
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

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#include "xla/tsl/framework/convolution/eigen_convolution_helpers.h"

// Note this header is used in both TF and TFLite.
namespace Eigen {

namespace internal {

// WARNING: Most of the code here implicitly assumes that the matrix is in
// ColMajor layout. This is guaranteed by the tensor contraction (see
// TensorContraction.h).
// Inside Eigen a tensor contraction is represented by a matrix multiplication.
// We don't want to actually extract image patches and reshape the result into
// a matrix (this involves allocating huge extra memory), so the patch
// extraction and reshape operations are implicit.
// TensorContractionInputMapper takes a matrix index and returns the coefficient
// (or the packet) of the "virtual tensor", that would be at that index if we
// were to actually reshape the result of patch extraction.
// TensorContractionSubMapper provides a similar view into the "virtual matrix"
// at the given vertical and horizontal offsets.
// "Virtual matrix" dimensions:
//   *0: kernelChannels * kernelRows * kernelCols;
//    1: out_height * out_width; * OTHERS (e.g batches, etc...)
// *) extracted patches are continuous in memory (innermost dimension assuming
//    col major layout)
// With this dimensions:
//   row - offset within a single patch (in code: patchId)
//   col - index of the extracted patch (in code: patchIndex)
//         patchIndex ∈ [0..num_patches * OTHERS] (batch and other dimensions)
// TODO(ezhulenev): Consolidate this part of the code with the image patch
// extraction code since they are both very similar.

TensorContractionInputMapper<Scalar_, Index, Side, TensorEvaluator<const TensorReshapingOp<NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp<Rows, Cols, ArgType>>, Device>, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment>;

TensorContractionSubMapper<Scalar, Index, Side, TensorEvaluator<const TensorReshapingOp<NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp<Rows, Cols, ArgType>>, Device>, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment>;

// Arrange a block of the right input matrix (in our case it's always a "virtual
// matrix" constructed from extracted image patches) in contiguous memory.
// Given column major input (A0 beside A1 in memory):
// A0 B0 C0 D0  E0 F0 G0 H0 ... Z0
// A1 B1 C1 D1  E1 F1 G1 H1 ... Z1
// A2 B2 C2 D2  E2 F2 G2 H2 ... Z2
// A3 B3 C3 D3  E3 F3 G3 H3 ... Z3
// A4 B4 C4 D4  E4 F4 G4 H4 ... Z4
// A5 B5 C5 D5  E5 F5 G5 H5 ... Z5
// A6 B6 C6 D6  E6 F6 G6 H6 ... Z6
// A7 B7 C7 D7  E7 F7 G7 H7 ... Z7
// A8 ...
// ...
// *) A, B, C, ... - patches extracted from the original input.
// *) A0, A1, A2 ... - values from the same patch at different offsets.
// The traversal (packed rhs memory) order (B0 besides A0 in memory):
// A0 B0 C0 D0 A1 B1 C1 D1 ...
// E0 F0 G0 H0 E1 F1 G1 H1 ...
// ...
// Z0 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 ... <- doesn't belong to any block (nr = 4)
// This traversal order must be the same as in default gemm_pack_rhs defined in
// GeneralBlockPanelKernel.h.
// *) nr - number of registers along the 'n' dimension.
//    See GeneralBlockPanelKernel.h and "Anatomy of High-Performance Matrix
//    Multiplication" paper.
gemm_pack_rhs<Scalar, Index, TensorContractionSubMapper<Scalar, Index, Rhs, TensorEvaluator<const TensorReshapingOp<NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp<Rows, Cols, ArgType>>, Device>, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment>, nr, ColMajor, false, false>;

// Template specialization for packet_size = 2. We must special-case packet
// blocks with nr > packet_size, e.g. PacketBlock<Packet2d, 4>.
gemm_pack_rhs<Scalar, Index, TensorContractionSubMapper<Scalar, Index, Rhs, TensorEvaluator<const TensorReshapingOp<NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp<Rows, Cols, ArgType>>, Device>, nocontract_t, contract_t, 2, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment>, nr, ColMajor, false, false>;

// Special case for non-vectorized types such as float16.
gemm_pack_rhs<Scalar, Index, TensorContractionSubMapper<Scalar, Index, Rhs, TensorEvaluator<const TensorReshapingOp<NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp<Rows, Cols, ArgType>>, Device>, nocontract_t, contract_t, 1, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment>, nr, ColMajor, false, false>;
}  // end namespace internal

/** SpatialConvolution
 * \ingroup CXX11_NeuralNetworks_Module
 * \brief Applies a 2D convolution over a multichannel input image.
 * The input parameter is expected to be a tensor with a rank of 3 or more
 * (channels, height, width, and optionally others)
 * The kernel parameter is expected to be a 4D tensor (filters, channels,
 * kernel_height, kernel_width)
 * The input and the kernel must both be in col-major layout. The result will
 * also be in col-major layout.
 * If col_in_stride, row_in_stride > 1, then applies convolution with holes
 * (aka atrous convolution), sampling every col_in_stride, row_in_stride input
 * pixels.
 * If padding_top, padding_bottom, padding_left, or padding_right is specified,
 * then those paddings will be used to pad the input, and padding_type must be
 * The result can be assigned to a tensor of rank equal to the rank of the
 * input. The dimensions of the result will be filters, height, width (and
 * others if applicable).
 * It is possible to swap the order of the width and height dimensions provided
 * that the same order is used in the input, the kernel, and the output.
 * It is also possible to add an output kernel to the contraction, output
 * kernel is called by Eigen when it "finalizes" the block of an output tensor.
template <typename Input, typename Kernel,
          typename OutputKernel = const NoOpOutputKernel>
EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE static const std::conditional_t<
    internal::traits<Input>::Layout == ColMajor,
        const DSizes<typename internal::traits<Input>::Index,
        const TensorContractionOp<
            const array<IndexPair<typename internal::traits<Input>::Index>, 1>,
            const TensorReshapingOp<
                const DSizes<typename internal::traits<Input>::Index, 2>,
                const Kernel>,
            const TensorReshapingOp<
                const DSizes<typename internal::traits<Input>::Index, 2>,
                const TensorImagePatchOp<Dynamic, Dynamic, const Input> >,
            const OutputKernel> >,
        const DSizes<typename internal::traits<Input>::Index,
        const TensorContractionOp<
            const array<IndexPair<typename internal::traits<Input>::Index>, 1>,
            const TensorReshapingOp<
                const DSizes<typename internal::traits<Input>::Index, 2>,
                const TensorImagePatchOp<Dynamic, Dynamic, const Input> >,
            const TensorReshapingOp<
                const DSizes<typename internal::traits<Input>::Index, 2>,
                const Kernel>,
            const OutputKernel> > >
SpatialConvolution(const Input& input, const Kernel& kernel,
                   const Index row_stride = 1, const Index col_stride = 1,
                   const PaddingType padding_type = PADDING_SAME,
                   const Index row_in_stride = 1, const Index col_in_stride = 1,
                   const OutputKernel& output_kernel = OutputKernel(),
                   Index padding_top = 0, Index padding_bottom = 0,
                   Index padding_left = 0, Index padding_right = 0) {}

}  // end namespace Eigen