export const testEl = document.createElement("div");
export const containerForInflow = document.createElement("div");
export const containerForAbspos = document.createElement("div");
export const containerForFixed = document.createElement("div");
testEl.id = "test";
containerForInflow.id = "container-for-inflow";
containerForAbspos.id = "container-for-abspos";
containerForFixed.id = "container-for-fixed";
const stylesheet = document.createElement("style");
stylesheet.textContent = `
#container-for-inflow {
/* Content area: 100px tall, 200px wide */
height: 100px;
width: 200px;
padding: 1px 2px;
border-width: 2px 4px;
margin: 4px 8px;
#container-for-abspos {
/* Padding area: 200px tall, 400px wide */
height: 184px;
width: 368px;
padding: 8px 16px;
border-width: 16px 32px;
margin: 32px 64px;
position: relative;
#container-for-fixed {
/* Padding area: 300px tall, 600px wide */
height: 172px;
width: 344px;
padding: 64px 128px;
border-width: 128px 256px;
margin: 256px 512px;
position: absolute;
transform: scale(1);
visibility: hidden;
[id ^= container] {
border-style: solid;
function runTestsWithWM(data, testWM, cbWM) {
const {
} = data;
let cbHeight = containingBlockElement ? containingBlockElement.clientHeight : NaN;
let cbWidth = containingBlockElement ? containingBlockElement.clientWidth : NaN;
if (containingBlockElement && containingBlockArea == "content") {
const cs = getComputedStyle(containingBlockElement);
cbHeight -= parseFloat(cs.paddingTop) + parseFloat(cs.paddingBottom);
cbWidth -= parseFloat(cs.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(cs.paddingRight);
const staticPositionTop = cbWM.blockStart == "top" || cbWM.inlineStart == "top"
? staticPositionY : cbHeight - staticPositionY;
const staticPositionLeft = cbWM.blockStart == "left" || cbWM.inlineStart == "left"
? staticPositionX : cbWidth - staticPositionX;
const staticPositionBottom = cbWM.blockStart == "bottom" || cbWM.inlineStart == "bottom"
? staticPositionY : cbHeight - staticPositionY;
const staticPositionRight = cbWM.blockStart == "right" || cbWM.inlineStart == "right"
? staticPositionX : cbWidth - staticPositionX;
function serialize(declarations) {
return Object.entries(declarations).map(([p, v]) => `${p}: ${v}; `).join("");
function wmName(wm) {
return Object.values(wm.style).join(" ");
function checkStyle(declarations, expected, msg) {
test(function() {
testEl.style.cssText = style + "; " + serialize(Object.assign({}, declarations, testWM.style));
if (containingBlockElement) {
containingBlockElement.style.cssText = serialize(Object.assign({}, cbWM.style));
const cs = getComputedStyle(testEl);
for (let [prop, value] of Object.entries(expected)) {
assert_equals(cs[prop], value, `'${prop}'`);
}, `${wmName(testWM)} inside ${wmName(cbWM)} - ${msg}`);
testEl.style.cssText = "";
if (containingBlockElement) {
containingBlockElement.style.cssText = "";
top: "1px",
left: "2px",
bottom: "3px",
right: "4px",
}, {
top: "1px",
left: "2px",
bottom: "3px",
right: "4px",
}, "Pixels resolve as-is");
top: "1em",
left: "2em",
bottom: "3em",
right: "4em",
"font-size": "10px",
}, {
top: "10px",
left: "20px",
bottom: "30px",
right: "40px",
}, "Relative lengths are absolutized into pixels");
if (preservesPercentages) {
top: "10%",
left: "25%",
bottom: "50%",
right: "75%",
}, {
top: "10%",
left: "25%",
bottom: "50%",
right: "75%",
}, "Percentages resolve as-is");
} else {
top: "10%",
left: "25%",
bottom: "50%",
right: "75%",
}, {
top: cbHeight * 10 / 100 + "px",
left: cbWidth * 25 / 100 + "px",
bottom: cbHeight * 50 / 100 + "px",
right: cbWidth * 75 / 100 + "px",
}, "Percentages are absolutized into pixels");
top: "calc(10% - 1px)",
left: "calc(25% - 2px)",
bottom: "calc(50% - 3px)",
right: "calc(75% - 4px)",
}, {
top: cbHeight * 10 / 100 - 1 + "px",
