
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>CSS Basic User Interface Test: cursor:auto on form elements</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="The 'auto' cursor value does the same as 'default' over everything other than selectable text or editable elements, such as form elements that do not take text input.">
#test {
  border: solid blue;
  width: 200px;
  cursor: auto;
#test * {
  cursor: url("support/cursors/fail.png"), help !important; /* Override UA styles, regardless of specificity */
  cursor: auto !important; /* Override UA styles, regardless of specificity */
  resize: none; /* The appearance of the cursor over UA provided resize controls is out of scope. */
  overflow: hidden; /* The appearance of the cursor over UA provided scroll controls is out of scope */
#ref {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  cursor: default;
  border: solid orange;
:root {
  cursor: help; /* give the root element a different cursor so that
  it is easy to tell if something changes when hovering the target.*/
  <p>The test passes if, when moved over every element inside the blue box, the cursor remains the platform-dependent default cursor.</p>
  <p>Place the cursor into the orange box for a reference of what this should look like.</p>
  <div id=test>
    <input type=button value=input-button>
  <div id=ref></div>