_val, offset), &reduced_val);
reducer.reduce(__shfl_down_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, reduced_val, offset), &reduced_val);
if ((threadIdx.x & (warpSize - 1)) == 0) {
atomicReduce(&(output[row]), reduced_val, reducer);
gpu_assert(0 && "Shouldn't be called on unsupported device");
template <int NumPerThread, typename Self, typename Reducer, typename Index>
__global__ EIGEN_HIP_LAUNCH_BOUNDS_1024 void InnerReductionKernelHalfFloat(Reducer reducer, const Self input,
Index num_coeffs_to_reduce,
Index num_preserved_coeffs, half* output) {
eigen_assert(blockDim.y == 1);
eigen_assert(blockDim.z == 1);
eigen_assert(gridDim.y == 1);
eigen_assert(gridDim.z == 1);
typedef typename packet_traits<Eigen::half>::type PacketType;
const int packet_width = unpacket_traits<PacketType>::size;
const int unroll_times = 16 / packet_width;
eigen_assert(NumPerThread % unroll_times == 0);
eigen_assert(unroll_times % 2 == 0);
const Index input_col_blocks = numext::div_ceil<Index>(num_coeffs_to_reduce, blockDim.x * NumPerThread * 2);
const Index num_input_blocks = numext::div_ceil<Index>(input_col_blocks * num_preserved_coeffs, 2);
const Index num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
const Index thread_id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (gridDim.x == 1) {
Index i = packet_width * thread_id;
for (; i + packet_width <= num_preserved_coeffs; i += packet_width * num_threads) {
PacketType* poutput = reinterpret_cast<PacketType*>(output + i);
*poutput = reducer.template initializePacket<PacketType>();
if (i < num_preserved_coeffs) {
output[i] = reducer.initialize();
for (Index i = blockIdx.x; i < num_input_blocks; i += gridDim.x) {
const Index row = 2 * (i / input_col_blocks);
if (row + 1 < num_preserved_coeffs) {
const Index col_block = i % input_col_blocks;
const Index col_begin = packet_width * (col_block * blockDim.x * NumPerThread + threadIdx.x);
PacketType reduced_val1 = reducer.template initializePacket<PacketType>();
PacketType reduced_val2 = reducer.template initializePacket<PacketType>();
for (Index j = 0; j < NumPerThread; j += unroll_times) {
const Index last_col = col_begin + blockDim.x * (j + unroll_times - 1) * packet_width;
if (last_col >= num_coeffs_to_reduce) {
Index col = col_begin + blockDim.x * j;
for (; col + packet_width <= num_coeffs_to_reduce; col += blockDim.x) {
const PacketType val1 = input.m_impl.template packet<Unaligned>(row * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col);
reducer.reducePacket(val1, &reduced_val1);
const PacketType val2 = input.m_impl.template packet<Unaligned>((row + 1) * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col);
reducer.reducePacket(val2, &reduced_val2);
if (col < num_coeffs_to_reduce) {
PacketType r1 = reducer.template initializePacket<PacketType>();
PacketType r2 = reducer.template initializePacket<PacketType>();
half2* hr1 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&r1);
half2* hr2 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&r2);
while (col + 1 < num_coeffs_to_reduce) {
*hr1 = __halves2half2(input.m_impl.coeff(row * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col),
input.m_impl.coeff(row * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col + 1));
*hr2 = __halves2half2(input.m_impl.coeff((row + 1) * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col),
input.m_impl.coeff((row + 1) * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col + 1));
col += 2;
if (col < num_coeffs_to_reduce) {
const half last1 = input.m_impl.coeff(row * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col);
*hr1 = __halves2half2(last1, reducer.initialize());
const half last2 = input.m_impl.coeff((row + 1) * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col);
*hr2 = __halves2half2(last2, reducer.initialize());
reducer.reducePacket(r1, &reduced_val1);
reducer.reducePacket(r2, &reduced_val2);
} else {
#pragma unroll
for (int k = 0; k < unroll_times; ++k) {
const Index col = col_begin + blockDim.x * (j + k) * packet_width;
reducer.reducePacket(input.m_impl.template packet<Unaligned>(row * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col),
reducer.reducePacket(input.m_impl.template packet<Unaligned>((row + 1) * num_coeffs_to_reduce + col),
#pragma unroll
for (int offset = warpSize / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
#if defined(EIGEN_HIPCC)
PacketType r1;
PacketType r2;
half2* hr1 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&r1);
half2* hr2 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&r2);
half2* rv1 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&reduced_val1);
half2* rv2 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&reduced_val2);
for (int i = 0; i < packet_width / 2; i++) {
union {
int i;
half2 h;
} wka_in1, wka_out1;
wka_in1.h = rv1[i];
wka_out1.i = __shfl_down(wka_in1.i, offset, warpSize);
hr1[i] = wka_out1.h;
union {
int i;
half2 h;
} wka_in2, wka_out2;
