<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Custom Elements: Upgrading unresolved elements</title>
<meta name="author" title="Ryosuke Niwa" href="mailto:[email protected]">
<meta name="assert" content="HTML parser must add an unresolved custom element to the upgrade candidates map">
<link rel="help" href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#upgrades">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<div id="log"></div>
<my-other-element id="instance"></my-other-element>
<my-other-element id="otherInstance"></my-other-element>
test(function () {
class MyCustomElement extends HTMLElement { }
var instance = document.querySelector('my-custom-element');
assert_true(instance instanceof HTMLElement);
assert_false(instance instanceof HTMLUnknownElement,
'an unresolved custom element should not be an instance of HTMLUnknownElement');
assert_false(instance instanceof MyCustomElement);
customElements.define('my-custom-element', MyCustomElement);
assert_true(instance instanceof HTMLElement);
assert_true(instance instanceof MyCustomElement,
'Calling customElements.define must upgrade existing custom elements');
}, 'Element.prototype.createElement must add an unresolved custom element to the upgrade candidates map');
test(function () {
class InstantiatesItselfAfterSuper extends HTMLElement {
constructor(doNotCreateItself) {
if (!doNotCreateItself)
new InstantiatesItselfAfterSuper(true);
var uncaughtError;
window.onerror = function (message, url, lineNumber, columnNumber, error) { uncaughtError = error; return true; }
customElements.define('instantiates-itself-after-super', InstantiatesItselfAfterSuper);
assert_equals(uncaughtError.name, 'TypeError');
}, 'HTMLElement constructor must throw an TypeError when the top of the construction stack is marked AlreadyConstructed'
+ ' due to a custom element constructor constructing itself after super() call');
test(function () {
class InstantiatesItselfBeforeSuper extends HTMLElement {
constructor(doNotCreateItself) {
if (!doNotCreateItself)
new InstantiatesItselfBeforeSuper(true);
var uncaughtError;
window.onerror = function (message, url, lineNumber, columnNumber, error) { uncaughtError = error; return true; }
customElements.define('instantiates-itself-before-super', InstantiatesItselfBeforeSuper);
assert_equals(uncaughtError.name, 'TypeError');
}, 'HTMLElement constructor must throw an TypeError when the top of the construction stack is marked AlreadyConstructed'
+ ' due to a custom element constructor constructing itself before super() call');
test(function () {
class MyOtherElement extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
if (this == instance)
return otherInstance;
var instance = document.getElementById('instance');
var otherInstance = document.getElementById('otherInstance');
assert_false(instance instanceof MyOtherElement);
assert_false(otherInstance instanceof MyOtherElement);
var uncaughtError;
window.onerror = function (message, url, lineNumber, columnNumber, error) { uncaughtError = error; return true; }
customElements.define('my-other-element', MyOtherElement);
assert_equals(uncaughtError.name, 'TypeError');
assert_true(document.createElement('my-other-element') instanceof MyOtherElement,
'Upgrading of custom elements must happen after the definition was added to the registry.');
}, 'Upgrading a custom element must throw an TypeError when the returned element is not SameValue as the upgraded element');
test(() => {
class NotAnElement extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
return new Text();
let uncaughtError;
window.onerror = function (message, url, lineNumber, columnNumber, error) { uncaughtError = error; return true; }
customElements.define("not-an-element", NotAnElement);
assert_equals(uncaughtError.name, "TypeError");
}, "Upgrading a custom element whose constructor returns a Text node must throw");
test(() => {
class NotAnHTMLElement extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
return document.createElementNS("", "test");
let uncaughtError;
window.onerror = function (message, url, lineNumber, columnNumber, error) { uncaughtError = error; return true; }
customElements.define("not-an-html-element", NotAnHTMLElement);
assert_equals(uncaughtError.name, "TypeError");
}, "Upgrading a custom element whose constructor returns an Element must throw");