'use strict';
(function() {
var interpolationTests = [];
var compositionTests = [];
var cssAnimationsData = {
sharedStyle: null,
nextID: 0,
var expectNoInterpolation = {};
var expectNotAnimatable = {};
var neutralKeyframe = {};
function isNeutralKeyframe(keyframe) {
return keyframe === neutralKeyframe;
// For the CSS interpolation methods set the delay to be negative half the
// duration, so we are immediately at the halfway point of the animation.
// We then use an easing function that maps halfway to whatever progress
// we actually want.
var cssAnimationsInterpolation = {
name: 'CSS Animations',
isSupported: function() {return true;},
supportsProperty: function() {return true;},
supportsValue: function() {return true;},
setup: function() {},
nonInterpolationExpectations: function(from, to) {
return expectFlip(from, to, 0.5);
notAnimatableExpectations: function(from, to, underlying) {
return expectFlip(underlying, underlying, -Infinity);
interpolate: function(property, from, to, at, target) {
var id = cssAnimationsData.nextID++;
if (!cssAnimationsData.sharedStyle) {
cssAnimationsData.sharedStyle = createElement(document.body, 'style');
cssAnimationsData.sharedStyle.textContent += '' +
'@keyframes animation' + id + ' {' +
(isNeutralKeyframe(from) ? '' : `from {${property}:${from};}`) +
(isNeutralKeyframe(to) ? '' : `to {${property}:${to};}`) +
target.style.animationName = 'animation' + id;
target.style.animationDuration = '100s';
target.style.animationDelay = '-50s';
target.style.animationTimingFunction = createEasing(at);
var cssTransitionsInterpolation = {
name: 'CSS Transitions',
isSupported: function() {return true;},
supportsProperty: function() {return true;},
supportsValue: function() {return true;},
setup: function(property, from, target) {
target.style.setProperty(property, isNeutralKeyframe(from) ? '' : from);
nonInterpolationExpectations: function(from, to) {
return expectFlip(from, to, -Infinity);
notAnimatableExpectations: function(from, to, underlying) {
return expectFlip(from, to, -Infinity);
interpolate: function(property, from, to, at, target, behavior) {
// Force a style recalc on target to set the 'from' value.
target.style.transitionDuration = '100s';
target.style.transitionDelay = '-50s';
target.style.transitionTimingFunction = createEasing(at);
target.style.transitionProperty = property;
if (behavior) {
target.style.transitionBehavior = behavior;
target.style.setProperty(property, isNeutralKeyframe(to) ? '' : to);
var cssTransitionAllInterpolation = {
name: 'CSS Transitions with transition: all',
isSupported: function() {return true;},
// The 'all' value doesn't cover custom properties.
supportsProperty: function(property) {return property.indexOf('--') !== 0;},
supportsValue: function() {return true;},
setup: function(property, from, target) {
target.style.setProperty(property, isNeutralKeyframe(from) ? '' : from);
nonInterpolationExpectations: function(from, to) {
return expectFlip(from, to, -Infinity);
notAnimatableExpectations: function(from, to, underlying) {
return expectFlip(from, to, -Infinity);
interpolate: function(property, from, to, at, target, behavior) {
// Force a style recalc on target to set the 'from' value.
target.style.transitionDuration = '100s';
target.style.transitionDelay = '-50s';
target.style.transitionTimingFunction = createEasing(at);
target.style.transitionProperty = 'all';
if (behavior) {
target.style.transitionBehavior = behavior;
target.style.setProperty(property, isNeutralKeyframe(to) ? '' : to);
var cssTransitionsInterpolationAllowDiscrete = {
name: 'CSS Transitions with transition-behavior:allow-discrete',
isSupported: function() {return true;},
supportsProperty: function() {return true;},
supportsValue: function() {return true;},
setup: function(property, from, target) {
target.style.setProperty(property, isNeutralKeyframe(from) ? '' : from);
nonInterpolationExpectations: function(from, to) {
return expectFlip(from, to, 0.5);
notAnimatableExpectations: function(from, to, underlying) {
return expectFlip(from, to, -Infinity);
interpolate: function(property, from, to, at, target, behavior) {
// Force a style recalc on target to set the 'from' value.
