<!DOCTYPE html>
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<link rel="help" href="https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-node-getrootnode">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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test(function () {
var shadowHost = document.createElement('div');
var shadowRoot = shadowHost.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
shadowRoot.innerHTML = '<div class="shadowChild">content</div>';
var shadowChild = shadowRoot.querySelector('.shadowChild');
assert_equals(shadowChild.getRootNode({composed: true}), document, "getRootNode() must return context object's shadow-including root if options's composed is true");
assert_equals(shadowChild.getRootNode({composed: false}), shadowRoot, "getRootNode() must return context object's root if options's composed is false");
assert_equals(shadowChild.getRootNode(), shadowRoot, "getRootNode() must return context object's root if options's composed is default false");
}, "getRootNode() must return context object's shadow-including root if options's composed is true, and context object's root otherwise");
test(function () {
var element = document.createElement('div');
assert_equals(element.getRootNode(), element, 'getRootNode() on an element without a parent must return the element itself');
var text = document.createTextNode('');
assert_equals(text.getRootNode(), text, 'getRootNode() on a text node without a parent must return the text node itself');
var processingInstruction = document.createProcessingInstruction('target', 'data');
assert_equals(processingInstruction.getRootNode(), processingInstruction, 'getRootNode() on a processing instruction node without a parent must return the processing instruction node itself');
assert_equals(document.getRootNode(), document, 'getRootNode() on a document node must return the document itself');
}, 'getRootNode() must return the context object when it does not have any parent');
test(function () {
var parent = document.createElement('div');
var element = document.createElement('div');
assert_equals(element.getRootNode(), parent, 'getRootNode() on an element with a single ancestor must return the parent node');
var text = document.createTextNode('');
assert_equals(text.getRootNode(), parent, 'getRootNode() on a text node with a single ancestor must return the parent node');
var processingInstruction = document.createProcessingInstruction('target', 'data');
assert_equals(processingInstruction.getRootNode(), parent, 'getRootNode() on a processing instruction node with a single ancestor must return the parent node');
}, 'getRootNode() must return the parent node of the context object when the context object has a single ancestor not in a document');
test(function () {
var parent = document.createElement('div');
var element = document.createElement('div');
assert_equals(element.getRootNode(), document, 'getRootNode() on an element inside a document must return the document');
var text = document.createTextNode('');
assert_equals(text.getRootNode(), document, 'getRootNode() on a text node inside a document must return the document');
var processingInstruction = document.createProcessingInstruction('target', 'data');
assert_equals(processingInstruction.getRootNode(), document, 'getRootNode() on a processing instruction node inside a document must return the document');
}, 'getRootNode() must return the document when a node is in document');
test(function () {
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
var parent = document.createElement('div');
var element = document.createElement('div');
assert_equals(element.getRootNode(), fragment, 'getRootNode() on an element inside a document fragment must return the fragment');
var text = document.createTextNode('');
assert_equals(text.getRootNode(), fragment, 'getRootNode() on a text node inside a document fragment must return the fragment');
var processingInstruction = document.createProcessingInstruction('target', 'data');
assert_equals(processingInstruction.getRootNode(), fragment,
'getRootNode() on a processing instruction node inside a document fragment must return the fragment');
}, 'getRootNode() must return a document fragment when a node is in the fragment');