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<title>Range.comparePoint() tests</title>
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"use strict";
// Will be filled in on the first run for that range
var testRangesCached = [];
for (var i = 0; i < testPoints.length; i++) {
var node = eval(testPoints[i])[0];
var offset = eval(testPoints[i])[1];
// comparePoint is an unsigned long, so per WebIDL, we need to treat it as
// though it wrapped to an unsigned 32-bit integer.
var normalizedOffset = offset % Math.pow(2, 32);
if (normalizedOffset < 0) {
normalizedOffset += Math.pow(2, 32);
for (var j = 0; j < testRanges.length; j++) {
test(function() {
if (testRangesCached[j] === undefined) {
try {
testRangesCached[j] = rangeFromEndpoints(eval(testRanges[i]));
} catch(e) {
testRangesCached[j] = null;
assert_not_equals(testRangesCached[j], null,
"Setting up the range failed");
var range = testRangesCached[j].cloneRange();
// "If node's root is different from the context object's root,
// throw a "WrongDocumentError" exception and terminate these
// steps."
if (furthestAncestor(node) !== furthestAncestor(range.startContainer)) {
assert_throws_dom("WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR", function() {
range.comparePoint(node, offset);
}, "Must throw WrongDocumentError if node and range have different roots");
// "If node is a doctype, throw an "InvalidNodeTypeError" exception
// and terminate these steps."
if (node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) {
assert_throws_dom("INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR", function() {
range.comparePoint(node, offset);
}, "Must throw InvalidNodeTypeError if node is a doctype");
// "If offset is greater than node's length, throw an
// "IndexSizeError" exception and terminate these steps."
if (normalizedOffset > nodeLength(node)) {
assert_throws_dom("INDEX_SIZE_ERR", function() {
range.comparePoint(node, offset);
}, "Must throw IndexSizeError if offset is greater than length");
// "If (node, offset) is before start, return −1 and terminate
// these steps."
if (getPosition(node, normalizedOffset, range.startContainer, range.startOffset) === "before") {
assert_equals(range.comparePoint(node, offset), -1,
"Must return -1 if point is before start");
// "If (node, offset) is after end, return 1 and terminate these
// steps."
if (getPosition(node, normalizedOffset, range.endContainer, range.endOffset) === "after") {
assert_equals(range.comparePoint(node, offset), 1,
"Must return 1 if point is after end");
// "Return 0."
assert_equals(range.comparePoint(node, offset), 0,
"Must return 0 if point is neither before start nor after end");
}, "Point " + i + " " + testPoints[i] + ", range " + j + " " + testRanges[j]);
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