
 *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

// Based on the WAV file format documentation at
// and

#include "common_audio/wav_header.h"

#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <string>

#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/sanitizer.h"
#include "rtc_base/system/arch.h"

namespace webrtc {
namespace {

#error "Code not working properly for big endian platforms."

#pragma pack(2)
struct ChunkHeader {};

#pragma pack(2)
struct RiffHeader {};

// We can't nest this definition in WavHeader, because VS2013 gives an error
// on sizeof(WavHeader::fmt): "error C2070: 'unknown': illegal sizeof operand".
#pragma pack(2)
struct FmtPcmSubchunk {};
const uint32_t kFmtPcmSubchunkSize =;

// Pack struct to avoid additional padding bytes.
#pragma pack(2)
struct FmtIeeeFloatSubchunk {};
const uint32_t kFmtIeeeFloatSubchunkSize =;

// Simple PCM wav header. It does not include chunks that are not essential to
// read audio samples.
#pragma pack(2)
struct WavHeaderPcm {};

// IEEE Float Wav header, includes extra chunks necessary for proper non-PCM
// WAV implementation.
#pragma pack(2)
struct WavHeaderIeeeFloat {};

uint32_t PackFourCC(char a, char b, char c, char d) {}

std::string ReadFourCC(uint32_t x) {}

uint16_t MapWavFormatToHeaderField(WavFormat format) {}

WavFormat MapHeaderFieldToWavFormat(uint16_t format_header_value) {}

uint32_t RiffChunkSize(size_t bytes_in_payload, size_t header_size) {}

uint32_t ByteRate(size_t num_channels,
                  int sample_rate,
                  size_t bytes_per_sample) {}

uint16_t BlockAlign(size_t num_channels, size_t bytes_per_sample) {}

// Finds a chunk having the sought ID. If found, then `readable` points to the
// first byte of the sought chunk data. If not found, the end of the file is
// reached.
bool FindWaveChunk(ChunkHeader* chunk_header,
                   WavHeaderReader* readable,
                   const std::string sought_chunk_id) {}

bool ReadFmtChunkData(FmtPcmSubchunk* fmt_subchunk, WavHeaderReader* readable) {}

void WritePcmWavHeader(size_t num_channels,
                       int sample_rate,
                       size_t bytes_per_sample,
                       size_t num_samples,
                       uint8_t* buf,
                       size_t* header_size) {}

void WriteIeeeFloatWavHeader(size_t num_channels,
                             int sample_rate,
                             size_t bytes_per_sample,
                             size_t num_samples,
                             uint8_t* buf,
                             size_t* header_size) {}

// Returns the number of bytes per sample for the format.
size_t GetFormatBytesPerSample(WavFormat format) {}

bool CheckWavParameters(size_t num_channels,
                        int sample_rate,
                        WavFormat format,
                        size_t bytes_per_sample,
                        size_t num_samples) {}

}  // namespace

bool CheckWavParameters(size_t num_channels,
                        int sample_rate,
                        WavFormat format,
                        size_t num_samples) {}

void WriteWavHeader(size_t num_channels,
                    int sample_rate,
                    WavFormat format,
                    size_t num_samples,
                    uint8_t* buf,
                    size_t* header_size) {}

bool ReadWavHeader(WavHeaderReader* readable,
                   size_t* num_channels,
                   int* sample_rate,
                   WavFormat* format,
                   size_t* bytes_per_sample,
                   size_t* num_samples,
                   int64_t* data_start_pos) {}

}  // namespace webrtc