
 *  Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.


#include <memory>
#include <string>

namespace webrtc {

class AggregatedCounter;
class Clock;
class Samples;

// `StatsCounterObserver` is called periodically when a metric is updated.
class StatsCounterObserver {};

struct AggregatedStats {};

// Classes which periodically computes a metric.
// During a period, `kProcessIntervalMs`, different metrics can be computed e.g:
// - `AvgCounter`: average of samples
// - `PercentCounter`: percentage of samples
// - `PermilleCounter`: permille of samples
// Each periodic metric can be either:
// - reported to an `observer` each period
// - aggregated during the call (e.g. min, max, average)
//                 periodically computed
//                    GetMetric()            GetMetric()   => AggregatedStats
//                        ^                      ^            (e.g. min/max/avg)
//                        |                      |
// |   *    *  *       *  |  **    *   * *     * | ...
// |<- process interval ->|
// (*) - samples
// Example usage:
// AvgCounter counter(&clock, nullptr);
// counter.Add(5);
// counter.Add(1);
// counter.Add(6);   // process interval passed -> GetMetric() avg:4
// counter.Add(7);
// counter.Add(3);   // process interval passed -> GetMetric() avg:5
// counter.Add(10);
// counter.Add(20);  // process interval passed -> GetMetric() avg:15
// AggregatedStats stats = counter.GetStats();
// stats: {min:4, max:15, avg:8}

// Note: StatsCounter takes ownership of `observer`.

class StatsCounter {};

// AvgCounter: average of samples
//           | *      *      *      | *           *       | ...
//           | Add(5) Add(1) Add(6) | Add(5)      Add(5)  |
// GetMetric | (5 + 1 + 6) / 3      | (5 + 5) / 2         |
// `include_empty_intervals`: If set, intervals without samples will be included
//                            in the stats. The value for an interval is
//                            determined by GetValueForEmptyInterval().
class AvgCounter : public StatsCounter {};

// MaxCounter: maximum of samples
//           | *      *      *      | *           *       | ...
//           | Add(5) Add(1) Add(6) | Add(5)      Add(5)  |
// GetMetric | max: (5, 1, 6)       | max: (5, 5)         |
class MaxCounter : public StatsCounter {};

// PercentCounter: percentage of samples
//           | *      *      *      | *           *       | ...
//           | Add(T) Add(F) Add(T) | Add(F)      Add(T)  |
// GetMetric | 100 * 2 / 3          | 100 * 1 / 2         |
class PercentCounter : public StatsCounter {};

// PermilleCounter: permille of samples
//           | *      *      *      | *         *         | ...
//           | Add(T) Add(F) Add(T) | Add(F)    Add(T)    |
// GetMetric | 1000 *  2 / 3        | 1000 * 1 / 2        |
class PermilleCounter : public StatsCounter {};

// RateCounter: units per second
//           | *      *      *      | *           *       | ...
//           | Add(5) Add(1) Add(6) | Add(5)      Add(5)  |
//           |<------ 2 sec ------->|                     |
// GetMetric | (5 + 1 + 6) / 2      | (5 + 5) / 2         |
// `include_empty_intervals`: If set, intervals without samples will be included
//                            in the stats. The value for an interval is
//                            determined by GetValueForEmptyInterval().
class RateCounter : public StatsCounter {};

// RateAccCounter: units per second (used for counters)
//           | *      *      *      | *         *         | ...
//           | Set(5) Set(6) Set(8) | Set(11)   Set(13)   |
//           |<------ 2 sec ------->|                     |
// GetMetric | (8 - 0) / 2          | (13 - 8) / 2        |
// `include_empty_intervals`: If set, intervals without samples will be included
//                            in the stats. The value for an interval is
//                            determined by GetValueForEmptyInterval().
class RateAccCounter : public StatsCounter {};

}  // namespace webrtc