
  <link rel="author" title="Mozilla" href="">
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  <title>CSSPageDescriptors properties tests</title>
  <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
  <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
@page {
    size: a3;
    page-orientation: rotate-right;
    margin: 1em 24px 2in 101.5mm;
@page {
    size: jis-b5 landscape;
@page {
    size: 216mm;
<div id="target"></div>
'use strict';

let element = document.getElementById("target");
let computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
let style =;
let styleSheet = document.styleSheets[0];
let marginNames = ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"];
let pageDescriptors = ["margin", "page-orientation", "size"];
    pageDescriptors.push("margin-" + n);
    pageDescriptors.push("margin" + n[0].toUpperCase() + n.slice(1));

test(t => {
    // Check that size isn't exposed on all CSS style declarations.
    assert_equals(computedStyle.size, undefined,
        "computed style should not have size property");
    assert_equals(computedStyle.getPropertyValue("size"), "",
        "computed style getPropertyValue(\"size\") should be empty");

    assert_equals(style.size, undefined,
        "style should not have size property");
    assert_equals(style.getPropertyValue("size"), "",
        "style getPropertyValue(\"size\") should be empty");
    for(const val of ["initial", "auto", "100px"]){
        style.setProperty("size", val);
        assert_false(CSS.supports("size", val));
        assert_equals(style.size, undefined,
            "style should not have size property after assigning size=" + val);
        assert_equals(style.getPropertyValue("size"), "",
            "style getPropertyValue(\"size\") should be empty after assigning size=" + val);
        assert_own_property(styleSheet.cssRules[0].style.__proto__, prop,
            "CSSPageDescriptors should have property " + prop);
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[0].style.size, "a3");
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[0].style.pageOrientation, "rotate-right");
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[0].style.getPropertyValue("page-orientation"), "rotate-right",
        'Value of page-orientation should match pageOrientation from CSS');
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[1].style.size, "jis-b5 landscape");
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[2].style.size, "216mm");

    // Ensure we can set the size property to a valid value.
    styleSheet.cssRules[2].style.size = "portrait";
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[2].style.size, "portrait",
        'Should have been able to set size property to "portrait" on CSSPageDescriptors');
    // Ensure we cannot set the size property to an invalid property.
    styleSheet.cssRules[2].style.size = "notarealsize";
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[2].style.size, "portrait",
        'Should not have been able to set size property to "notarealsize" on CSSPageDescriptors');

    // Ensure we can set the orientation property to a valid value.
    styleSheet.cssRules[2].style.pageOrientation = "rotate-left";
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[2].style.pageOrientation, "rotate-left",
        'Should have been able to set pageOrientation property to "rotate-left" on CSSPageDescriptors');
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[2].style.getPropertyValue("page-orientation"), "rotate-left",
        'Value of page-orientation should match pageOrientation after setting from script');
    // Ensure we cannot set the orientation property to an invalid property.
    styleSheet.cssRules[2].style.pageOrientation = "schmotate-schmeft";
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[2].style.pageOrientation, "rotate-left",
        'Should not have been able to set pageOrientation property to "schmotate-schmeft" on CSSPageDescriptors');

    // Ensure we cannot set invalid page properties.
    styleSheet.cssRules[2].style.setProperty("float", "left");
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[2].style.cssFloat, undefined);

    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[0].style.marginLeft, "101.5mm");
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[0].style.marginRight, "24px");
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[0].style.marginTop, "1em");
    assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[0].style.marginBottom, "2in");
        let name1 = "margin-" + name;
        let name2 = "margin" + name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
            "CSSPageDescriptors " + name1 + " and " + name2 + " should be the same.");
        // Attempt setting through each name and ensure it is represented in the other.
        styleSheet.cssRules[0].style[name1] = "99px";
        assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[0].style[name1], "99px",
            "Should have been able to set " + name1 + " property on CSSPageDescriptors");
        assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[0].style[name2], "99px",
            "Setting " + name1 + " on CSSPageDescriptors should also set " + name2);
        styleSheet.cssRules[0].style[name2] = "216px";
        assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[0].style[name2], "216px",
            "Should have been able to set " + name2 + " property on CSSPageDescriptors");
        assert_equals(styleSheet.cssRules[0].style[name1], "216px",
            "Setting " + name2 + " on CSSPageDescriptors should also set " + name1);