
 *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

#include "media/base/rtp_utils.h"

#include <string.h>

#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

// PacketTimeUpdateParams is defined in asyncpacketsocket.h.
// TODO(sergeyu): Find more appropriate place for PacketTimeUpdateParams.
#include "media/base/turn_utils.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_util.h"
#include "rtc_base/async_packet_socket.h"
#include "rtc_base/byte_order.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/message_digest.h"

namespace cricket {

static const size_t kRtcpPayloadTypeOffset =;
static const size_t kRtpExtensionHeaderLen =;
static const size_t kAbsSendTimeExtensionLen =;
static const size_t kOneByteExtensionHeaderLen =;
static const size_t kTwoByteExtensionHeaderLen =;

namespace {

// Fake auth tag written by the sender when external authentication is enabled.
// HMAC in packet will be compared against this value before updating packet
// with actual HMAC value.
static const uint8_t kFakeAuthTag[10] =;

void UpdateAbsSendTimeExtensionValue(uint8_t* extension_data,
                                     size_t length,
                                     uint64_t time_us) {}

// Assumes `length` is actual packet length + tag length. Updates HMAC at end of
// the RTP packet.
void UpdateRtpAuthTag(uint8_t* rtp,
                      size_t length,
                      const rtc::PacketTimeUpdateParams& packet_time_params) {}

bool GetUint8(const void* data, size_t offset, int* value) {}

}  // namespace

bool GetRtcpType(const void* data, size_t len, int* value) {}

// This method returns SSRC first of RTCP packet, except if packet is SDES.
// TODO(mallinath) - Fully implement RFC 5506. This standard doesn't restrict
// to send non-compound packets only to feedback messages.
bool GetRtcpSsrc(const void* data, size_t len, uint32_t* value) {}

bool IsValidRtpPayloadType(int payload_type) {}

bool IsValidRtpPacketSize(RtpPacketType packet_type, size_t size) {}

absl::string_view RtpPacketTypeToString(RtpPacketType packet_type) {}

RtpPacketType InferRtpPacketType(rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> packet) {}

bool ValidateRtpHeader(const uint8_t* rtp,
                       size_t length,
                       size_t* header_length) {}

// ValidateRtpHeader() must be called before this method to make sure, we have
// a sane rtp packet.
bool UpdateRtpAbsSendTimeExtension(uint8_t* rtp,
                                   size_t length,
                                   int extension_id,
                                   uint64_t time_us) {}

bool ApplyPacketOptions(uint8_t* data,
                        size_t length,
                        const rtc::PacketTimeUpdateParams& packet_time_params,
                        uint64_t time_us) {}

}  // namespace cricket