
<!doctype html>
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<title>Matching of child-indexed pseudo-classes</title>
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var check = function(element, selectors, qsRoot) {
  for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; ++i) {
    var selector = selectors[i][0];
    var expected = selectors[i][1];
    test(function() {
      assert_equals(expected, element.matches(selector));

      if (qsRoot) {
        assert_equals(expected, element === qsRoot.querySelector(selector));
        var qsa = qsRoot.querySelectorAll(selector);
        assert_equals(expected, !!qsa.length && element === qsa[0]);
    }, "Expected " + element.tagName + " element to " +
         (expected ? "match " : "not match ") + selector + " with matches" +
         (qsRoot ? ", querySelector(), and querySelectorAll()" : ""));

var rootOfSubtreeSelectors = [
  [ ":first-child", true ],
  [ ":last-child", true ],
  [ ":only-child", true ],
  [ ":first-of-type", true ],
  [ ":last-of-type", true ],
  [ ":only-of-type", true ],
  [ ":nth-child(1)", true ],
  [ ":nth-child(n)", true ],
  [ ":nth-last-child(1)", true ],
  [ ":nth-last-child(n)", true ],
  [ ":nth-of-type(1)", true ],
  [ ":nth-of-type(n)", true ],
  [ ":nth-last-of-type(1)", true ],
  [ ":nth-last-of-type(n)", true ],
  [ ":nth-child(2)", false ],
  [ ":nth-last-child(2)", false],
  [ ":nth-of-type(2)", false ],
  [ ":nth-last-of-type(2)", false],

check(document.documentElement, rootOfSubtreeSelectors, document);
check(document.createElement('div'), rootOfSubtreeSelectors);

var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
var div = document.createElement('div');
check(div, rootOfSubtreeSelectors, fragment);