
/* Copyright (c) 2015-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.
 * Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Valve Corporation
 * Copyright (c) 2015-2024 LunarG, Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Google Inc.
 * Modifications Copyright (C) 2020 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <cassert>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <vulkan/vk_enum_string_helper.h>
#include "core_validation.h"
#include "generated/spirv_grammar_helper.h"
#include "state_tracker/shader_stage_state.h"
#include "utils/hash_util.h"
#include "chassis/chassis_modification_state.h"
#include "state_tracker/descriptor_sets.h"
#include "state_tracker/render_pass_state.h"
#include "spirv-tools/optimizer.hpp"

// Validate use of input attachments against subpass structure
bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderInputAttachment(const spirv::Module &module_state, const vvl::Pipeline &pipeline,
                                               const spirv::ResourceInterfaceVariable &variable, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateConservativeRasterization(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                                   const spirv::StatelessData &stateless_data, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidatePushConstantUsage(const spirv::Module &module_state, const vvl::Pipeline &pipeline,
                                           const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint, const Location &loc) const {}

static void TypeToDescriptorTypeSet(const spirv::Module &module_state, uint32_t type_id, uint32_t &descriptor_count,
                                    vvl::unordered_set<uint32_t> &descriptor_type_set, bool is_khr) {}

static std::string string_DescriptorTypeSet(const vvl::unordered_set<uint32_t> &descriptor_type_set) {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderStageGroupNonUniform(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::StatelessData &stateless_data,
                                                    VkShaderStageFlagBits stage, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateMemoryScope(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::Instruction &insn, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateSubgroupRotateClustered(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::Instruction &insn,
                                                 const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderStorageImageFormatsVariables(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::Instruction &insn,
                                                            const Location &loc) const {}

// Map SPIR-V type to VK_COMPONENT_TYPE enum
VkComponentTypeKHR GetComponentType(const spirv::Instruction *insn) {}

// Validate SPV_KHR_cooperative_matrix (and SPV_NV_cooperative_matrix) behavior that can't be statically validated in SPIRV-Tools
// (e.g. due to specialization constant usage).
bool CoreChecks::ValidateCooperativeMatrix(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                           const ShaderStageState &stage_state, const uint32_t local_size_x,
                                           const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderResolveQCOM(const spirv::Module &module_state, VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
                                           const vvl::Pipeline &pipeline, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateAtomicsTypes(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::StatelessData &stateless_data,
                                      const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderFloatControl(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                            const spirv::StatelessData &stateless_data, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateExecutionModes(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                        const spirv::StatelessData &stateless_data, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderExecutionModes(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                              VkShaderStageFlagBits stage, const vvl::Pipeline *pipeline,
                                              const Location &loc) const {}

// For given pipelineLayout verify that the set_layout_node at slot.first
//  has the requested binding at slot.second and return ptr to that binding
static VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding const *GetDescriptorBinding(vvl::PipelineLayout const *pipelineLayout, uint32_t set,
                                                                uint32_t binding) {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidatePointSizeShaderState(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                              const vvl::Pipeline &pipeline, VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
                                              const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidatePrimitiveRateShaderState(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                                  const vvl::Pipeline &pipeline, VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
                                                  const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateTransformFeedbackDecorations(const spirv::Module &module_state, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateWorkgroupSharedMemory(const spirv::Module &module_state, VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
                                               uint32_t total_workgroup_shared_memory, const Location &loc) const {}

// Temporary data of a OpVariable when validating it.
// If found useful in another location, can move out to the header
struct VariableInstInfo {};

// easier to use recursion to traverse the OpTypeStruct
static void GetVariableInfo(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::Instruction *insn, VariableInstInfo &info) {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateVariables(const spirv::Module &module_state, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderDescriptorVariable(const spirv::Module &module_state, const vvl::Pipeline &pipeline,
                                                  const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateTransformFeedbackPipeline(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                                   const vvl::Pipeline &pipeline, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateTransformFeedbackEmitStreams(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                                      const spirv::StatelessData &stateless_data, const Location &loc) const {}

