
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Filter Effects: The in attribute</title>
<link rel="author" title="Cameron McCormack" href="mailto:[email protected]">
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<meta name="assert" content="References to non-existent results on a subsequent primitive must be treated like the previous primitive result.">
<p>The test passes if you see a green square and no red.</p>
<svg width="100" height="100">
    <filter id="f" x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
      <feFlood flood-color="green"/>
      <feComposite in="unknown" in2="SourceGraphic"/>
  <rect width="100" height="100" fill="red"/>
  <rect x="25" y="25" width="50" height="50" fill="blue" filter="url(#f)"/>