<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>calc-size() on flex-basis</title>
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-5/#calc-size">
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-flexbox/#flex-basis-property">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/fonts/ahem.css">
#container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
font-family: 'Ahem';
font-size: 20px;
width: 500px;
#target {
width: 125px;
flex-grow: 0;
flex-shrink: 0;
<div id="container">
Given the contents of #target (and the Ahem font):
max-content width is 30ch or 600px
min-content width is 20ch or 400px
<div id="target">ninechars twenty_characters___</div>
setup({explicit_done: true});
document.fonts.ready.then(()=> {
let basic_tests = [
/* I think flex layout rules require expectations be greater than width or min-content width */
{ value: "274px", expected: "274px" },
{ value: "min-content", expected: "400px" },
{ value: "fit-content", expected: "500px" },
{ value: "max-content", expected: "600px" },
{ value: "content", expected: "600px" },
{ value: "auto", expected: "125px" },
{ value: "calc-size(any, 357px)", expected: "357px" },
{ value: "calc-size(any, 31%)", expected: "155px" },
{ value: "calc-size(max-content, 31%)", expected: "155px" },
{ value: "calc-size(fit-content, 172px)", expected: "172px" },
{ value: "calc-size(37px, 193px)", expected: "193px" },
{ value: "calc-size(83px, size * 3)", expected: "249px" },
{ value: "calc-size(min-content, size / 2)", expected: "200px" },
{ value: "calc-size(max-content, size * 1.2)", expected: "720px" },
{ value: "calc-size(fit-content, size / 4 + 30px)", expected: "155px" },
{ value: "calc-size(stretch, size / 2 - 10%)", expected: "200px" },
{ value: "calc-size(30px, 15em)", expected: "300px" },
{ value: "calc-size(calc-size(any, 30px), 15em)", expected: "300px" },
{ value: "calc-size(calc-size(2in, 30px), 15em)", expected: "300px" },
{ value: "calc-size(calc-size(min-content, 30px), 15em)", expected: "300px" },
{ value: "calc-size(calc-size(min-content, size), size)", expected: "400px" },
{ value: "calc-size(auto, size)", expected: "125px" },
{ value: "calc-size(auto, size * 1.6 + 23px)", expected: "223px" },
{ value: "calc-size(content, size)", expected: "600px" },
{ value: "calc-size(content, size / 2)", expected: "300px" },
{ value: "auto", width_value: "auto", expected: "600px" },
{ value: "calc-size(auto, size * 2)", width_value: "auto", expected: "1200px" },
{ value: "auto", width_value: "calc-size(auto, size * 1.5 + 5px)", expected: "905px" },
{ value: "calc-size(auto, size + 14px)", width_value: "calc-size(auto, size * 1.5)", expected: "914px" },
{ value: "auto", width_value: "calc-size(max-content, size + 12px)", expected: "612px" },
{ value: "calc-size(auto, size + 4px)", width_value: "calc-size(fit-content, size + 12px)", expected: "516px" },
{ value: "472px", width_value: "calc-size(fit-content, size + 12px)", expected: "472px" },
{ value: "calc-size(content, size * 1.5 + 4px)", width_value: "321px", expected: "904px" },
const container = document.getElementById("container");
const target = document.getElementById("target");
const target_cs = getComputedStyle(target);
for (const obj of basic_tests) {
test((t) => {
target.style.flexBasis = obj.value;
assert_not_equals(target.style.flexBasis, "", "flex-basis value is accepted");
if ("width_value" in obj) {
target.style.width = obj.width_value;
assert_not_equals(target.style.width, "", "width value is accepted");
assert_equals(target_cs.width, obj.expected, "resulting width is correct");
}, `resolved value for width resulting from flex-basis: ${obj.value}${obj.width_value ? ` and width: ${obj.width_value}` : ""}`);