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// Regression test for crbug.com/1138487.
// It was possible for a non-ASCII-lowercase string to be used when inserting
// into the attribute collection if a hashtable encountered it during probing
// while looking for the ASCII-lowercase equivalent.
// This caused such a string to be illegally used as an attribute name, thus
// causing inconsistent behavior in future attribute lookup.
test(() => {
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.setAttribute('labelXQL', 'abc');
el.setAttribute('_valueXQL', 'def');
assert_equals(el.getAttribute('labelXQL'), 'abc');
assert_equals(el.getAttribute('labelxql'), 'abc');
assert_equals(el.getAttribute('_valueXQL'), 'def');
assert_equals(el.getAttribute('_valuexql'), 'def');
}, "Attributes first seen in mixed ASCII case should not be corrupted.");