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test(function() {
  var ev = new Event("foo");
  assert_true(ev.returnValue, "returnValue");
}, "When an event is created, returnValue should be initialized to true.");
test(function() {
  var ev = new Event("foo", {"cancelable": false});
  assert_false(ev.cancelable, "cancelable (before)");
  assert_false(ev.cancelable, "cancelable (after)");
  assert_true(ev.returnValue, "returnValue");
}, "preventDefault() should not change returnValue if cancelable is false.");
test(function() {
  var ev = new Event("foo", {"cancelable": false});
  assert_false(ev.cancelable, "cancelable (before)");
  ev.returnValue = false;
  assert_false(ev.cancelable, "cancelable (after)");
  assert_true(ev.returnValue, "returnValue");
}, "returnValue=false should have no effect if cancelable is false.");
test(function() {
  var ev = new Event("foo", {"cancelable": true});
  assert_true(ev.cancelable, "cancelable (before)");
  assert_true(ev.cancelable, "cancelable (after)");
  assert_false(ev.returnValue, "returnValue");
}, "preventDefault() should change returnValue if cancelable is true.");
test(function() {
  var ev = new Event("foo", {"cancelable": true});
  assert_true(ev.cancelable, "cancelable (before)");
  ev.returnValue = false;
  assert_true(ev.cancelable, "cancelable (after)");
  assert_false(ev.returnValue, "returnValue");
}, "returnValue should change returnValue if cancelable is true.");
test(function() {
  var ev = document.createEvent("Event");
  ev.returnValue = false;
  ev.initEvent("foo", true, true);
  assert_true(ev.bubbles, "bubbles");
  assert_true(ev.cancelable, "cancelable");
  assert_true(ev.returnValue, "returnValue");
}, "initEvent should unset returnValue.");
test(function() {
  var ev = new Event("foo", {"cancelable": true});
  ev.returnValue = true;// no-op
}, "returnValue=true should have no effect once the canceled flag was set.");