
 *  Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

#include "call/bitrate_allocator.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>

#include "absl/algorithm/container.h"
#include "api/units/data_rate.h"
#include "api/units/time_delta.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/experiments/field_trial_parser.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_minmax.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/metrics.h"

namespace webrtc {

namespace {

// Allow packets to be transmitted in up to 2 times max video bitrate if the
// bandwidth estimate allows it.
const uint8_t kTransmissionMaxBitrateMultiplier =;
const int kDefaultBitrateBps =;

// Require a bitrate increase of max(10%, 20kbps) to resume paused streams.
const double kToggleFactor =;
const uint32_t kMinToggleBitrateBps =;

const int64_t kBweLogIntervalMs =;

double MediaRatio(uint32_t allocated_bitrate, uint32_t protection_bitrate) {}

bool EnoughBitrateForAllObservers(
    const std::vector<AllocatableTrack>& allocatable_tracks,
    uint32_t bitrate,
    uint32_t sum_min_bitrates) {}

// Splits `bitrate` evenly to observers already in `allocation`.
// `include_zero_allocations` decides if zero allocations should be part of
// the distribution or not. The allowed max bitrate is `max_multiplier` x
// observer max bitrate.
void DistributeBitrateEvenly(
    const std::vector<AllocatableTrack>& allocatable_tracks,
    uint32_t bitrate,
    bool include_zero_allocations,
    int max_multiplier,
    std::map<BitrateAllocatorObserver*, int>* allocation) {}

// From the available `bitrate`, each observer will be allocated a
// proportional amount based upon its bitrate priority. If that amount is
// more than the observer's capacity, it will be allocated its capacity, and
// the excess bitrate is still allocated proportionally to other observers.
// Allocating the proportional amount means an observer with twice the
// bitrate_priority of another will be allocated twice the bitrate.
void DistributeBitrateRelatively(
    const std::vector<AllocatableTrack>& allocatable_tracks,
    uint32_t remaining_bitrate,
    const std::map<BitrateAllocatorObserver*, int>& observers_capacities,
    std::map<BitrateAllocatorObserver*, int>* allocation) {}

// Allocates bitrate to observers when there isn't enough to allocate the
// minimum to all observers.
std::map<BitrateAllocatorObserver*, int> LowRateAllocation(
    const std::vector<AllocatableTrack>& allocatable_tracks,
    uint32_t bitrate) {}

// Allocates bitrate to all observers when the available bandwidth is enough
// to allocate the minimum to all observers but not enough to allocate the
// max bitrate of each observer.

// Allocates the bitrate based on the bitrate priority of each observer. This
// bitrate priority defines the priority for bitrate to be allocated to that
// observer in relation to other observers. For example with two observers, if
// observer 1 had a bitrate_priority = 1.0, and observer 2 has a
// bitrate_priority = 2.0, the expected behavior is that observer 2 will be
// allocated twice the bitrate as observer 1 above the each observer's
// min_bitrate_bps values, until one of the observers hits its max_bitrate_bps.
std::map<BitrateAllocatorObserver*, int> NormalRateAllocation(
    const std::vector<AllocatableTrack>& allocatable_tracks,
    uint32_t bitrate,
    uint32_t sum_min_bitrates) {}

// Allocates bitrate to observers when there is enough available bandwidth
// for all observers to be allocated their max bitrate.
std::map<BitrateAllocatorObserver*, int> MaxRateAllocation(
    const std::vector<AllocatableTrack>& allocatable_tracks,
    uint32_t bitrate,
    uint32_t sum_max_bitrates) {}

// Allocates zero bitrate to all observers.
std::map<BitrateAllocatorObserver*, int> ZeroRateAllocation(
    const std::vector<AllocatableTrack>& allocatable_tracks) {}

// Returns new allocation if modified, absl::nullopt otherwise.
absl::optional<std::map<BitrateAllocatorObserver*, int>> MaybeApplySurplus(
    const std::map<BitrateAllocatorObserver*, int>& allocation,
    const std::vector<AllocatableTrack>& allocatable_tracks,
    DataRate bitrate,
    DataRate upper_elastic_limit) {}

std::map<BitrateAllocatorObserver*, int> AllocateBitrates(
    const std::vector<AllocatableTrack>& allocatable_tracks,
    uint32_t bitrate,
    DataRate upper_elastic_limit) {}

}  // namespace

BitrateAllocator::BitrateAllocator(LimitObserver* limit_observer,
                                   DataRate upper_elastic_rate_limit)

BitrateAllocator::~BitrateAllocator() {}

void BitrateAllocator::UpdateStartRate(uint32_t start_rate_bps) {}

void BitrateAllocator::OnNetworkEstimateChanged(TargetTransferRate msg) {}

void BitrateAllocator::AddObserver(BitrateAllocatorObserver* observer,
                                   MediaStreamAllocationConfig config) {}

bool BitrateAllocator::RecomputeAllocationIfNeeded() {}

void BitrateAllocator::UpdateAllocationLimits() {}

void BitrateAllocator::RemoveObserver(BitrateAllocatorObserver* observer) {}

int BitrateAllocator::GetStartBitrate(
    BitrateAllocatorObserver* observer) const {}

uint32_t bitrate_allocator_impl::AllocatableTrack::LastAllocatedBitrate()
    const {}

uint32_t bitrate_allocator_impl::AllocatableTrack::MinBitrateWithHysteresis()
    const {}

// TODO(b/350555527): Remove after experiment
const char kElasticBitrateAllocator[] =;
DataRate GetElasticRateAllocationFieldTrialParameter(
    const FieldTrialsView& field_trials) {}

}  // namespace webrtc