
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.
 * Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Valve Corporation
 * Copyright (c) 2015-2024 LunarG, Inc.
 * Modifications Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Modifications Copyright (C) 2022 RasterGrid Kft.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include "generated/chassis.h"
#include "state_tracker/state_tracker.h"
#include "state_tracker/cmd_buffer_state.h"
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include <chrono>

static const uint32_t kMemoryObjectWarningLimit =;

// Maximum number of instanced vertex buffers which should be used
static const uint32_t kMaxInstancedVertexBuffers =;

// Recommended allocation size for vkAllocateMemory
static const VkDeviceSize kMinDeviceAllocationSize =;

// If a buffer or image is allocated and it consumes an entire VkDeviceMemory, it should at least be this large.
// This is slightly different from minDeviceAllocationSize since the 256K buffer can still be sensibly
// suballocated from. If we consume an entire allocation with one image or buffer, it should at least be for a
// very large allocation.
static const VkDeviceSize kMinDedicatedAllocationSize =;

// AMD best practices
// Note: These are initial ball park numbers for good performance
// We expect to adjust them as we get more data on layer usage
// Avoid small command buffers
static const uint32_t kMinRecommendedCommandBufferSizeAMD =;
// Avoid small secondary command buffers
static const uint32_t kMinRecommendedDrawsInSecondaryCommandBufferSizeAMD =;
// Idealy, only 1 fence per frame, so 3 for triple buffering
static const uint32_t kMaxRecommendedFenceObjectsSizeAMD =;
// Avoid excessive sempahores
static const uint32_t kMaxRecommendedSemaphoreObjectsSizeAMD =;
// Avoid excessive barriers
static const uint32_t kMaxRecommendedBarriersSizeAMD =;
// Avoid excessive pipelines
static const uint32_t kMaxRecommendedNumberOfPSOAMD =;
// Unlikely that the user needs all the dynamic states enabled at the same time, and they encur a cost
static const uint32_t kDynamicStatesWarningLimitAMD =;
// Too many dynamic descriptor sets can cause a large pipeline layout
static const uint32_t kPipelineLayoutSizeWarningLimitAMD =;
// Check that the user is submitting excessivly to a queue
static const uint32_t kNumberOfSubmissionWarningLimitAMD =;
// Check that there is enough work per vertex stream change
static const float kVertexStreamToDrawRatioWarningLimitAMD =;
// Check that there is enough work per pipeline change
static const float kDrawsPerPipelineRatioWarningLimitAMD =;
// Check that command buffers are used with an appropriatly sized pool
static const float kCmdBufferToCmdPoolRatioWarningLimitAMD =;
// Size for fast descriptor reads on modern NVIDIA devices
static const uint32_t kPipelineLayoutFastDescriptorSpaceNVIDIA =;
// Time threshold for flagging allocations that could have been reused
static const auto kAllocateMemoryReuseTimeThresholdNVIDIA =;
// Number of switches in tessellation, gemetry, and mesh shader state before signalling a message
static const uint32_t kNumBindPipelineTessGeometryMeshSwitchesThresholdNVIDIA =;
// Ratio where the Z-cull direction starts being considered balanced
static const int kZcullDirectionBalanceRatioNVIDIA =;
// Maximum number of custom clear colors
static const size_t kMaxRecommendedNumberOfClearColorsNVIDIA =;

// How many small indexed drawcalls in a command buffer before a warning is thrown
static const uint32_t kMaxSmallIndexedDrawcalls =;

// How many indices make a small indexed drawcall
static const int kSmallIndexedDrawcallIndices =;

// Minimum number of vertices/indices to take into account when doing depth pre-pass checks for Arm Mali GPUs
static const int kDepthPrePassMinDrawCountArm =;

// Minimum, number of draw calls in order to trigger depth pre-pass warnings for Arm Mali GPUs
static const int kDepthPrePassNumDrawCallsArm =;

// Maximum sample count for full throughput on Mali GPUs
static const VkSampleCountFlagBits kMaxEfficientSamplesArm =;

// On Arm Mali architectures, it's generally best to align work group dimensions to 4.
static const uint32_t kThreadGroupDispatchCountAlignmentArm =;

// Maximum number of threads which can efficiently be part of a compute workgroup when using thread group barriers.
static const uint32_t kMaxEfficientWorkGroupThreadCountArm =;

// Minimum number of vertices/indices a draw needs to have before considering it in depth prepass warnings on PowerVR
static const int kDepthPrePassMinDrawCountIMG =;

// Minimum, number of draw calls matching the above criteria before triggerring a depth prepass warning on PowerVR
static const int kDepthPrePassNumDrawCallsIMG =;

// Maximum sample count on PowerVR before showing a warning
static const VkSampleCountFlagBits kMaxEfficientSamplesImg =;

enum class DeprecationReason {};

struct DeprecationData {};

DeprecationData GetDeprecatedData(vvl::Extension extension);
std::string GetSpecialUse(vvl::Extension extension);

struct SpecialUseVUIDs {};


enum CALL_STATE {};


enum class ZcullDirection {};

namespace bp_state {
class PhysicalDevice;
class CommandBuffer;
class Swapchain;
class Image;
class DescriptorPool;
class Pipeline;
}  // namespace bp_state


class BestPractices : public ValidationStateTracker {};