left: cbWidth * 25 / 100 - 2 + "px",
bottom: cbHeight * 50 / 100 - 3 + "px",
right: cbWidth * 75 / 100 - 4 + "px",
}, "calc() is absolutized into pixels");
if (canStretchAutoSize) {
// Force overconstraintment by setting size or with insets that would result in
// negative size. Then the resolved value should be the computed one according to
// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#resolved-value-special-case-property-like-top
top: "1px",
left: "2px",
bottom: "3px",
right: "4px",
height: "0px",
width: "0px",
}, {
top: "1px",
left: "2px",
bottom: "3px",
right: "4px",
}, "Pixels resolve as-is when overconstrained");
top: "100%",
left: "100%",
bottom: "100%",
right: "100%",
}, {
top: cbHeight + "px",
left: cbWidth + "px",
bottom: cbHeight + "px",
right: cbWidth + "px",
}, "Percentages absolutize the computed value when overconstrained");
if (preservesAuto) {
top: "auto",
left: "auto",
bottom: "3px",
right: "4px",
}, {
top: "auto",
left: "auto",
bottom: "3px",
right: "4px",
}, "If start side is 'auto' and end side is not, 'auto' resolves as-is");
top: "1px",
left: "2px",
bottom: "auto",
right: "auto",
}, {
top: "1px",
left: "2px",
bottom: "auto",
right: "auto",
}, "If end side is 'auto' and start side is not, 'auto' resolves as-is");
top: "auto",
left: "auto",
bottom: "auto",
right: "auto",
}, {
top: "auto",
left: "auto",
bottom: "auto",
right: "auto",
}, "If opposite sides are 'auto', they resolve as-is");
} else if (canStretchAutoSize) {
top: "auto",
left: "auto",
bottom: "3px",
right: "4px",
}, {
top: cbHeight - 3 + "px",
left: cbWidth - 4 + "px",
bottom: "3px",
right: "4px",
}, "If start side is 'auto' and end side is not, 'auto' resolves to used value");
top: "1px",
left: "2px",
bottom: "auto",
right: "auto",
}, {
top: "1px",
left: "2px",
bottom: cbHeight - 1 + "px",
right: cbWidth - 2 + "px",
}, "If end side is 'auto' and start side is not, 'auto' resolves to used value");
top: "auto",
left: "auto",
bottom: "auto",
right: "auto",
}, {
top: staticPositionTop + "px",
left: staticPositionLeft + "px",
bottom: staticPositionBottom + "px",
right: staticPositionRight + "px",
}, "If opposite sides are 'auto', they resolve to used value");
} else {
top: "auto",
left: "auto",
bottom: "3px",
right: "4px",
}, {
top: "-3px",
left: "-4px",
bottom: "3px",
right: "4px",
}, "If start side is 'auto' and end side is not, 'auto' resolves to used value");
top: "1px",
left: "2px",
bottom: "auto",
right: "auto",
}, {
top: "1px",
left: "2px",
bottom: "-1px",
right: "-2px",
}, "If end side is 'auto' and start side is not, 'auto' resolves to used value");
top: "auto",
left: "auto",
bottom: "auto",
right: "auto",
}, {
top: "0px",
left: "0px",
bottom: "0px",
right: "0px",
}, "If opposite sides are 'auto', they resolve to used value");
const writingModes = [{
style: {
"writing-mode": "horizontal-tb",
"direction": "ltr",
blockStart: "top",
blockEnd: "bottom",
inlineStart: "left",
inlineEnd: "right",
}, {
style: {
"writing-mode": "horizontal-tb",
"direction": "rtl",
blockStart: "top",
blockEnd: "bottom",
inlineStart: "right",
inlineEnd: "left",
}, {
style: {
"writing-mode": "vertical-lr",
"direction": "ltr",
blockStart: "left",
blockEnd: "right",
inlineStart: "top",
inlineEnd: "bottom",
}, {
style: {
"writing-mode": "vertical-lr",
"direction": "rtl",
blockStart: "left",
blockEnd: "right",
inlineStart: "bottom",
inlineEnd: "top",
}, {
style: {
"writing-mode": "vertical-rl",
"direction": "ltr",
blockStart: "right",
blockEnd: "left",
inlineStart: "top",
inlineEnd: "bottom",
}, {
style: {
"writing-mode": "vertical-rl",
"direction": "rtl",
blockStart: "right",
blockEnd: "left",
inlineStart: "bottom",
inlineEnd: "top",
export function runTests(data) {
for (let testWM of writingModes) {
for (let cbWM of writingModes) {
runTestsWithWM(data, testWM, cbWM);