
 * Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Valve Corporation
 * Copyright (c) 2019-2024 LunarG, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "sync/sync_submit.h"
#include "sync/sync_validation.h"
#include "sync/sync_image.h"

AcquiredImage::AcquiredImage(const PresentedImage& presented, ResourceUsageTag acq_tag)

bool AcquiredImage::Invalid() const {}

SignalInfo::SignalInfo(const QueueBatchContext::Ptr& batch, const SyncExecScope& exec_scope)

SignalInfo::SignalInfo(const PresentedImage& presented, ResourceUsageTag acquire_tag)

void SignaledSemaphoresUpdate::OnSignal(const QueueBatchContext::Ptr& batch, const VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo& signal_info) {}

std::optional<SignalInfo> SignaledSemaphoresUpdate::OnUnsignal(VkSemaphore semaphore) {}

FenceSyncState::FenceSyncState() :{}

FenceSyncState::FenceSyncState(const std::shared_ptr<const vvl::Fence>& fence_, QueueId queue_id_, ResourceUsageTag tag_)
FenceSyncState::FenceSyncState(const std::shared_ptr<const vvl::Fence>& fence_, const PresentedImage& image, ResourceUsageTag tag_)

syncval_state::Swapchain::Swapchain(ValidationStateTracker& dev_data, const VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR* pCreateInfo,
                                    VkSwapchainKHR handle)

void syncval_state::Swapchain::RecordPresentedImage(PresentedImage&& presented_image) {}

// We move from the presented images array 1) so we don't copy shared_ptr, and 2) to mark it acquired
PresentedImage syncval_state::Swapchain::MovePresentedImage(uint32_t image_index) {}

void syncval_state::Swapchain::GetPresentBatches(std::vector<QueueBatchContext::Ptr>& batches) const {}

class ApplySemaphoreBarrierAction {};

class ApplyAcquireNextSemaphoreAction {};

QueueBatchContext::QueueBatchContext(const SyncValidator& sync_state, const QueueSyncState& queue_state)

QueueBatchContext::QueueBatchContext(const SyncValidator& sync_state)

void QueueBatchContext::Trim() {}

void QueueBatchContext::ResolveSubmittedCommandBuffer(const AccessContext& recorded_context, ResourceUsageTag offset) {}

VulkanTypedHandle QueueBatchContext::Handle() const {}

template <typename Predicate>
void QueueBatchContext::ApplyPredicatedWait(Predicate& predicate) {}

void QueueBatchContext::ApplyTaggedWait(QueueId queue_id, ResourceUsageTag tag) {}

void QueueBatchContext::ApplyAcquireWait(const AcquiredImage& acquired) {}

void QueueBatchContext::BeginRenderPassReplaySetup(ReplayState& replay, const SyncOpBeginRenderPass& begin_op) {}

void QueueBatchContext::NextSubpassReplaySetup(ReplayState& replay) {}

void QueueBatchContext::EndRenderPassReplayCleanup(ReplayState& replay) {}

void QueueBatchContext::ResolvePresentSemaphoreWait(const SignalInfo& signal_info, const PresentedImages& presented_images) {}

void QueueBatchContext::ResolveSubmitSemaphoreWait(const SignalInfo& signal_info, VkPipelineStageFlags2 wait_mask) {}

void QueueBatchContext::ImportTags(const QueueBatchContext& from) {}

std::vector<QueueBatchContext::ConstPtr> QueueBatchContext::ResolvePresentDependencies(
    vvl::span<const VkSemaphore> wait_semaphores, const ConstPtr& last_batch, const PresentedImages& presented_images,
    SignaledSemaphoresUpdate& signaled_semaphores_update) {}

bool QueueBatchContext::DoQueuePresentValidate(const Location& loc, const PresentedImages& presented_images) {}

void QueueBatchContext::DoPresentOperations(const PresentedImages& presented_images) {}

void QueueBatchContext::LogPresentOperations(const PresentedImages& presented_images, uint64_t submit_index) {}

void QueueBatchContext::DoAcquireOperation(const PresentedImage& presented) {}

void QueueBatchContext::LogAcquireOperation(const PresentedImage& presented, vvl::Func command) {}

void QueueBatchContext::SetupAccessContext(const PresentedImage& presented) {}

std::vector<QueueBatchContext::ConstPtr> QueueBatchContext::RegisterAsyncContexts(const std::vector<ConstPtr>& batches_resolved) {}

std::vector<QueueBatchContext::CommandBufferInfo> QueueBatchContext::GetCommandBuffers(const VkSubmitInfo2& submit_info) {}

// Look up the usage informaiton from the local or global logger
std::string QueueBatchContext::FormatUsage(ResourceUsageTagEx tag_ex) const {}

VkQueueFlags QueueBatchContext::GetQueueFlags() const {}

QueueId QueueBatchContext::GetQueueId() const {}

ResourceUsageTag QueueBatchContext::SetupBatchTags(uint32_t tag_count) {}

std::vector<QueueBatchContext::ConstPtr> QueueBatchContext::ResolveSubmitDependencies(
    vvl::span<const VkSemaphoreSubmitInfo> wait_infos, const QueueBatchContext::ConstPtr& last_batch,
    SignaledSemaphoresUpdate& signaled_semaphores_update) {}

bool QueueBatchContext::ValidateSubmit(const VkSubmitInfo2& submit, uint64_t submit_index, uint32_t batch_index,
                                       std::vector<std::string>& current_label_stack, const ErrorObject& error_obj) {}

