
 *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

#include "common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"

#include <cstdint>

#include "api/video/i420_buffer.h"
#include "common_video/include/video_frame_buffer.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv.h"

namespace webrtc {

size_t CalcBufferSize(VideoType type, int width, int height) {}

int ExtractBuffer(const rtc::scoped_refptr<I420BufferInterface>& input_frame,
                  size_t size,
                  uint8_t* buffer) {}

int ExtractBuffer(const VideoFrame& input_frame, size_t size, uint8_t* buffer) {}

int ConvertVideoType(VideoType video_type) {}

int ConvertFromI420(const VideoFrame& src_frame,
                    VideoType dst_video_type,
                    int dst_sample_size,
                    uint8_t* dst_frame) {}

rtc::scoped_refptr<I420ABufferInterface> ScaleI420ABuffer(
    const I420ABufferInterface& buffer,
    int target_width,
    int target_height) {}

rtc::scoped_refptr<I420BufferInterface> ScaleVideoFrameBuffer(
    const I420BufferInterface& source,
    int dst_width,
    int dst_height) {}

double I420SSE(const I420BufferInterface& ref_buffer,
               const I420BufferInterface& test_buffer) {}

// Compute PSNR for an I420A frame (all planes). Can upscale test frame.
double I420APSNR(const I420ABufferInterface& ref_buffer,
                 const I420ABufferInterface& test_buffer) {}

// Compute PSNR for an I420A frame (all planes)
double I420APSNR(const VideoFrame* ref_frame, const VideoFrame* test_frame) {}

// Compute PSNR for an I420 frame (all planes). Can upscale test frame.
double I420PSNR(const I420BufferInterface& ref_buffer,
                const I420BufferInterface& test_buffer) {}

// Compute PSNR for an I420 frame (all planes)
double I420PSNR(const VideoFrame* ref_frame, const VideoFrame* test_frame) {}

double I420WeightedPSNR(const I420BufferInterface& ref_buffer,
                        const I420BufferInterface& test_buffer) {}

// Compute SSIM for an I420A frame (all planes). Can upscale test frame.
double I420ASSIM(const I420ABufferInterface& ref_buffer,
                 const I420ABufferInterface& test_buffer) {}

// Compute SSIM for an I420A frame (all planes)
double I420ASSIM(const VideoFrame* ref_frame, const VideoFrame* test_frame) {}

// Compute SSIM for an I420 frame (all planes). Can upscale test_buffer.
double I420SSIM(const I420BufferInterface& ref_buffer,
                const I420BufferInterface& test_buffer) {}

double I420SSIM(const VideoFrame* ref_frame, const VideoFrame* test_frame) {}

void NV12Scale(uint8_t* tmp_buffer,
               const uint8_t* src_y,
               int src_stride_y,
               const uint8_t* src_uv,
               int src_stride_uv,
               int src_width,
               int src_height,
               uint8_t* dst_y,
               int dst_stride_y,
               uint8_t* dst_uv,
               int dst_stride_uv,
               int dst_width,
               int dst_height) {}

NV12ToI420Scaler::NV12ToI420Scaler() = default;
NV12ToI420Scaler::~NV12ToI420Scaler() = default;

void NV12ToI420Scaler::NV12ToI420Scale(const uint8_t* src_y,
                                       int src_stride_y,
                                       const uint8_t* src_uv,
                                       int src_stride_uv,
                                       int src_width,
                                       int src_height,
                                       uint8_t* dst_y,
                                       int dst_stride_y,
                                       uint8_t* dst_u,
                                       int dst_stride_u,
                                       uint8_t* dst_v,
                                       int dst_stride_v,
                                       int dst_width,
                                       int dst_height) {}

}  // namespace webrtc