
<!DOCTYPE html>

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  <title>CSS Values and Units: serialization of calc() specified values: 19 arithmetical operations (complex)</title>

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  <meta content="This test verifies how 19 arithmetical operations of mixed length units in calc() specified values are serialized. Absolute length units (cm, in, mm, pc, pt, q, px), font-relative length units (ex, em, rem), viewport-percentage length units (vh, vmax, vmin, vw) and percentage units are tested. 12 additions, 6 substractions and 1 division are tested." name="assert">


  Issue 1050968: CSS calc and other math function serialization doesn't follow the spec


  <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>

  <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>

  <div id="target"></div>

  function startTesting()

  var targetElement = document.getElementById("target");

    function verifySerialization(specified_value, serialization_expected, description)

      { = specified_value;

      assert_equals(, serialization_expected);

      }, description);



  If nodes contains a number, remove it from nodes and append it to ret.

  If nodes contains a percentage, remove it from nodes and append it to ret.

  If nodes contains any dimensions, remove them from nodes, sort them by their units, ordered ASCII case-insensitively, and append them to ret.

  If nodes still contains any items, append them to ret in the same order.



  /* 12 Additions */

    verifySerialization("calc(1vh + 2px + 3%)", "calc(3% + 2px + 1vh)", "testing calc(1vh + 2px + 3%)");

    verifySerialization("calc(4px + 1vh)", "calc(4px + 1vh)", "testing calc(4px + 1vh)");

    verifySerialization("calc(5px + 6em + 1vh)", "calc(6em + 5px + 1vh)", "testing calc(5px + 6em + 1vh)");

    verifySerialization("calc(-8px + 9em + 1vh)", "calc(9em - 8px + 1vh)", "testing calc(-8px + 9em + 1vh)");

    verifySerialization("calc(1pc + 1in + 1vh + 10%)", "calc(10% + 112px + 1vh)", "testing calc(1pc + 1in + 1vh + 10%)");

    verifySerialization("calc(25.4q + 1vh + 12%)", "calc(12% + 24px + 1vh)", "testing calc(25.4q + 1vh + 12%)");

    verifySerialization("calc(1em + 1.27cm + 13% + 3em)", "calc(13% + 4em + 48px)", "testing calc(1em + 1.27cm + 13% + 3em)");

 /* verifySerialization(specified_value, serialization_expected, description)  */

    verifySerialization("calc(15vw + 16vmin - 17vh)", "calc(-17vh + 16vmin + 15vw)", "testing calc(15vw + 16vmin - 17vh)");

    verifySerialization("calc(9pt + calc(9rem + 10px))", "calc(22px + 9rem)", "testing calc(9pt + calc(9rem + 10px))");

    verifySerialization("calc(5pt + 5em + 4pt + 3em)", "calc(8em + 12px)", "testing calc(5pt + 5em + 4pt + 3em)");

    verifySerialization("calc(4vmin + 0pt + 3pc)", "calc(48px + 4vmin)", "testing calc(4vmin + 0pt + 3pc)");

    verifySerialization("calc(4vmin + 0pt)", "calc(0px + 4vmin)", "testing calc(4vmin + 0pt)");


  More info on the calc(4vmin + 0pt) sub-test:
  Date: March 10th 2023


  /* 6 Substractions */

    verifySerialization("calc(100% - 100% + 1em)", "calc(0% + 1em)", "testing calc(100% - 100% + 1em)");

    verifySerialization("calc(100% + 1em - 100%)", "calc(0% + 1em)", "testing calc(100% + 1em - 100%)");

    verifySerialization("calc(1vh - 7px)", "calc(-7px + 1vh)", "testing calc(1vh - 7px)");

    verifySerialization("calc(5ex - 9ex)", "calc(-4ex)", "testing calc(5ex - 9ex)");


    An out-of-range value inside calc() is not syntactically invalid.
    Inside a calc() function, the resulting summation value can be
    out of range and can be serialized.


    verifySerialization("calc(-80px + 25.4mm)", "calc(16px)", "testing calc(-80px + 25.4mm)");

 /* verifySerialization(specified_value, serialization_expected, description)  */


    Check distributing multiplication over sums and subs simplification.
    NOTE: If root contains only two children, one of which is a number
    (not a percentage or dimension) and the other of which is a Sum
    whose children are all numeric values, multiply all of the Sum’s
    children by the number, then return the Sum. So, num * (fn + fn)
    should not be simplified.


    verifySerialization("calc(2 * (10px + 1rem))", "calc(20px + 2rem)", "testing calc(2 * (10px + 1rem))");
    verifySerialization("calc(2 * (10px - 1rem))", "calc(20px - 2rem)", "testing calc(2 * (10px - 1rem))");
    verifySerialization("calc((10px + 1rem) / 2)", "calc(5px + 0.5rem)", "testing calc((10px + 1rem) / 2)");
      "calc(2 * (min(10px, 20%) + max(1rem, 2%)))",
      "calc(2 * (min(10px, 20%) + max(1rem, 2%)))",
      "testing calc(2 * (min(10px, 20%) + max(1rem, 2%)))"
      "calc((min(10px, 20%) + max(1rem, 2%)) * 2)",
      "calc((min(10px, 20%) + max(1rem, 2%)) * 2)",
      "testing calc((min(10px, 20%) + max(1rem, 2%)) * 2)"

    verifySerialization("calc(1vmin - 14%)", "calc(-14% + 1vmin)", "testing calc(1vmin - 14%)");

  /* 1 Multiplication and division */

    verifySerialization("calc(4 * 3px + 4pc / 8)", "calc(20px)", "testing calc(4 * 3px + 4pc / 8)");

    This calc(4 * 3px + 4pc / 8) test is on purpose last. We want the
    div#target to occupy 20px and to not cause document box height
    to be unneedlessly tall.