target.style.transitionDuration = '100s';
target.style.transitionDelay = '-50s';
target.style.transitionTimingFunction = createEasing(at);
target.style.transitionProperty = property;
target.style.transitionBehavior = 'allow-discrete';
target.style.setProperty(property, isNeutralKeyframe(to) ? '' : to);
var cssTransitionAllInterpolationAllowDiscrete = {
name: 'CSS Transitions with transition-property:all and transition-behavor:allow-discrete',
isSupported: function() {return true;},
// The 'all' value doesn't cover custom properties.
supportsProperty: function(property) {return property.indexOf('--') !== 0;},
supportsValue: function() {return true;},
setup: function(property, from, target) {
target.style.setProperty(property, isNeutralKeyframe(from) ? '' : from);
nonInterpolationExpectations: function(from, to) {
return expectFlip(from, to, 0.5);
notAnimatableExpectations: function(from, to, underlying) {
return expectFlip(from, to, -Infinity);
interpolate: function(property, from, to, at, target, behavior) {
// Force a style recalc on target to set the 'from' value.
target.style.transitionDuration = '100s';
target.style.transitionDelay = '-50s';
target.style.transitionTimingFunction = createEasing(at);
target.style.transitionProperty = 'all';
target.style.transitionBehavior = 'allow-discrete';
target.style.setProperty(property, isNeutralKeyframe(to) ? '' : to);
var webAnimationsInterpolation = {
name: 'Web Animations',
isSupported: function() {return 'animate' in Element.prototype;},
supportsProperty: function(property) {return true;},
supportsValue: function(value) {return value !== '';},
setup: function() {},
nonInterpolationExpectations: function(from, to) {
return expectFlip(from, to, 0.5);
notAnimatableExpectations: function(from, to, underlying) {
return expectFlip(underlying, underlying, -Infinity);
interpolate: function(property, from, to, at, target) {
this.interpolateComposite(property, from, 'replace', to, 'replace', at, target);
interpolateComposite: function(property, from, fromComposite, to, toComposite, at, target) {
// This case turns into a test error later on.
if (!this.isSupported())
// Convert standard properties to camelCase.
if (!property.startsWith('--')) {
for (var i = property.length - 2; i > 0; --i) {
if (property[i] === '-') {
property = property.substring(0, i) + property[i + 1].toUpperCase() + property.substring(i + 2);
if (property === 'offset') {
property = 'cssOffset';
} else if (property === 'float') {
property = 'cssFloat';
var keyframes = [];
if (!isNeutralKeyframe(from)) {
offset: 0,
composite: fromComposite,
[property]: from,
if (!isNeutralKeyframe(to)) {
offset: 1,
composite: toComposite,
[property]: to,
var animation = target.animate(keyframes, {
fill: 'forwards',
duration: 100 * 1000,
easing: createEasing(at),
animation.currentTime = 50 * 1000;
function expectFlip(from, to, flipAt) {
return [-0.3, 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1, 1.5].map(function(at) {
return {
at: at,
expect: at < flipAt ? from : to
// Constructs a timing function which produces 'y' at x = 0.5
function createEasing(y) {
if (y == 0) {
return 'steps(1, end)';
if (y == 1) {
return 'steps(1, start)';
if (y == 0.5) {
return 'linear';
// Approximate using a bezier.
var b = (8 * y - 1) / 6;
return 'cubic-bezier(0, ' + b + ', 1, ' + b + ')';
function createElement(parent, tag, text) {
var element = document.createElement(tag || 'div');
element.textContent = text || '';
return element;
function createTargetContainer(parent, className) {
var targetContainer = createElement(parent);
var template = document.querySelector('#target-template');
if (template) {
var target = targetContainer.querySelector('.target') || targetContainer;
target.classList.add('target', className);
targetContainer.target = target;
return targetContainer;
function roundNumbers(value) {
return value.
// Round numbers to two decimal places.
replace(/-?\d*\.\d+(e-?\d+)?/g, function(n) {
return (parseFloat(n).toFixed(2)).
replace(/\.\d+/, function(m) {
return m.replace(/0+$/, '');
replace(/\.$/, '').
replace(/^-0$/, '0');
var anchor = document.createElement('a');
function sanitizeUrls(value) {
var matches = value.match(/url\("([^#][^\)]*)"\)/g);
if (matches !== null) {
for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; ++i) {
var url = /url\("([^#][^\)]*)"\)/g.exec(matches[i])[1];
anchor.href = url;
anchor.pathname = '...' + anchor.pathname.substring(anchor.pathname.lastIndexOf('/'));
value = value.replace(matches[i], 'url(' + anchor.href + ')');
return value;
function normalizeValue(value) {
return roundNumbers(sanitizeUrls(value)).
