
This is a testharness.js-based test.
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 0px 0px, line to 10px 10px)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(  from 0px    0px, line  to 10px  10px     )" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 1em 50%, line to 10px 10px)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 1ch 50px, line to 10rem 10vh)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 1ch -50px, line to -10% 12px)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 10px 10px, move by 10px 5px, line by 20px 40%, close)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 10px 10px, hline by 10px, vline to 5rem)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 10px 10px, vline by 5%, hline to 1vw)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 10px 10px, curve to 50px 20px via 10rem 1%)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 10px 10px, curve to 50px 20px via 10rem 1px 20vh 1ch)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 10px 10px, curve by 50px 20px via 10rem 1px 20vh 1ch)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 10px 10px, smooth to 50px 20px via 10rem 1%)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 10px 10px, smooth to 50px 1pt)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 10px 10px, arc to 50px 1pt of 10px 10px)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 10px 10px, arc to 50px 1pt of 10px 10px small rotate 0deg)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
[FAIL]['offset-path'] = "shape(from 10% 1rem, arc to 50px 1pt of 20% cw large rotate 25deg)" should set the property value
  assert_not_equals: property should be set got disallowed value ""
Harness: the test ran to completion.