<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="author" title="Xidorn Quan" href="mailto:[email protected]">
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-1/#css-declaration-blocks">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
function createTestElement(style) {
let wrapper = document.createElement("div");
wrapper.innerHTML = `<div id="test" style="${style}"></div>`;
return wrapper.querySelector("#test");
test(function() {
let elem = createTestElement("z-index: 10;");
assert_equals(elem.style.cssText, "z-index: 10;");
}, "Style attribute should create CSS declaration block based on its content");
test(function() {
let elem = createTestElement("z-index: 20;");
let style = elem.style;
assert_equals(style.cssText, "z-index: 20;");
function assert_css_text(value, action) {
assert_equals(style.cssText, value, "CSS declaration block after " + action);
elem.setAttribute("style", "z-index: 21;");
assert_css_text("z-index: 21;", "changing the style attribute");
assert_css_text("", "removing the style attribute");
elem.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute;");
assert_css_text("position: absolute;", "adding style attribute again");
}, "Changes to style attribute should reflect on CSS declaration block");
test(function() {
let elem = createTestElement("z-index: 30;");
let style = elem.style;
assert_equals(style.cssText, "z-index: 30;");
function assert_attr(value, action) {
assert_equals(elem.getAttribute("style"), value, "style attribute after " + action);
style.setProperty("z-index", "31");
assert_attr("z-index: 31;", "changing property in CSS declaration block");
assert_attr("", "removing property from CSS declaration block");
style.setProperty("position", "absolute");
assert_attr("position: absolute;", "adding property to CSS declaration block");
style.cssText = "z-index: 32;";
assert_attr("z-index: 32;", "changing cssText");
style.cssText = "z-index: 33; invalid";
assert_attr("z-index: 33;", "changing cssText to a partial invalid value");
}, "Changes to CSS declaration block should reflect on style attribute");
test(function() {
let elem = createTestElement("z-index: 40;");
let style = elem.style;
assert_equals(style.cssText, "z-index: 40;");
// Create an observer for the element.
let observer = new MutationObserver(function() {});
observer.observe(elem, {attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true});
function assert_record_with_old_value(oldValue, action) {
let records = observer.takeRecords();
assert_equals(records.length, 1, "number of mutation records after " + action);
let record = records[0];
assert_equals(record.type, "attributes", "mutation type after " + action);
assert_equals(record.attributeName, "style", "mutated attribute after " + action);
assert_equals(record.oldValue, oldValue, "old value after " + action);
style.setProperty("z-index", "41");
assert_record_with_old_value("z-index: 40;", "changing property in CSS declaration block");
style.cssText = "z-index: 42;";
assert_record_with_old_value("z-index: 41;", "changing cssText");
style.cssText = "z-index: 42;";
assert_record_with_old_value("z-index: 42;", "changing cssText with the same content");
assert_record_with_old_value("z-index: 42;", "removing property from CSS declaration block");
// Mutation to shorthand properties should also trigger only one mutation record.
style.setProperty("margin", "1px");
assert_record_with_old_value("", "adding shorthand property to CSS declaration block");
assert_record_with_old_value("margin: 1px;", "removing shorthand property from CSS declaration block");
// Final sanity check.
assert_equals(elem.getAttribute("style"), "");
}, "Changes to CSS declaration block should queue mutation record for style attribute");
test(function() {
let elem = createTestElement("z-index: 50; invalid");
let style = elem.style;
assert_equals(style.cssText, "z-index: 50;");
// Create an observer for the element.
let observer = new MutationObserver(function() {});
observer.observe(elem, {attributes: true});
function assert_no_record(action) {
let records = observer.takeRecords();
assert_equals(records.length, 0, "expect no record after " + action);
style.setProperty("z-index", "invalid");
assert_no_record("setting invalid value to property");
// Longhand property.
assert_no_record("removing non-existing longhand property");
style.setProperty("position", "");
assert_no_record("setting empty string to non-existing longhand property");
// Shorthand property.
assert_no_record("removing non-existing shorthand property");
style.setProperty("margin", "");
assert_no_record("setting empty string to non-existing shorthand property");
// Check that the value really isn't changed.
assert_equals(elem.getAttribute("style"), "z-index: 50; invalid",
"style attribute after removing non-existing properties");
}, "Removing non-existing property or setting invalid value on CSS declaration block shouldn't queue mutation record");
test(function() {
let elem = createTestElement("background-image: url(./);");
let style = elem.style;
let base = document.createElement("base");
base.href = "/";
let originalComputedValue = getComputedStyle(elem).backgroundImage;
this.add_cleanup(() => {
style.setProperty("background-color", "green");
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(elem).backgroundImage, originalComputedValue,
"getComputedStyle(elem).backgroundImage after setting background-color");
style.setProperty("background-image", "url(./)");
assert_not_equals(getComputedStyle(elem).backgroundImage, originalComputedValue,
"getComputedStyle(elem).backgroundImage after setting background-image");
}, "Changes to CSS declaration block after a base URL change");
test(function() {
let e1 = document.createElement('div');
let e2 = document.createElement('div');
document.body.append(e1, e2);
this.add_cleanup(() => {
e1.style.cssText = "all:revert;border-bottom-left-radius:1px;";
e2.style.cssText = "all:unset;border-bottom-left-radius:1px;";
let processed = e1.style.cssText.split(';')
.map(x => x.replace(/revert$/, 'unset')).join(';');
assert_equals(processed, e2.style.cssText);
}, "Expansion of all:unset and all:revert treated identically");