// Place whitespace between tokens.
replace(/([\w\d.]+|[^\s])/g, '$1 ').
replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
function stringify(text) {
if (!text.includes("'")) {
return `'${text}'`;
return `"${text.replace('"', '\\"')}"`;
function keyframeText(keyframe) {
return isNeutralKeyframe(keyframe) ? 'neutral' : `[${keyframe}]`;
function keyframeCode(keyframe) {
return isNeutralKeyframe(keyframe) ? 'neutralKeyframe' : `${stringify(keyframe)}`;
function createInterpolationTestTargets(interpolationMethod, interpolationMethodContainer, interpolationTest) {
var property = interpolationTest.options.property;
var from = interpolationTest.options.from;
var to = interpolationTest.options.to;
var comparisonFunction = interpolationTest.options.comparisonFunction;
var behavior = interpolationTest.options.behavior;
if ((interpolationTest.options.method && interpolationTest.options.method != interpolationMethod.name)
|| !interpolationMethod.supportsProperty(property)
|| !interpolationMethod.supportsValue(from)
|| !interpolationMethod.supportsValue(to)) {
var testText = `${interpolationMethod.name}: property <${property}> from ${keyframeText(from)} to ${keyframeText(to)}`;
var testContainer = createElement(interpolationMethodContainer, 'div');
var expectations = interpolationTest.expectations;
var applyUnderlying = false;
if (expectations === expectNoInterpolation) {
expectations = interpolationMethod.nonInterpolationExpectations(from, to);
} else if (expectations === expectNotAnimatable) {
expectations = interpolationMethod.notAnimatableExpectations(from, to, interpolationTest.options.underlying);
applyUnderlying = true;
} else if (interpolationTest.options[interpolationMethod.name]) {
expectations = interpolationTest.options[interpolationMethod.name];
// Setup a standard equality function if an override is not provided.
if (!comparisonFunction) {
comparisonFunction = (actual, expected) => {
assert_equals(normalizeValue(actual), normalizeValue(expected));
return expectations.map(function(expectation) {
var actualTargetContainer = createTargetContainer(testContainer, 'actual');
var expectedTargetContainer = createTargetContainer(testContainer, 'expected');
var expectedProperties = expectation.option || expectation.expect;
if (typeof expectedProperties !== "object") {
expectedProperties = {[property]: expectedProperties};
var target = actualTargetContainer.target;
if (applyUnderlying) {
let underlying = interpolationTest.options.underlying;
assert_true(typeof underlying !== 'undefined', '\'underlying\' value must be provided');
assert_true(CSS.supports(property, underlying), '\'underlying\' value must be supported');
target.style.setProperty(property, underlying);
interpolationMethod.setup(property, from, target);
target.interpolate = function() {
interpolationMethod.interpolate(property, from, to, expectation.at, target, behavior);
target.measure = function() {
for (var [expectedProp, expectedStr] of Object.entries(expectedProperties)) {
if (!isNeutralKeyframe(expectedStr)) {
expectedTargetContainer.target.style.setProperty(expectedProp, expectedStr);
var expectedValue = getComputedStyle(expectedTargetContainer.target).getPropertyValue(expectedProp);
let testName = `${testText} at (${expectation.at}) should be [${sanitizeUrls(expectedStr)}]`;
if (property !== expectedProp) {
testName += ` for <${expectedProp}>`;
test(function() {
assert_true(interpolationMethod.isSupported(), `${interpolationMethod.name} should be supported`);
if (from && from !== neutralKeyframe) {
assert_true(CSS.supports(property, from), '\'from\' value should be supported');
if (to && to !== neutralKeyframe) {
assert_true(CSS.supports(property, to), '\'to\' value should be supported');
if (typeof underlying !== 'undefined') {
assert_true(CSS.supports(property, underlying), '\'underlying\' value should be supported');
}, testName);
return target;
function createCompositionTestTargets(compositionContainer, compositionTest) {
var options = compositionTest.options;
var property = options.property;
var underlying = options.underlying;
var comparisonFunction = options.comparisonFunction;
var from = options.accumulateFrom || options.addFrom || options.replaceFrom;
var to = options.accumulateTo || options.addTo || options.replaceTo;
var fromComposite = 'accumulateFrom' in options ? 'accumulate' : 'addFrom' in options ? 'add' : 'replace';
var toComposite = 'accumulateTo' in options ? 'accumulate' : 'addTo' in options ? 'add' : 'replace';
const invalidFrom = 'addFrom' in options === 'replaceFrom' in options
&& 'addFrom' in options === 'accumulateFrom' in options;
const invalidTo = 'addTo' in options === 'replaceTo' in options
&& 'addTo' in options === 'accumulateTo' in options;
if (invalidFrom || invalidTo) {
test(function() {
assert_false(invalidFrom, 'Exactly one of accumulateFrom, addFrom, or replaceFrom must be specified');
assert_false(invalidTo, 'Exactly one of accumulateTo, addTo, or replaceTo must be specified');
}, `Composition tests must have valid setup`);
var testText = `Compositing: property <${property}> underlying [${underlying}] from ${fromComposite} [${from}] to ${toComposite} [${to}]`;
var testContainer = createElement(compositionContainer, 'div');
// Setup a standard equality function if an override is not provided.
