<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>cssom-view - elementFromPoint</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
.size {
.overlay {
.purple {
background-color: rebeccapurple;
.yellow {
background-color: yellow;
.teal {
background-color: teal;
.pink {
background-color: pink;
<div id='purple' class="size purple" > </div>
<div id='yellow' class="size yellow"> </div>
<div id='teal' class="size overlay teal"> </div>
<iframe id=iframe-1 src="iframe.html" style='display:none;position:absolute; left:300px;'></iframe>
<iframe id=iframe-2 src="iframe.html" width="" height=""></iframe>
<iframe id=iframe-3 width="" height=""></iframe>
<svg id=squiggle xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="98" width="500" viewBox="0 0 581 98">
<path stroke-dashoffset="0.00" stroke-dasharray="" d="M62.9 14.9c-25-7.74-56.6 4.8-60.4 24.3-3.73 19.6 21.6 35 39.6 37.6 42.8 6.2 72.9-53.4 116-58.9 65-18.2 191 101 215 28.8 5-16.7-7-49.1-34-44-34 11.5-31 46.5-14 69.3 9.38 12.6 24.2 20.6 39.8 22.9 91.4 9.05 102-98.9 176-86.7 18.8 3.81 33 17.3 36.7 34.6 2.01 10.2.124 21.1-5.18 30.1" stroke="#000" stroke-width="4.3" fill="none">
<svg id=svg-transform width="180" height="140"
<!-- Now we add a text element and apply rotate and translate to both -->
<rect x="50" y="50" height="60" width="60" style="stroke:#000; fill: #0086B2" transform="translate(30) rotate(45 50 50)"></rect>
<text x="60" y="105" transform="translate(30) rotate(45 50 50)"> Hello! </text>
<div id='pink' class='size pink' style='transform: translate(10px)'> </div>
<div id='anotherteal' class='size teal' style='pointer-events:none'>Another teal</div>
<img id="dinos" src="/images/blue-area.png" usemap="#dinos_map" border="0" width="364" height="40"/>
<map id="dinos_map" name="dinos_map">
<area id="rectG" shape="rect" coords="0,0,90,100" href="#" alt="area 1"/>
<area id="circleO" shape="circle" coords="120,60,30" href="#" alt="area 2"/>
<area id="polyLE" shape="poly" coords="280,0,310,0,360,30,360,90,280,90" href="#" alt="area 3"/>
<!-- Test for fieldsets not doing weird things. Use a 200x200 div to hold
all the bits for this test. Also, place it top/right, so it is not below
the bottom edge of the viewport. -->
<div style="position: absolute; width: 200px; height: 200px; right: 0; top: 0">
<div id="fieldset-div"
class="size" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0">
<fieldset id="fieldset"
style="position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 100px; border-radius: 100px">
<!-- Place the child span so the overflow area of the fieldset overlaps
the div -->
<span style="position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; height: 1px; width: 1px"></span>
window.onload = function () {
test(function () {
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(-1, -1), null,
"both co-ordinates passed in are negative so should have returned a null");
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(-1, -1), null,
"x co-ordinates passed in are negative so should have returned a null");
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(-1, -1), null,
"y co-ordinates passed in are negative so should have returned a null");
}, "Negative co-ordinates");
test(function () {
var viewportX = window.innerWidth;
var viewportY = window.innerHeight;
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(viewportX + 100, 10), null,
"X co-ordinates larger than viewport");
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(10, viewportY + 100), null,
"Y co-ordinates larger than viewport");
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(viewportX + 100, viewportY + 100), null,
"X, Y co-ordinates larger than viewport");
}, "co-ordinates larger than the viewport");
test(function () {
var viewportX = window.frames[1].innerWidth;
var viewportY = window.frames[1].innerHeight;
var iframeRect = document.getElementById('iframe-2').getBoundingClientRect();
assert_equals(null, window.frames[1].document.elementFromPoint(iframeRect.right + viewportX + 100, 10),
"X co-ordinates larger than viewport");
assert_equals(null, window.frames[1].document.elementFromPoint(10, iframeRect.bottom + viewportY + 100),
"Y co-ordinates larger than viewport");
assert_equals(null, window.frames[1].document.elementFromPoint(iframeRect.right + viewportX + 100,
iframeRect.bottom + viewportY + 100),
"X, Y co-ordinates larger than viewport");
}, "co-ordinates larger than the viewport from in iframe");
test(function () {
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(10, 10), document.getElementById('purple'),
"Should have returned the element with id `purple`");
}, "Return first element that is the target for hit testing");
test(function () {
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(10, 80), document.getElementById('yellow'),
"Should have returned the element with id `yellow` as element with `teal` has `pointer-events:none`");
}, "First element to get mouse events with pointer-events css");
test(function () {
var svg = document.getElementById('squiggle');
var svgRect = svg.getBoundingClientRect();
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(svgRect.left + Math.round(svgRect.width/2),
svgRect.top + Math.round(svgRect.height/2)),
"Should have returned the line SVG");
}, "SVG element at x,y");
test(function () {
var svg = document.getElementById('svg-transform');
var svgRect = svg.getBoundingClientRect();
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(svgRect.left + Math.round(svgRect.width/2),
svgRect.top + Math.round(svgRect.height/2)),
"Should have returned SVG with Hello WPT! that has a transform");
var pink = document.getElementById('pink');
var pinkRect = pink.getBoundingClientRect();
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(pinkRect.left + Math.round(pinkRect.width/2),
pinkRect.top + Math.round(pinkRect.height/2)),
"Should have returned pink element that has a transform");
}, "transformed element at x,y");
test(function () {
var anotherteal = document.getElementById('anotherteal');
var anothertealRect = anotherteal.getBoundingClientRect();
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(anothertealRect.left + Math.round(anothertealRect.width/2),
anothertealRect.top + Math.round(anothertealRect.height/2)),
"Should have returned the root as it has pointer-events:none");
var doc = frames[2].document;
assert_equals(doc.elementFromPoint(0, 0), null,
"Should have returned null as no root element");
}, "no hit target at x,y");
test(function () {
var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('foo');
assert_equals(doc.elementFromPoint(0, 0), null,
"Should have returned the documentElement for the document")
}, "No viewport available");
test(function () {
// HTML says:
// Pointing device interaction with an image associated with a set of layered shapes per
// the above algorithm must result in the relevant user interaction events being first
// fired to the top-most shape covering the point that the pointing device indicated, if
// any, or to the image element itself, if there is no shape covering that point.
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#image-map-processing-model
var area = document.getElementById('rectG');
var image = document.getElementById('dinos');
var areaRect = image.getBoundingClientRect();
areaRect.width = Math.min(areaRect.width, 90);
areaRect.height = Math.min(areaRect.height, 100);
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(areaRect.left + Math.round(areaRect.width/2),
areaRect.top + Math.round(areaRect.height/2)),
"Should have returned the area element");
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(areaRect.left + 92,
areaRect.top + 2),
"Should have returned the image element");
}, "Image Maps");
var fieldsetDiv = document.getElementById("fieldset-div");
var divRect = fieldsetDiv.getBoundingClientRect();
assert_equals(document.elementFromPoint(divRect.left + divRect.width/2,
divRect.top + divRect.height/2),
"The fieldset should not cover up the div it doesn't even overlap");
var fieldset = document.getElementById("fieldset");
var rect = fieldset.getBoundingClientRect();
// A point 5px in from topleft will be outside the rounded border.
assert_not_equals(document.elementFromPoint(rect.left + 5,
rect.top + 5),
"The fieldset should not be hit by hit-tests outside its rounded border");
}, "Fieldsets");