
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>CSS Values and Units Test: Checks viewport units against CSS 2.1 properties and the CSSOM</title>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="assert" content="Testing what happens when one applies and rereads viewport unit lengths to CSS 2.1 properties that accept length values" />
  <link rel="author" title="Christian Schaefer" href="mailto:[email protected]">
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    #div {
      position: relative;
      width: 50vw;
      height: 10vw;
      background: green;
      border: 0 green solid;
      font-size: 4vw;

    #table td {
      border: 1px solid green;
  <div id="log"></div>

    Checks viewport units. Also re-check with zoom in/out.

  <div id="div">
    Test the Web Forward!

  <table id="table">
        <td id="td">Test</td>


  /* Boilerplate code */

  var camelize = function (str) {
    return str.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(str, letter){
      return letter.toUpperCase();

  var retrieveComputedStyle = function(element,property){
    var result =

    // If there are multiple values, cut down to the first
    result = result.split(' ')[0];

    if(window.console) console.log('Retrieving ' + property + ' property. Result: ' + result);

    return result;

  var testit = function(element,vunit,property,expectedResult){[camelize(property)] = '0px';[camelize(property)] = lengthAmount + vunit;

    if(window.console) console.log(element.nodeName.toLowerCase() + '.style.' + camelize(property) + ' = ' + lengthAmount + vunit);

    var result = retrieveComputedStyle(element,property);

    // Test against WebKit's getComputedStyle bug, where it does not return absolute values
    // As required here:
    // If it returns a pixel value, but this value is 0px then it is considered a fail, too.
    var px_result =^[-\d\.]+px$/) !== -1 && result !== '0px' ? 'non-zero px-based value' : result;

    // If browser returns pixel value, we compare against our expected pixel value
    if(px_result === 'non-zero px-based value'){
      },vunit + ' length applied to ' + property);
    // If not, we compare against the value we set initially
    else {
        assert_equals(result,lengthAmount + vunit);
      },vunit + ' length applied to ' + property);

    // Does the browser have a bug in getComputedStyle or not?
      assert_equals(px_result,'non-zero px-based value');
    },vunit + ' length applied to ' + property + ': getComputedStyle returns a non-zero px-based value');[camelize(property)] = '';

  var lengthAmount = 10;
  var layoutViewportWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  var layoutViewportHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;

  var viewportUnits = [
       ident: 'vw',
       expectedResult: Math.round(layoutViewportWidth * (lengthAmount / 100))
       ident: 'vh',
       expectedResult: Math.round(layoutViewportHeight * (lengthAmount / 100))
       ident: 'vmin',
       expectedResult: layoutViewportWidth < layoutViewportHeight ? Math.round(layoutViewportWidth * (lengthAmount / 100)) : Math.round(layoutViewportHeight * (lengthAmount / 100))
       ident: 'vmax',
       expectedResult: layoutViewportWidth > layoutViewportHeight ? Math.round(layoutViewportWidth * (lengthAmount / 100)) : Math.round(layoutViewportHeight * (lengthAmount / 100))

  // List of length accepting properties and which element they map to
  var lengthAcceptingProperties = [
      name: 'width',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'height',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'min-width',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'min-height',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'max-width',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'max-height',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'margin-top',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'padding-top',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'border-top-width',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'font-size',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'line-height',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'border-spacing',
      element: 'table'
      name: 'top',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'right',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'bottom',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'left',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'letter-spacing',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'text-indent',
      element: 'div'
      name: 'vertical-align',
      element: 'td'
      name: 'word-spacing',
      element: 'div'

  var div = document.getElementById('div');
  var table = document.getElementById('table');
  var td = document.getElementById('td');

  for(unitEntry in viewportUnits){
    for(propertyEntry in lengthAcceptingProperties){

      var vunit = viewportUnits[unitEntry].ident;
      var expectedResult = viewportUnits[unitEntry].expectedResult;
      var property = lengthAcceptingProperties[propertyEntry].name;
      var element = window[lengthAcceptingProperties[propertyEntry].element];

