
 * Copyright (c) 2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
 * Copyright (c) 2023 Valve Corporation
 * Copyright (c) 2023 LunarG, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Author: Charles Giessen <[email protected]>

#include "settings.h"

#include "allocation.h"
#include "cJSON.h"
#include "loader.h"
#include "loader_environment.h"
#include "loader_windows.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "stack_allocation.h"
#include "vk_loader_platform.h"

loader_platform_thread_mutex global_loader_settings_lock;
loader_settings global_loader_settings;

void free_layer_configuration(const struct loader_instance* inst, loader_settings_layer_configuration* layer_configuration) {}

void free_loader_settings(const struct loader_instance* inst, loader_settings* settings) {}

loader_settings_layer_control parse_control_string(char* control_string) {}

const char* loader_settings_layer_control_to_string(loader_settings_layer_control control) {}

uint32_t parse_log_filters_from_strings(struct loader_string_list* log_filters) {}

bool parse_json_enable_disable_option(const struct loader_instance* inst, cJSON* object, const char* key) {}

VkResult parse_layer_configuration(const struct loader_instance* inst, cJSON* layer_configuration_json,
                                   loader_settings_layer_configuration* layer_configuration) {}

VkResult parse_layer_configurations(const struct loader_instance* inst, cJSON* settings_object, loader_settings* loader_settings) {}

VkResult check_if_settings_path_exists(const struct loader_instance* inst, char* base, char* suffix, char** settings_file_path) {}
VkResult get_unix_settings_path(const struct loader_instance* inst, char** settings_file_path) {}

bool check_if_settings_are_equal(loader_settings* a, loader_settings* b) {}

void log_settings(const struct loader_instance* inst, loader_settings* settings) {}

// Loads the vk_loader_settings.json file
// Returns VK_SUCCESS if it was found & was successfully parsed. Otherwise, it returns VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED if it
// wasn't found or failed to parse, and returns VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if it was unable to allocate enough memory.
VkResult get_loader_settings(const struct loader_instance* inst, loader_settings* loader_settings) {}

VkResult update_global_loader_settings(void) {}

void init_global_loader_settings(void) {}
void teardown_global_loader_settings(void) {}

bool should_skip_logging_global_messages(VkFlags msg_type) {}

// Use this function to get the correct settings to use based on the context
// If inst is NULL - use the global settings and lock the mutex
// Else return the settings local to the instance - but do nto lock the mutex
const loader_settings* get_current_settings_and_lock(const struct loader_instance* inst) {}
// Release the global settings lock if we are using the global settings - aka if inst is NULL
void release_current_settings_lock(const struct loader_instance* inst) {}

VkResult get_settings_layers(const struct loader_instance* inst, struct loader_layer_list* settings_layers,
                             bool* should_search_for_other_layers) {}

// Check if layers has an element with the same name.
// If layer_property is a regular layer, check if the lib_path is the same.
// If layer_property is a meta layer, just use the layerName
bool check_if_layer_is_in_list(struct loader_layer_list* layer_list, struct loader_layer_properties* layer_property) {}

VkResult combine_settings_layers_with_regular_layers(const struct loader_instance* inst, struct loader_layer_list* settings_layers,
                                                     struct loader_layer_list* regular_layers,
                                                     struct loader_layer_list* output_layers) {}

VkResult enable_correct_layers_from_settings(const struct loader_instance* inst, const struct loader_envvar_all_filters* filters,
                                             uint32_t app_enabled_name_count, const char* const* app_enabled_names,
                                             const struct loader_layer_list* instance_layers,
                                             struct loader_pointer_layer_list* target_layer_list,
                                             struct loader_pointer_layer_list* activated_layer_list) {}