QueueBatchContext::PresentResourceRecord::Base_::Record QueueBatchContext::PresentResourceRecord::MakeRecord() const {}
std::ostream& QueueBatchContext::PresentResourceRecord::Format(std::ostream& out, const SyncValidator& sync_state) const {}

QueueBatchContext::AcquireResourceRecord::Base_::Record QueueBatchContext::AcquireResourceRecord::MakeRecord() const {}

std::ostream& QueueBatchContext::AcquireResourceRecord::Format(std::ostream& out, const SyncValidator& sync_state) const {}

// Since we're updating the QueueSync state, this is Record phase and the access log needs to point to the global one
// Batch Contexts saved during signalling have their AccessLog reset when the pending signals are signalled.
// NOTE: By design, QueueBatchContexts that are neither last, nor referenced by a signal are abandoned as unowned, since
//       the contexts Resolve all history from previous all contexts when created
void QueueSyncState::UpdateLastBatch() {}

std::vector<QueueBatchContext::ConstPtr> SyncValidator::GetLastBatches(
    std::function<bool(const QueueBatchContext::ConstPtr&)> filter) const {}

std::vector<QueueBatchContext::Ptr> SyncValidator::GetLastBatches(std::function<bool(const QueueBatchContext::ConstPtr&)> filter) {}

// Note that function is const, but updates mutable submit_index to allow Validate to create correct tagging for command invocation
// scope state.
// Given that queue submits are supposed to be externally synchronized for the same queue, this should safe without being
// atomic... but as the ops are per submit, the performance cost is negible for the peace of mind.
uint64_t QueueSyncState::ReserveSubmitId() const {}

void QueueSyncState::SetPendingLastBatch(QueueBatchContext::Ptr&& last) const {}

void BatchAccessLog::Import(const BatchRecord& batch, const CommandBufferAccessContext& cb_access,
                            const std::vector<std::string>& initial_label_stack) {}

void BatchAccessLog::Import(const BatchAccessLog& other) {}

void BatchAccessLog::Insert(const BatchRecord& batch, const ResourceUsageRange& range,
                            std::shared_ptr<const CommandExecutionContext::AccessLog> log) {}

// Trim: Remove any unreferenced AccessLog ranges from a BatchAccessLog
// In order to contain memory growth in the AccessLog information regarding prior submitted command buffers,
// the Trim call removes any AccessLog references that do not correspond to any tags in use. The set of referenced tag, used_tags,
// is generated by scanning the AccessContext and EventContext of the containing QueueBatchContext.
// Upon return the BatchAccessLog should only contain references to the AccessLog information needed by the
// containing parent QueueBatchContext.
// The algorithm used is another example of the "parallel iteration" pattern common within SyncVal.  In this case we are
// traversing the ordered range_map containing the AccessLog references and the ordered set of tags in use.
// To efficiently perform the parallel iteration, optimizations within this function include:
//  * when ranges are detected that have no tags referenced, all ranges between the last tag and the current tag are erased
//  * when used tags prior to the current range are found, all tags up to the current range are skipped
//  * when a tag is found within the current range, that range is skipped (and thus kept in the map), and further used tags
//    within the range are skipped.
// Note that for each subcase, any "next steps" logic is designed to be handled within the subsequent iteration -- meaning that
// each subcase simply handles the specifics of the current update/skip/erase action needed, and leaves the iterators in a sensible
// state for the top of loop... intentionally eliding special case handling.
void BatchAccessLog::Trim(const ResourceUsageTagSet& used_tags) {}

BatchAccessLog::AccessRecord BatchAccessLog::GetAccessRecord(ResourceUsageTag tag) const {}

std::string BatchAccessLog::CBSubmitLog::GetDebugRegionName(const ResourceUsageRecord& record) const {}

BatchAccessLog::AccessRecord BatchAccessLog::CBSubmitLog::GetAccessRecord(ResourceUsageTag tag) const {}

BatchAccessLog::CBSubmitLog::CBSubmitLog(const BatchRecord& batch,
                                         std::shared_ptr<const CommandExecutionContext::CommandBufferSet> cbs,
                                         std::shared_ptr<const CommandExecutionContext::AccessLog> log)

BatchAccessLog::CBSubmitLog::CBSubmitLog(const BatchRecord& batch, const CommandBufferAccessContext& cb,
                                         const std::vector<std::string>& initial_label_stack)

PresentedImage::PresentedImage(const SyncValidator& sync_state, QueueBatchContext::Ptr batch_, VkSwapchainKHR swapchain,
                               uint32_t image_index_, uint32_t present_index_, ResourceUsageTag tag_)

PresentedImage::PresentedImage(std::shared_ptr<const syncval_state::Swapchain> swapchain, uint32_t at_index) :{}

bool PresentedImage::Invalid() const {}

// Export uses move semantics...
void PresentedImage::ExportToSwapchain(SyncValidator&) {}

void PresentedImage::SetImage(uint32_t at_index) {}

void PresentedImage::UpdateMemoryAccess(SyncStageAccessIndex usage, ResourceUsageTag tag, AccessContext& access_context) const {}