wka_in2.h = rv2[i];
wka_out2.i = __shfl_down(wka_in2.i, offset, warpSize);
hr2[i] = wka_out2.h;
reducer.reducePacket(r1, &reduced_val1);
reducer.reducePacket(r2, &reduced_val2);
#elif defined(EIGEN_CUDA_SDK_VER) && EIGEN_CUDA_SDK_VER < 90000
PacketType r1;
PacketType r2;
half2* hr1 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&r1);
half2* hr2 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&r2);
half2* rv1 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&reduced_val1);
half2* rv2 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&reduced_val2);
for (int i = 0; i < packet_width / 2; i++) {
hr1[i] = __shfl_down(rv1[i], offset, warpSize);
hr2[i] = __shfl_down(rv2[i], offset, warpSize);
reducer.reducePacket(r1, &reduced_val1);
reducer.reducePacket(r2, &reduced_val2);
PacketType r1;
PacketType r2;
half2* hr1 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&r1);
half2* hr2 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&r2);
half2* rr1 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&reduced_val1);
half2* rr2 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&reduced_val2);
for (int j = 0; j < packet_width / 2; j++) {
hr1[j] = __shfl_down_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, rr1[j], (unsigned)offset, warpSize);
hr2[j] = __shfl_down_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, rr2[j], (unsigned)offset, warpSize);
reducer.reducePacket(r1, &reduced_val1);
reducer.reducePacket(r2, &reduced_val2);
half2* rv1 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&reduced_val1);
half2* rv2 = reinterpret_cast<half2*>(&reduced_val2);
half2 val;
if (packet_width > 2) {
reducer.reducePacket(rv1[2], rv1);
reducer.reducePacket(rv1[3], rv1 + 1);
reducer.reducePacket(rv1[1], rv1);
reducer.reducePacket(rv2[2], rv2);
reducer.reducePacket(rv2[3], rv2 + 1);
reducer.reducePacket(rv2[1], rv2);
half val1 = __low2half(*rv1);
reducer.reduce(__high2half(*rv1), &val1);
half val2 = __low2half(*rv2);
reducer.reduce(__high2half(*rv2), &val2);
val = __halves2half2(val1, val2);
if ((threadIdx.x & (warpSize - 1)) == 0) {
half* loc = output + row;
atomicReduce(reinterpret_cast<half2*>(loc), val, reducer);
template <typename Self, typename Op, typename OutputType, bool PacketAccess, typename Enabled = void>
struct InnerReductionLauncher {
static EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC bool run(const Self&, Op&, const GpuDevice&, OutputType*, typename Self::Index,
typename Self::Index) {
gpu_assert(false && "Should only be called to reduce doubles, floats and half floats on a gpu device");
return true;
template <typename Self, typename Op, typename OutputType, bool PacketAccess>
struct InnerReductionLauncher<
Self, Op, OutputType, PacketAccess,
std::enable_if_t<internal::is_same<float, OutputType>::value || internal::is_same<double, OutputType>::value,
void>> {
static bool run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, OutputType* output,
typename Self::Index num_coeffs_to_reduce, typename Self::Index num_preserved_vals) {
typedef typename Self::Index Index;
const Index num_coeffs = num_coeffs_to_reduce * num_preserved_vals;
const int block_size = 256;
const int num_per_thread = 128;
const int dyn_blocks = numext::div_ceil<int>(num_coeffs, block_size * num_per_thread);
const int max_blocks = device.getNumGpuMultiProcessors() * device.maxGpuThreadsPerMultiProcessor() / block_size;
const int num_blocks = numext::mini<int>(max_blocks, dyn_blocks);
if (num_blocks > 1) {
const int dyn_blocks2 = numext::div_ceil<int>(num_preserved_vals, 1024);
const int max_blocks2 = device.getNumGpuMultiProcessors() * device.maxGpuThreadsPerMultiProcessor() / 1024;
const int num_blocks2 = numext::mini<int>(max_blocks2, dyn_blocks2);
LAUNCH_GPU_KERNEL((ReductionInitKernel<OutputType, Index>), num_blocks2, 1024, 0, device, reducer.initialize(),
num_preserved_vals, output);
LAUNCH_GPU_KERNEL((InnerReductionKernel<num_per_thread, Self, Op, Index>), num_blocks, block_size, 0, device,
reducer, self, num_coeffs_to_reduce, num_preserved_vals, output);
return false;
template <typename Self, typename Op>
struct InnerReductionLauncher<Self, Op, Eigen::half, false> {
static bool run(const Self&, Op&, const GpuDevice&, half*, typename Self::Index, typename Self::Index) {
gpu_assert(false && "Should not be called since there is no packet accessor");
return true;
template <typename Self, typename Op>
struct InnerReductionLauncher<Self, Op, Eigen::half, true> {
static bool run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, half* output,
typename Self::Index num_coeffs_to_reduce, typename Self::Index num_preserved_vals) {
typedef typename Self::Index Index;
if (num_preserved_vals % 2 != 0) {
return true;
const Index num_coeffs = num_coeffs_to_reduce * num_preserved_vals;
const int block_size = 128;
const int num_per_thread = 64;
const int dyn_blocks = numext::div_ceil<int>(num_coeffs, block_size * num_per_thread);
