
// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// multi_thread_gemm.h: Multi-threaded GEMM entry point.
// Readers note: To understand this file, it is useful to first
// read and understand the much simpler single_thread_gemm.h.


#include <atomic>  // NOLINT
#include <chrono>  // NOLINT
#include <thread>  // NOLINT
#include <vector>

#include "single_thread_gemm.h"

namespace gemmlowp {

// This value was empirically derived on an end-to-end application benchmark.
// That this number of cycles means that we may be sleeping substantially longer
// than a scheduler timeslice's duration is not necessarily surprising. The
// idea is to pick up quickly new work after having finished the previous
// workload. When it's new work within the same GEMM as the previous work, the
// time interval that we might be busy-waiting is very small, so for that
// purpose it would be more than enough to sleep for 1 million cycles.
// That is all what we would observe on a GEMM benchmark. However, in a real
// application, after having finished a GEMM, we might do unrelated work for
// a little while, then start on a new GEMM. Think of a neural network
// application performing inference, where many but not all layers are
// implemented by a GEMM. In such cases, our worker threads might be idle for
// longer periods of time before having work again. If we let them passively
// wait, on a mobile device, the CPU scheduler might aggressively clock down
// or even turn off the CPU cores that they were running on. That would result
// in a long delay the next time these need to be turned back on for the next
// GEMM. So we need to strike a balance that reflects typical time intervals
// between consecutive GEMM invokations, not just intra-GEMM considerations.
// Of course, we need to balance keeping CPUs spinning longer to resume work
// faster, versus passively waiting to conserve power.
const int kMaxBusyWaitNOPs =;

// On X86 and ARM platforms we may use NOP instructions to know how long we
// are busy-waiting.

    (defined(GEMMLOWP_ARM) || defined(GEMMLOWP_X86))


#define GEMMLOWP_NOP16
#define GEMMLOWP_NOP64

inline int DoSomeNOPs() {}


#else  // May not use asm NOP.

// If we can't use NOPs, let's use a non-inline function call as a basic
// thing that has some vaguely known, nonzero cost.
inline int DoSomeNOPs() {
  // Pretend that calling an empty function takes as long as 16 NOPs...
  return 16;

// Waits until *var != initial_value.
// Returns the new value of *var. The guarantee here is that
// the return value is different from initial_value, and that that
// new value has been taken by *var at some point during the
// execution of this function. There is no guarantee that this is
// still the value of *var when this function returns, since *var is
// not assumed to be guarded by any lock.
// First does some busy-waiting for a fixed number of no-op cycles,
// then falls back to passive waiting for the given condvar, guarded
// by the given mutex.
// The idea of doing some initial busy-waiting is to help get
// better and more consistent multithreading benefits for small GEMM sizes.
// Busy-waiting help ensuring that if we need to wake up soon after having
// started waiting, then we can wake up quickly (as opposed to, say,
// having to wait to be scheduled again by the OS). On the other hand,
// we must still eventually revert to passive waiting for longer waits
// (e.g. worker threads having finished a GEMM and waiting until the next GEMM)
// so as to avoid permanently spinning.
template <typename T>
T WaitForVariableChange(std::atomic<T>* var, T initial_value,
                        pthread_cond_t* cond, pthread_mutex_t* mutex) {}

// A BlockingCounter lets one thread to wait for N events to occur.
// This is how the master thread waits for all the worker threads
// to have finished working.
// The waiting is done using a naive spinlock waiting for the atomic
// count_ to hit the value 0. This is acceptable because in our usage
// pattern, BlockingCounter is used only to synchronize threads after
// short-lived tasks (performing parts of the same GEMM). It is not used
// for synchronizing longer waits (resuming work on the next GEMM).
class BlockingCounter {};

// A workload for a worker.
struct Task {};

// A worker thread.
class Worker {};

// A very simple pool of workers, that only allows the very
// specific parallelization pattern that we use here:
// a fixed number of workers can be given work, and one then
// waits for all of them to finish.
// See MultiThreadGemmContextBase for how other WorkersPool implementations can
// be used.
class WorkersPool {};

// The task we use to implement a multi-threaded Gemm: a block of the
// RHS has been packed by the master thread; each worker thread
// then has to pack a block of the LHS and accumulate the Gemm of these
// packed LHS and RHS blocks.
template <typename KernelFormat, typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar,
          typename BitDepthParams, MapOrder LhsOrder, MapOrder RhsOrder,
          MapOrder ResultOrder, typename LhsOffset, typename RhsOffset,
          typename OutputPipelineType, typename GemmContextType>
struct GemmWithPackedRhsTask : Task {};

// This base class for multi-threading allows subclasses to implement their own
// workers_pool() method.  See MultiThreadGemmContext below for an example;
// any other implementation of workers_pool() must return an object with the
// same public methods as WorkersPool.
class MultiThreadGemmContextBase : public SingleThreadGemmContext {};

class MultiThreadGemmContext : public MultiThreadGemmContextBase {};

// Determines how many threads should be used for a given Gemm
// operation.
template <int KernelRows>
inline int HowManyThreads(int max_num_threads, int rows, int cols, int depth) {}

// The main multi-threaded Gemm function.
// To understand it, first read the code of SingleThreadGemm().
// The parallelization scheme used here is to have this master function
// pack a block of RHS and then start worker threads to pack a block of LHS
// each, and accumulate the corresponding products.
template <typename KernelFormat, typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar,
          typename BitDepthParams, MapOrder LhsOrder, MapOrder RhsOrder,
          MapOrder ResultOrder, typename LhsOffset, typename RhsOffset,
          typename OutputPipelineType, typename GemmContextType>
void MultiThreadGemm(GemmContextType* context, const KernelBase& kernel,
                     const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, LhsOrder>& lhs,
                     const MatrixMap<const InputScalar, RhsOrder>& rhs,
                     MatrixMap<OutputScalar, ResultOrder>* result,
                     const LhsOffset& lhs_offset, const RhsOffset& rhs_offset,
                     const OutputPipelineType& output_pipeline) {}

}  // namespace gemmlowp