<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Geometry Interfaces: DOMMatrix and DOMMatrixReadOnly a-f alias attributes</title>
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.fxtf.org/geometry/#DOMMatrix">
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function defineThrowingGetter(object, attribute) {
Object.defineProperty(object, attribute, {
get: () => assert_unreached(`getter for ${attribute}`)
function defineThrowingSetter(object, attribute) {
Object.defineProperty(object, attribute, {
set: () => assert_unreached(`setter for ${attribute}`)
["DOMMatrix", "DOMMatrixReadOnly"].forEach((constr) => {
["a", "m11"],
["b", "m12"],
["c", "m21"],
["d", "m22"],
["e", "m41"],
["f", "m42"],
].forEach(([aliasAttribute, mAttribute]) => {
test(() => {
const matrix = new self[constr]([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
defineThrowingGetter(matrix, mAttribute);
assert_equals(matrix[aliasAttribute], 0);
}, `${constr} getting ${aliasAttribute} with throwing getter for ${mAttribute}`);
test(() => {
const matrix = new self[constr]([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
defineThrowingGetter(matrix, aliasAttribute);
assert_equals(matrix[mAttribute], 0);
}, `${constr} getting ${mAttribute} with throwing getter for ${aliasAttribute}`);
if (constr === "DOMMatrix") {
test(() => {
const matrix = new self[constr]([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
defineThrowingSetter(matrix, mAttribute);
matrix[aliasAttribute] = 1;
assert_equals(matrix[aliasAttribute], 1);
}, `${constr} setting ${aliasAttribute} with throwing setter for ${mAttribute}`);
test(() => {
const matrix = new self[constr]([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
defineThrowingSetter(matrix, aliasAttribute);
matrix[mAttribute] = 1;
assert_equals(matrix[mAttribute], 1);
}, `${constr} setting ${mAttribute} with throwing setter for ${aliasAttribute}`);