<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Motion Path Module Level 1: getComputedStyle().offsetPath</title>
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.fxtf.org/motion-1/#offset-path-property">
<meta name="assert" content="offset-path has absolute path commands.">
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<div id="target"></div>
test_computed_value("offset-path", "none");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(0deg)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(0rad closest-side)", "ray(0deg)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(0.25turn closest-corner contain)", "ray(90deg closest-corner contain)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(200grad farthest-side)", "ray(180deg farthest-side)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(270deg farthest-corner contain)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(-720deg sides)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(calc(180deg - 45deg) farthest-side)", "ray(135deg farthest-side)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(0deg at 100px 100px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(0deg sides at center center)", "ray(0deg sides at 50% 50%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(0deg at center center sides)", "ray(0deg sides at 50% 50%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(0deg at center center contain)", "ray(0deg contain at 50% 50%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(at 10px 10px 0deg contain)", "ray(0deg contain at 10px 10px)");
// It's unclear about the normalization at computed time, so we accept both
// cases for now.
// https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/321
test_computed_value("offset-path", 'path("m 20 0 h -100")', [
'path("M 20 0 H -80")',
'path("m 20 0 h -100")'
test_computed_value("offset-path", 'path("M 0 0 L 100 100 M 100 200 L 200 200 Z L 300 300 Z")');
test_computed_value("offset-path", 'path("m 10 20 q 30 60 40 50 q 100 70 90 80")', [
'path("M 10 20 Q 40 80 50 70 Q 150 140 140 150")',
'path("m 10 20 q 30 60 40 50 q 100 70 90 80")'
test_computed_value("offset-path", 'path("M 0 0 L 100 100 m 0 100 l 100 0 Z l 160 20 Z")', [
'path("M 0 0 L 100 100 M 100 200 L 200 200 Z L 260 220 Z")',
'path("M 0 0 L 100 100 m 0 100 l 100 0 Z l 160 20 Z")'
test_computed_value("offset-path", 'path("m 10 20 l 20 30 Z l 50 60 Z m 70 80 l 90 60 Z t 70 120")', [
'path("M 10 20 L 30 50 Z L 60 80 Z M 80 100 L 170 160 Z T 150 220")',
'path("m 10 20 l 20 30 Z l 50 60 Z m 70 80 l 90 60 Z t 70 120")'
test_computed_value("offset-path", 'path("m 10 170 h 90 v 30 m 0 0 s 1 2 3 4 z c 9 8 7 6 5 4")', [
'path("M 10 170 H 100 V 200 M 100 200 S 101 202 103 204 Z C 109 208 107 206 105 204")',
'path("m 10 170 h 90 v 30 m 0 0 s 1 2 3 4 Z c 9 8 7 6 5 4")'
test_computed_value("offset-path", 'path("m 10 20 a 10 20 30 1 0 40 50 a 110 120 30 1 1 140 50")', [
'path("M 10 20 A 10 20 30 1 0 50 70 A 110 120 30 1 1 190 120")',
'path("m 10 20 a 10 20 30 1 0 40 50 a 110 120 30 1 1 140 50")',
test_computed_value("offset-path", "inset(100%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "inset(0 1px)", "inset(0px 1px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "inset(0px 1px 2%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "inset(0px 1px 2% 3em)", "inset(0px 1px 2% 48px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "inset(0px round 100%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "inset(0px round 0 1px)", "inset(0px round 0px 1px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "inset(0px round 0px 1px 2%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "inset(0px round 0px 1px 2% 3em)", "inset(0px round 0px 1px 2% 48px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "inset(10px round 20% / 0px 1px 2% 3px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "circle()");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "circle(100px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "circle(closest-side)", "circle()");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "circle(at 50% 50%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "circle(100px at 50% 50%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "circle(farthest-side at center top)", "circle(farthest-side at 50% 0%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "circle(4% at top right)", "circle(4% at 100% 0%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ellipse()");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ellipse(1px closest-side)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ellipse(at 50% 50%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ellipse(closest-side closest-side at 10% 20%)", "ellipse(at 10% 20%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ellipse(farthest-side 4% at bottom left)", "ellipse(farthest-side 4% at 0% 100%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "polygon(1% 2%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "polygon(1px 2px, 3% 4%)");
// All <basic-shape-rect> functions compute to the equivalent inset() function.
// Given "xywh(x y w h)", the equivalent function is
// "inset(y calc(100% - x - w) calc(100% - y - h) x)".
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-shapes-1/#basic-shape-computed-values
// https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9053
test_computed_value("offset-path", "xywh(0 1% 2px 3em)", "inset(1% calc(100% - 2px) calc(99% - 48px) 0px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "xywh(0px 1% 2px 3em round 0)", "inset(1% calc(100% - 2px) calc(99% - 48px) 0px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "xywh(0px 1% 2px 3em round 0 1px)", "inset(1% calc(100% - 2px) calc(99% - 48px) 0px round 0px 1px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "xywh(0px 1% 2px 3% round 0px 1px 2em)", "inset(1% calc(100% - 2px) 96% 0px round 0px 1px 32px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "xywh(0px 1% 2px 3% round 0px 1px 2% 3px)", "inset(1% calc(100% - 2px) 96% 0px round 0px 1px 2% 3px)");
// Given "rect(t r b l)", the equivalent function is
// "inset(t calc(100% - r) calc(100% - b) l)".
test_computed_value("offset-path", "rect(auto auto auto auto)", "inset(0%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "rect(0 1% 2px 3em)", "inset(0px 99% calc(100% - 2px) 48px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "rect(0px 1% auto 3em round 0)", "inset(0px 99% 0% 48px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "rect(0px 1% auto 3% round 0 1px)", "inset(0px 99% 0% 3% round 0px 1px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "rect(0px 1% auto 3% round 0px 1px 2em)", "inset(0px 99% 0% 3% round 0px 1px 32px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "rect(0px 1% auto 3% round 0px 1px 2% 3px)", "inset(0px 99% 0% 3% round 0px 1px 2% 3px)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "content-box");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "border-box");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "view-box");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "inset(10% 20% 30% 40%) border-box", "inset(10% 20% 30% 40%)");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "fill-box ellipse(at 50% 60%)", "ellipse(at 50% 60%) fill-box");
test_computed_value("offset-path", "ray(0deg) stroke-box");
// Mentionted above above.
test_computed_value("offset-path", 'path("m 20 0 h -100") view-box', [
'path("M 20 0 H -80") view-box',
'path("m 20 0 h -100") view-box'