
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.
 * Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Valve Corporation
 * Copyright (c) 2015-2024 LunarG, Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Google Inc.
 * Modifications Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>

#include <vulkan/vk_enum_string_helper.h>
#include "generated/chassis.h"
#include "core_validation.h"
#include "sync/sync_vuid_maps.h"
#include "utils/image_layout_utils.h"
#include "state_tracker/image_state.h"
#include "state_tracker/render_pass_state.h"

bool VerifyAspectsPresent(VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask, VkFormat format);


// Utility type for checking Image layouts
struct LayoutUseCheckAndMessage {};

template <typename RangeFactory>
bool CoreChecks::VerifyImageLayoutRange(const vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, const vvl::Image &image_state,
                                        VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask, VkImageLayout explicit_layout,
                                        const RangeFactory &range_factory, const Location &loc, const char *mismatch_layout_vuid,
                                        bool *error) const {}

bool CoreChecks::VerifyImageLayoutSubresource(const vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, const vvl::Image &image_state,
                                              const VkImageSubresourceLayers &subresource_layers, VkImageLayout explicit_layout,
                                              const Location &loc, const char *vuid) const {}

bool CoreChecks::VerifyImageLayout(const vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, const vvl::ImageView &image_view_state,
                                   VkImageLayout explicit_layout, const Location &loc, const char *mismatch_layout_vuid,
                                   bool *error) const {}

bool CoreChecks::VerifyImageLayout(const vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, const vvl::Image &image_state,
                                   const VkImageSubresourceRange &range, VkImageLayout explicit_layout, const Location &loc,
                                   const char *mismatch_layout_vuid, bool *error) const {}

void CoreChecks::TransitionFinalSubpassLayouts(vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state) {}

static GlobalImageLayoutRangeMap *GetLayoutRangeMap(GlobalImageLayoutMap &map, const vvl::Image &image_state) {}

// Helper to update the Global or Overlay layout map
struct GlobalLayoutUpdater {};

// This validates that the initial layout specified in the command buffer for the IMAGE is the same as the global IMAGE layout
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCmdBufImageLayouts(const Location &loc, const vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state,
                                            GlobalImageLayoutMap &overlayLayoutMap) const {}

void CoreChecks::UpdateCmdBufImageLayouts(const vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state) {}

// ValidateLayoutVsAttachmentDescription is a general function where we can validate various state associated with the
// VkAttachmentDescription structs that are used by the sub-passes of a renderpass. Initial check is to make sure that READ_ONLY
// layout attachments don't have CLEAR as their loadOp.
bool CoreChecks::ValidateLayoutVsAttachmentDescription(const VkImageLayout first_layout, const uint32_t attachment,
                                                       const VkAttachmentDescription2 &attachment_description,
                                                       const Location &layout_loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateMultipassRenderedToSingleSampledSampleCount(VkFramebuffer framebuffer, VkRenderPass renderpass,
                                                                     vvl::Image &image_state, VkSampleCountFlagBits msrtss_samples,
                                                                     const Location &rasterization_samples_loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateRenderPassLayoutAgainstFramebufferImageUsage(VkImageLayout layout, const vvl::ImageView &image_view_state,
                                                                      VkFramebuffer framebuffer, VkRenderPass renderpass,
                                                                      uint32_t attachment_index, const Location &rp_loc,
                                                                      const Location &attachment_reference_loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateRenderPassStencilLayoutAgainstFramebufferImageUsage(VkImageLayout layout,
                                                                             const vvl::ImageView &image_view_state,
                                                                             VkFramebuffer framebuffer, VkRenderPass renderpass,
                                                                             const Location &layout_loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::VerifyFramebufferAndRenderPassLayouts(const vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, const VkRenderPassBeginInfo &begin_info,
                                                       const vvl::RenderPass &render_pass_state,
                                                       const vvl::Framebuffer &framebuffer_state,
                                                       const Location &rp_begin_loc) const {}

void CoreChecks::TransitionAttachmentRefLayout(vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, const vku::safe_VkAttachmentReference2 &ref) {}

void CoreChecks::TransitionSubpassLayouts(vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, const vvl::RenderPass &render_pass_state,
                                          const int subpass_index) {}

// Transition the layout state for renderpass attachments based on the BeginRenderPass() call. This includes:
// 1. Transition into initialLayout state
// 2. Transition from initialLayout to layout used in subpass 0
void CoreChecks::TransitionBeginRenderPassLayouts(vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, const vvl::RenderPass &render_pass_state) {}

bool CoreChecks::VerifyClearImageLayout(const vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, const vvl::Image &image_state,
                                        const VkImageSubresourceRange &range, VkImageLayout dest_image_layout,
                                        const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::UpdateCommandBufferImageLayoutMap(const vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, const Location &image_loc,
                                                   const ImageBarrier &img_barrier, const vvl::CommandBuffer::ImageLayoutMap &current_map,
                                                   vvl::CommandBuffer::ImageLayoutMap &layout_updates) const {}

bool CoreChecks::FindLayouts(const vvl::Image &image_state, std::vector<VkImageLayout> &layouts) const {}

void CoreChecks::RecordTransitionImageLayout(vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, const ImageBarrier &mem_barrier) {}

void CoreChecks::TransitionImageLayouts(vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, uint32_t barrier_count,
                                        const VkImageMemoryBarrier2 *image_barriers) {}

void CoreChecks::TransitionImageLayouts(vvl::CommandBuffer &cb_state, uint32_t barrier_count,
                                        const VkImageMemoryBarrier *image_barriers, VkPipelineStageFlags src_stage_mask,
                                        VkPipelineStageFlags dst_stage_mask) {}

bool CoreChecks::IsCompliantSubresourceRange(const VkImageSubresourceRange &subres_range, const vvl::Image &image_state) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateHostCopyCurrentLayout(const VkImageLayout expected_layout, const VkImageSubresourceLayers &subres_layers,
                                               uint32_t region_index, const vvl::Image &image_state, const Location &loc,
                                               const char *image_label, const char *vuid) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateHostCopyCurrentLayout(const VkImageLayout expected_layout, const VkImageSubresourceRange &validate_range,
                                               uint32_t region_index, const vvl::Image &image_state, const Location &loc,
                                               const char *image_label, const char *vuid) const {}