// Checks for both TexelOffset and TexelGatherOffset limits
bool CoreChecks::ValidateTexelOffsetLimits(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::Instruction &insn,
                                           const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderClock(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::StatelessData &stateless_data,
                                     const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateImageWrite(const spirv::Module &module_state, const Location &loc) const {}

static const std::string GetShaderTileImageCapabilitiesString(const spirv::Module &module_state) {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderTileImage(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                         const vvl::Pipeline *pipeline, const VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
                                         const Location &loc) const {}

// Validate the VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo from the various pipeline types or a Shader Object
bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderStage(const ShaderStageState &stage_state, const vvl::Pipeline *pipeline,
                                     const Location &loc) const {}

uint32_t CoreChecks::CalcShaderStageCount(const vvl::Pipeline &pipeline, VkShaderStageFlagBits stageBit) const {}

bool CoreChecks::GroupHasValidIndex(const vvl::Pipeline &pipeline, uint32_t group, uint32_t stage) const {}

// This is done in PreCallRecord to help with the interaction with GPU-AV
// See diagram on
void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCreateShaderModule(VkDevice device, const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo *pCreateInfo,
                                                 const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkShaderModule *pShaderModule,
                                                 const RecordObject &record_obj, chassis::CreateShaderModule &chassis_state) {}

void CoreChecks::PreCallRecordCreateShadersEXT(VkDevice device, uint32_t createInfoCount, const VkShaderCreateInfoEXT *pCreateInfos,
                                               const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkShaderEXT *pShaders,
                                               const RecordObject &record_obj, chassis::ShaderObject &chassis_state) {}

bool CoreChecks::RunSpirvValidation(spv_const_binary_t &binary, const Location &loc, ValidationCache *cache) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateShaderModuleCreateInfo(const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo &create_info,
                                                const Location &create_info_loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCreateShaderModule(VkDevice device, const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo *pCreateInfo,
                                                   const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkShaderModule *pShaderModule,
                                                   const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {}

bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateGetShaderModuleIdentifierEXT(VkDevice device, VkShaderModule shaderModule,
                                                             VkShaderModuleIdentifierEXT *pIdentifier,
                                                             const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {}

bool CoreChecks::PreCallValidateGetShaderModuleCreateInfoIdentifierEXT(VkDevice device, const VkShaderModuleCreateInfo *pCreateInfo,
                                                                       VkShaderModuleIdentifierEXT *pIdentifier,
                                                                       const ErrorObject &error_obj) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateRequiredSubgroupSize(const spirv::Module &module_state, const ShaderStageState &stage_state,
                                              uint64_t invocations, uint32_t local_size_x, uint32_t local_size_y,
                                              uint32_t local_size_z, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateComputeWorkGroupSizes(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                               const ShaderStageState &stage_state, uint32_t local_size_x, uint32_t local_size_y,
                                               uint32_t local_size_z, const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateTaskMeshWorkGroupSizes(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                                uint32_t local_size_x, uint32_t local_size_y, uint32_t local_size_z,
                                                const Location &loc) const {}

bool CoreChecks::ValidateEmitMeshTasksSize(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::EntryPoint &entrypoint,
                                           const ShaderStageState &stage_state, const Location &loc) const {}

// stateless spirv == doesn't require pipeline state and/or shader object info
// Originally the goal was to move more validation to vkCreateShaderModule time in case the driver decided to parse an invalid
// SPIR-V here, while that is likely not the case anymore, a bigger reason for checking here is to save on memory. There is a lot of
// state saved in the Module that is only checked once later and could be reduced if not saved.
bool CoreChecks::ValidateSpirvStateless(const spirv::Module &module_state, const spirv::StatelessData &stateless_data,
                                        const Location &loc) const {}