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<title>CSSOM: resolved values of the width and height when the element generates no box or are a non-replaced inline aren't clamped by min-width / max-width</title>
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<link rel="author" title="Emilio Cobos Álvarez" href="mailto:[email protected]">
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<span id="non-replaced-inline"></span>
<div id="display-none" style="display: none"></div>
<div id="display-contents" style="display: contents"></div>
test(function() {
for (const e of document.querySelectorAll("[id]")) {
const cs = getComputedStyle(e);
for (const prop of ["width", "height"]) {
e.style.setProperty("min-" + prop, "10px");
e.style.setProperty("max-" + prop, "50px");
e.style.setProperty(prop, "10%");
assert_equals(cs[prop], "10%", `${e.id}: ${prop} with percentages returns percentages`);
e.style.setProperty(prop, "15px");
assert_equals(cs[prop], "15px", `${e.id}: ${prop} with value in range returns computed value`);
e.style.setProperty(prop, "1px");
assert_equals(cs[prop], "1px", `${e.id}: ${prop} with value out of range isn't clamped by min-${prop}`);
e.style.setProperty(prop, "60px");
assert_equals(cs[prop], "60px", `${e.id}: ${prop} with value out of range isn't clamped by max-${prop}`);
e.style.removeProperty("min-" + prop);
e.style.removeProperty("max-" + prop);
}, "Resolved value of width / height when there's no used value isn't clamped by min/max properties");