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<title>CSS Selector Invalidation: :has() with pseudo-classes</title>
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main:has(input) div { color: grey }
main:has(#checkbox:checked) > #subject { color: red }
main:has(#option:checked) > #subject { color: red }
main:has(#checkbox:disabled) > #subject { color: green }
main:has(#option:disabled) > :is(#subject, #subject2) { color: green }
main:has(#optgroup:disabled) > #subject { color: blue }
main:not(:has(#checkbox:enabled)) > #subject3 { color: green }
main:not(:has(#option:enabled)) :is(#subject3, #subject4) { color: green }
main:not(:has(#optgroup:enabled)) > #subject3 { color: blue }
main:has(#text_input:valid) > #subject { color: yellow }
main:not(:has(#text_input:invalid)) > #subject2 { color: yellow }
main:has(#form:valid) > #subject3 { color: yellow }
main:not(:has(#form:invalid)) > #subject4 { color: yellow }

<main id=main>
    <form id=form>
        <input type=checkbox id=checkbox></input>
        <select id=select><optgroup id=optgroup><option>a</option><option id=option>b</option></optgroup></select>
        <input id=text_input type=text required></input>
    <div id=subject></div>
    <div id=subject2></div>
    <div id=subject3></div>
    <div id=subject4></div>

const grey = 'rgb(128, 128, 128)';
const red = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)';
const green = 'rgb(0, 128, 0)';
const blue = 'rgb(0, 0, 255)';
const yellow = 'rgb(255, 255, 0)';
const purple = 'rgb(128, 0, 128)';
const pink = 'rgb(255, 192, 203)';

function testColor(test_name, subject_element, color) {
    test(function() {
        assert_equals(getComputedStyle(subject_element).color, color);
    }, test_name);

function testPseudoClassChange(element, property, subject_element, expectedColor)
    testColor(`Before set ${property} on ${}, testing ${}`, subject_element, grey);

    element[property] = true;
    testColor(`Set ${property} on ${}, testing ${}`, subject_element, expectedColor);

    element[property] = false;
    testColor(`Unset ${property} on ${}, testing ${}`, subject_element, grey);

function testSelectedChange(option, subject_element, expectedColor)
    const oldOption = select.selectedOptions[0];
    option.selected = true;
    testColor(`Set select on ${}`, subject_element, expectedColor);
    oldOption.selected = true;
    testColor(`Reset select`, subject, grey);

function testValueChange(input, subject_element, expectedColor)
    testColor(`Before setting value of ${}, testing ${}`, subject_element, grey);

    input.value = "value";
    testColor(`Set value of ${}, testing ${}`, subject_element, expectedColor);

    input.value = "";
    testColor(`Clear value of ${}, testing ${}`, subject_element, grey);

testPseudoClassChange(checkbox, "checked", subject, red);
testSelectedChange(option, subject, red);

testPseudoClassChange(checkbox, "disabled", subject, green);
testPseudoClassChange(checkbox, "disabled", subject3, green);
testPseudoClassChange(option, "disabled", subject, green);
testPseudoClassChange(option, "disabled", subject3, green);

testPseudoClassChange(optgroup, "disabled", subject, blue);
testPseudoClassChange(optgroup, "disabled", subject2, green);
testPseudoClassChange(optgroup, "disabled", subject3, blue);
testPseudoClassChange(optgroup, "disabled", subject4, green);

testValueChange(text_input, subject, yellow);
testValueChange(text_input, subject2, yellow);
testValueChange(text_input, subject3, yellow);
testValueChange(text_input, subject4, yellow);