<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Event constructors</title>
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function assert_props(iface, event, defaults) {
assert_true(event instanceof self[iface]);
expected[iface].properties.forEach(function(p) {
var property = p[0], value = p[defaults ? 1 : 2];
assert_true(property in event,
"Event " + format_value(event) + " should have a " +
property + " property");
assert_equals(event[property], value,
"The value of the " + property + " property should be " +
if ("parent" in expected[iface]) {
assert_props(expected[iface].parent, event, defaults);
// Class declarations don't go on the global by default, so put it there ourselves:
self.SubclassedEvent = class SubclassedEvent extends Event {
constructor(name, props) {
super(name, props);
if (props && typeof(props) == "object" && "customProp" in props) {
this.customProp = props.customProp;
} else {
this.customProp = 5;
get fixedProp() {
return 17;
var EventModifierInit = [
["ctrlKey", false, true],
["shiftKey", false, true],
["altKey", false, true],
["metaKey", false, true],
var expected = {
"Event": {
"properties": [
["bubbles", false, true],
["cancelable", false, true],
["isTrusted", false, false],
"UIEvent": {
"parent": "Event",
"properties": [
["view", null, window],
["detail", 0, 7],
"FocusEvent": {
"parent": "UIEvent",
"properties": [
["relatedTarget", null, document],
"MouseEvent": {
"parent": "UIEvent",
"properties": EventModifierInit.concat([
["screenX", 0, 40],
["screenY", 0, 40],
["clientX", 0, 40],
["clientY", 0, 40],
["button", 0, 40],
["buttons", 0, 40],
["relatedTarget", null, document],
"WheelEvent": {
"parent": "MouseEvent",
"properties": [
["deltaX", 0.0, 3.1],
["deltaY", 0.0, 3.1],
["deltaZ", 0.0, 3.1],
["deltaMode", 0, 40],
"KeyboardEvent": {
"parent": "UIEvent",
"properties": EventModifierInit.concat([
["key", "", "string"],
["code", "", "string"],
["location", 0, 7],
["repeat", false, true],
["isComposing", false, true],
["charCode", 0, 7],
["keyCode", 0, 7],
["which", 0, 7],
"CompositionEvent": {
"parent": "UIEvent",
"properties": [
["data", "", "string"],
"SubclassedEvent": {
"parent": "Event",
"properties": [
["customProp", 5, 8],
["fixedProp", 17, 17],
Object.keys(expected).forEach(function(iface) {
test(function() {
var event = new self[iface]("type");
assert_props(iface, event, true);
}, iface + " constructor (no argument)");
test(function() {
var event = new self[iface]("type", undefined);
assert_props(iface, event, true);
}, iface + " constructor (undefined argument)");
test(function() {
var event = new self[iface]("type", null);
assert_props(iface, event, true);
}, iface + " constructor (null argument)");
test(function() {
var event = new self[iface]("type", {});
assert_props(iface, event, true);
}, iface + " constructor (empty argument)");
test(function() {
var dictionary = {};
expected[iface].properties.forEach(function(p) {
var property = p[0], value = p[1];
dictionary[property] = value;
var event = new self[iface]("type", dictionary);
assert_props(iface, event, true);
}, iface + " constructor (argument with default values)");
test(function() {
function fill_in(iface, dictionary) {
if ("parent" in expected[iface]) {
fill_in(expected[iface].parent, dictionary)
expected[iface].properties.forEach(function(p) {
var property = p[0], value = p[2];
dictionary[property] = value;
var dictionary = {};
fill_in(iface, dictionary);
var event = new self[iface]("type", dictionary);
assert_props(iface, event, false);
}, iface + " constructor (argument with non-default values)");
test(function () {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, function() {
new UIEvent("x", { view: 7 })
}, "UIEvent constructor (view argument with wrong type)")