
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html xmlns="">
<title>Custom Elements: create an element for a token must increment and decrement document's throw-on-dynamic-markup-insertion counter</title>
<meta name="author" title="Ryosuke Niwa" href="mailto:[email protected]" />
<meta name="assert" content="Invoking, document.write, document.writeln, and document.write must throw an exception when the HTML parser is creating a custom element for a token" />
<meta name="help" content="" />
<meta name="help" content="" />
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/custom-elements-helpers.js"></script>
<div id="log"></div>

async function custom_element_reactions_in_parser(test, code)
    window.executed = false;
    window.exception = null;
    const content_window = await create_window_in_test_async(test, 'application/xml', `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html xmlns="">
class CustomElement extends window.HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
        let exception = null;
        try {
        } catch (error) {
            exception = error;
        top.executed = true;
        top.exception = exception;
CustomElement.observedAttributes = ['title'];
customElements.define('some-element', CustomElement);
]]` + `>
</` + `script>
<some-element title="some title"></some-element>
    let content_document;
    try {
        content_document = content_window.document;
    } catch (error) { }
    assert_true(executed, 'Must immediately process custom element reactions for setting attributes');
    return {window: content_window, document: content_document, exception};

promise_test(async function () {
    const result = await custom_element_reactions_in_parser(this, ``);
    assert_throws_dom('InvalidStateError', result.window.DOMException, () => { throw result.exception; }, 'Must throw an InvalidStateError');
}, ' must throw an InvalidStateError when processing custom element reactions for a synchronous constructed custom element');

promise_test(async function () {
    const result = await custom_element_reactions_in_parser(this, `'text/html')`);
    assert_throws_dom('InvalidStateError', result.window.DOMException, () => { throw result.exception; }, 'Must throw an InvalidStateError');
}, '"text/html") must throw an InvalidStateError when processing custom element reactions for a synchronous constructed custom element');

promise_test(async function () {
    let load_promise = new Promise((resolve) => window.onmessage = (event) => resolve(;
    const url = top.location.href.substring(0, top.location.href.lastIndexOf('/')) + '/resources/navigation-destination.html';
    const result = await custom_element_reactions_in_parser(this, `'${url}', '_self', '')`);
    assert_equals(result.exception, null);
    assert_equals(await load_promise, 'didNavigate');
}, ' must NOT throw an InvalidStateError when processing custom element reactions for a synchronous constructed custom element');

promise_test(async function () {
    const result = await custom_element_reactions_in_parser(this, `document.close()`);
    assert_throws_dom('InvalidStateError', result.window.DOMException, () => { throw result.exception; }, 'Must throw an InvalidStateError');
}, 'document.close() must throw an InvalidStateError when processing custom element reactions for a synchronous constructed custom element');

promise_test(async function () {
    const result = await custom_element_reactions_in_parser(this, `document.write('<b>some text</b>')`);
    assert_throws_dom('InvalidStateError', result.window.DOMException, () => { throw result.exception; }, 'Must throw an InvalidStateError');
    assert_equals(result.document.querySelector('b'), null, 'Must not insert new content');
    assert_false(result.document.body.innerHTML.includes('some text'), 'Must not insert new content');
}, 'document.write must throw an InvalidStateError when processing custom element reactions for a synchronous constructed custom element');

promise_test(async function () {
    const result = await custom_element_reactions_in_parser(this, `document.writeln('<b>some text</b>')`);
    assert_throws_dom('InvalidStateError', result.window.DOMException, () => { throw result.exception; }, 'Must throw an InvalidStateError');
    assert_equals(result.document.querySelector('b'), null, 'Must not insert new content');
    assert_false(result.document.body.innerHTML.includes('some text'), 'Must not insert new content');
}, 'document.writeln must throw an InvalidStateError when processing custom element reactions for a synchronous constructed custom element');

promise_test(async function () {
    window.another_window = await create_window_in_test(this);
    const result = await custom_element_reactions_in_parser(this, ``);
    assert_equals(result.exception, null);
}, ' of another document must not throw an InvalidStateError when processing custom element reactions for a synchronous constructed custom element');

promise_test(async function () {
    window.another_window = await create_window_in_test(this);
    const result = await custom_element_reactions_in_parser(this, `'text/html')`);
    assert_equals(result.exception, null);
}, '"text/html") of another document must not throw an InvalidStateError when processing custom element reactions for a synchronous constructed custom element');

promise_test(async function () {
    window.another_window = await create_window_in_test(this);
    const result = await custom_element_reactions_in_parser(this, `top.another_window.document.close()`);
    assert_equals(result.exception, null);
}, 'document.close() of another document must not throw an InvalidStateError when processing custom element reactions for a synchronous constructed custom element');

promise_test(async function () {
    window.another_window = await create_window_in_test(this);
    const result = await custom_element_reactions_in_parser(this, `top.another_window.document.write('<b>some text</b>')`);
    assert_equals(result.exception, null);
    assert_equals(another_window.document.querySelector('b').outerHTML, '<b>some text</b>');
}, 'document.write of another document must not throw an InvalidStateError when processing custom element reactions for a synchronous constructed custom element');

promise_test(async function () {
    window.another_window = await create_window_in_test(this);
    const result = await custom_element_reactions_in_parser(this, `top.another_window.document.writeln('<b>some text</b>')`);
    assert_equals(result.exception, null);
    assert_equals(another_window.document.querySelector('b').outerHTML, '<b>some text</b>');
}, 'document.writeln of another document must not throw an InvalidStateError when processing custom element reactions for a synchronous constructed custom element');