const int max_blocks = device.getNumGpuMultiProcessors() * device.maxGpuThreadsPerMultiProcessor() / block_size;
const int num_blocks = numext::mini<int>(max_blocks, dyn_blocks);
if (num_blocks > 1) {
LAUNCH_GPU_KERNEL((ReductionInitKernelHalfFloat<Self, Op, Index>), 1, 1, 0, device, reducer, self,
num_preserved_vals, output);
LAUNCH_GPU_KERNEL((InnerReductionKernelHalfFloat<num_per_thread, Self, Op, Index>), num_blocks, block_size, 0,
device, reducer, self, num_coeffs_to_reduce, num_preserved_vals, output);
return false;
template <typename Self, typename Op>
struct InnerReducer<Self, Op, GpuDevice> {
static constexpr bool HasOptimizedImplementation =
!Self::ReducerTraits::IsStateful && (internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, float>::value ||
internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, double>::value ||
(internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, Eigen::half>::value &&
reducer_traits<Op, GpuDevice>::PacketAccess));
static constexpr bool HasOptimizedImplementation =
!Self::ReducerTraits::IsStateful && (internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, float>::value ||
internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, double>::value);
template <typename OutputType>
static bool run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, OutputType* output,
typename Self::Index num_coeffs_to_reduce, typename Self::Index num_preserved_vals) {
gpu_assert(HasOptimizedImplementation && "Should only be called on doubles, floats or half floats");
const Index num_coeffs = array_prod(self.m_impl.dimensions());
if (num_coeffs == 0) {
return true;
if (num_coeffs_to_reduce <= 128) {
return true;
return InnerReductionLauncher<Self, Op, OutputType, reducer_traits<Op, GpuDevice>::PacketAccess>::run(
self, reducer, device, output, num_coeffs_to_reduce, num_preserved_vals);
template <int NumPerThread, typename Self, typename Reducer, typename Index>
__global__ EIGEN_HIP_LAUNCH_BOUNDS_1024 void OuterReductionKernel(Reducer reducer, const Self input,
Index num_coeffs_to_reduce,
Index num_preserved_coeffs,
typename Self::CoeffReturnType* output) {
const Index num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
const Index thread_id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (gridDim.x == 1) {
for (Index i = thread_id; i < num_preserved_coeffs; i += num_threads) {
output[i] = reducer.initialize();
const Index max_iter = num_preserved_coeffs * numext::div_ceil<Index>(num_coeffs_to_reduce, NumPerThread);
for (Index i = thread_id; i < max_iter; i += num_threads) {
const Index input_col = i % num_preserved_coeffs;
const Index input_row = (i / num_preserved_coeffs) * NumPerThread;
typename Self::CoeffReturnType reduced_val = reducer.initialize();
const Index max_row = numext::mini(input_row + NumPerThread, num_coeffs_to_reduce);
for (Index j = input_row; j < max_row; j++) {
typename Self::CoeffReturnType val = input.m_impl.coeff(j * num_preserved_coeffs + input_col);
reducer.reduce(val, &reduced_val);
atomicReduce(&(output[input_col]), reduced_val, reducer);
template <typename Self, typename Op>
struct OuterReducer<Self, Op, GpuDevice> {
static constexpr bool HasOptimizedImplementation =
!Self::ReducerTraits::IsStateful && (internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, float>::value ||
internal::is_same<typename Self::CoeffReturnType, double>::value);
template <typename Device, typename OutputType>
#if !defined(EIGEN_HIPCC)
run(const Self&, Op&, const Device&, OutputType*, typename Self::Index, typename Self::Index) {
gpu_assert(false && "Should only be called to reduce doubles or floats on a gpu device");
return true;
static bool run(const Self& self, Op& reducer, const GpuDevice& device, float* output,
typename Self::Index num_coeffs_to_reduce, typename Self::Index num_preserved_vals) {
typedef typename Self::Index Index;
if (num_coeffs_to_reduce <= 32) {
return true;
const Index num_coeffs = num_coeffs_to_reduce * num_preserved_vals;
const int block_size = 256;
const int num_per_thread = 16;
const int dyn_blocks = numext::div_ceil<int>(num_coeffs, block_size * num_per_thread);
const int max_blocks = device.getNumGpuMultiProcessors() * device.maxGpuThreadsPerMultiProcessor() / block_size;
const int num_blocks = numext::mini<int>(max_blocks, dyn_blocks);
if (num_blocks > 1) {
const int dyn_blocks2 = numext::div_ceil<int>(num_preserved_vals, 1024);
const int max_blocks2 = device.getNumGpuMultiProcessors() * device.maxGpuThreadsPerMultiProcessor() / 1024;
const int num_blocks2 = numext::mini<int>(max_blocks2, dyn_blocks2);
LAUNCH_GPU_KERNEL((ReductionInitKernel<float, Index>), num_blocks2, 1024, 0, device, reducer.initialize(),
num_preserved_vals, output);
LAUNCH_GPU_KERNEL((OuterReductionKernel<num_per_thread, Self, Op, Index>), num_blocks, block_size, 0, device,
reducer, self, num_coeffs_to_reduce, num_preserved_vals, output);
return false;