if (!comparisonFunction) {
comparisonFunction = (actual, expected) => {
assert_equals(normalizeValue(actual), normalizeValue(expected));
return compositionTest.expectations.map(function(expectation) {
var actualTargetContainer = createTargetContainer(testContainer, 'actual');
var expectedTargetContainer = createTargetContainer(testContainer, 'expected');
var expectedStr = expectation.option || expectation.expect;
if (!isNeutralKeyframe(expectedStr)) {
expectedTargetContainer.target.style.setProperty(property, expectedStr);
var target = actualTargetContainer.target;
target.style.setProperty(property, underlying);
target.interpolate = function() {
webAnimationsInterpolation.interpolateComposite(property, from, fromComposite, to, toComposite, expectation.at, target);
target.measure = function() {
var expectedValue = getComputedStyle(expectedTargetContainer.target).getPropertyValue(property);
test(function() {
if (from && from !== neutralKeyframe) {
assert_true(CSS.supports(property, from), '\'from\' value should be supported');
if (to && to !== neutralKeyframe) {
assert_true(CSS.supports(property, to), '\'to\' value should be supported');
if (typeof underlying !== 'undefined') {
assert_true(CSS.supports(property, underlying), '\'underlying\' value should be supported');
}, `${testText} at (${expectation.at}) should be [${sanitizeUrls(expectedStr)}]`);
return target;
function createTestTargets(interpolationMethods, interpolationTests, compositionTests, container) {
var targets = [];
for (var interpolationMethod of interpolationMethods) {
var interpolationMethodContainer = createElement(container);
for (var interpolationTest of interpolationTests) {
if(!interpolationTest.options.target_names ||
interpolationTest.options.target_names.includes(interpolationMethod.name)) {
[].push.apply(targets, createInterpolationTestTargets(interpolationMethod, interpolationMethodContainer, interpolationTest));
var compositionContainer = createElement(container);
for (var compositionTest of compositionTests) {
[].push.apply(targets, createCompositionTestTargets(compositionContainer, compositionTest));
return targets;
function test_no_interpolation(options) {
test_interpolation(options, expectNoInterpolation);
function test_not_animatable(options) {
test_interpolation(options, expectNotAnimatable);
function create_tests(addAllowDiscreteTests) {
var interpolationMethods = [
if (addAllowDiscreteTests) {
interpolationMethods = [
var container = createElement(document.body);
var targets = createTestTargets(interpolationMethods, interpolationTests, compositionTests, container);
// Separate interpolation and measurement into different phases to avoid O(n^2) of the number of targets.
for (var target of targets) {
for (var target of targets) {
function test_interpolation(options, expectations) {
interpolationTests.push({options, expectations});
create_tests(expectations === expectNoInterpolation || expectations === expectNotAnimatable);
interpolationTests = [];
function test_composition(options, expectations) {
compositionTests.push({options, expectations});
compositionTests = [];
window.test_interpolation = test_interpolation;
window.test_no_interpolation = test_no_interpolation;
window.test_not_animatable = test_not_animatable;
window.test_composition = test_composition;
window.neutralKeyframe = neutralKeyframe;
window.roundNumbers = roundNumbers;
window.normalizeValue = normalizeValue;