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<title>TreeWalker tests</title>
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// TODO .previousNode, .nextNode

test(function() {
  var depth = 0;
  var walker = document.createTreeWalker(document, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL,
    function() {
      if (depth == 0) {
      return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
  walker.currentNode = document.body;
  assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function() { walker.parentNode() });
  assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function() { walker.firstChild() });
  assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function() { walker.lastChild() });
  assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function() { walker.previousSibling() });
  assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function() { walker.nextSibling() });
  assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function() { walker.previousNode() });
  assert_throws_dom("InvalidStateError", function() { walker.nextNode() });
}, "Recursive filters need to throw");

function filterNode(node, whatToShow, filter) {
    // "If active flag is set throw an "InvalidStateError"."
    // Ignore active flag for these tests, we aren't calling recursively
    // TODO Test me

    // "Let n be node's nodeType attribute value minus 1."
    var n = node.nodeType - 1;

    // "If the nth bit (where 0 is the least significant bit) of whatToShow is
    // not set, return FILTER_SKIP."
    if (!(whatToShow & (1 << n))) {
        return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;

    // "If filter is null, return FILTER_ACCEPT."
    if (!filter) {
        return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;

    // "Set the active flag."
    // "Let result be the return value of invoking filter."
    // "Unset the active flag."
    // "If an exception was thrown, re-throw the exception."
    // TODO Test me
    // "Return result."
    return filter(node);

function testTraverseChildren(type, walker, root, whatToShow, filter) {
    // TODO We don't test .currentNode other than the root
    walker.currentNode = root;
    assert_equals(walker.currentNode, root, "Setting .currentNode");

    var expectedReturn = null;
    var expectedCurrentNode = root;

    // "To traverse children of type type, run these steps:
    // "Let node be the value of the currentNode attribute."
    var node = walker.currentNode;

    // "Set node to node's first child if type is first, and node's last child
    // if type is last."
    node = type == "first" ? node.firstChild : node.lastChild;

    // "Main: While node is not null, run these substeps:"
    while (node) {
        // "Filter node and let result be the return value."
        var result = filterNode(node, whatToShow, filter);

        // "If result is FILTER_ACCEPT, then set the currentNode attribute to
        // node and return node."
        if (result == NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT) {
            expectedCurrentNode = expectedReturn = node;

        // "If result is FILTER_SKIP, run these subsubsteps:"
        if (result == NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP) {
            // "Let child be node's first child if type is first, and node's
            // last child if type is last."
            var child = type == "first" ? node.firstChild : node.lastChild;

            // "If child is not null, set node to child and goto Main."
            if (child) {
                node = child;

        // "While node is not null, run these subsubsteps:"
        while (node) {
            // "Let sibling be node's next sibling if type is first, and node's
            // previous sibling if type is last."
            var sibling = type == "first" ? node.nextSibling
                : node.previousSibling;

            // "If sibling is not null, set node to sibling and goto Main."
            if (sibling) {
                node = sibling;

            // "Let parent be node's parent."
            var parent = node.parentNode;

            // "If parent is null, parent is root, or parent is currentNode
            // attribute's value, return null."
            if (!parent || parent == root || parent == walker.currentNode) {
                expectedReturn = node = null;
            } else {
            // "Otherwise, set node to parent."
                node = parent;

    if (type == "first") {
        assert_equals(walker.firstChild(), expectedReturn, ".firstChild()");
        assert_equals(walker.currentNode, expectedCurrentNode,
            ".currentNode after .firstChild()");
    } else {
        assert_equals(walker.lastChild(), expectedReturn, ".lastChild()");
        assert_equals(walker.currentNode, expectedCurrentNode,
        ".currentNode after .lastChild()");

function testTraverseSiblings(type, walker, root, whatToShow, filter) {
    // TODO We don't test .currentNode other than the root's first or last child
    if (!root.firstChild) {
        // Nothing much to test

        walker.currentNode = root;
        assert_equals(walker.currentNode, root, "Setting .currentNode");

        if (type == "next") {
            assert_equals(walker.nextSibling(), null, ".nextSibling()");
            assert_equals(walker.currentNode, root,
                ".currentNode after .nextSibling()")
        } else {
            assert_equals(walker.previousSibling(), null, ".previousSibling()");
            assert_equals(walker.currentNode, root,
                ".currentNode after .previousSibling()")

    if (type == "next") {
        walker.currentNode = root.firstChild;
        assert_equals(walker.currentNode, root.firstChild,
            "Setting .currentNode");
    } else {
        walker.currentNode = root.lastChild;
        assert_equals(walker.currentNode, root.lastChild,
            "Setting .currentNode");

    var expectedReturn = null;
    var expectedCurrentNode = type == "next" ? root.firstChild : root.lastChild;

    // "To traverse siblings of type type run these steps:"
    (function() {
        // "Let node be the value of the currentNode attribute."
        var node = type == "next" ? root.firstChild : root.lastChild;

        // "If node is root, return null.
        // "Run these substeps:
        do {
            // "Let sibling be node's next sibling if type is next, and node's
            // previous sibling if type is previous."
            var sibling = type == "next" ? node.nextSibling :

            // "While sibling is not null, run these subsubsteps:"
            while (sibling) {
                // "Set node to sibling."
                node = sibling;

                // "Filter node and let result be the return value."
                var result = filterNode(node, whatToShow, filter);

                // "If result is FILTER_ACCEPT, then set the currentNode
                // attribute to node and return node."
                if (result == NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT) {
                    expectedCurrentNode = expectedReturn = node;

                // "Set sibling to node's first child if type is next, and
                // node's last child if type is previous."
                sibling = type == "next" ? node.firstChild : node.lastChild;

                // "If result is FILTER_REJECT or sibling is null, then set
                // sibling to node's next sibling if type is next, and node's
                // previous sibling if type is previous."
                if (result == NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT || !sibling) {
                    sibling = type == "next" ? node.nextSibling :

            // "Set node to its parent."
            node = node.parentNode;

            // "If node is null or is root, return null.
            if (!node || node == root) {
            // "Filter node and if the return value is FILTER_ACCEPT, then
            // return null."
            if (filterNode(node, whatToShow, filter)) {

            // "Run these substeps again."
        } while (true);

    if (type == "next") {
        assert_equals(walker.nextSibling(), expectedReturn, ".nextSibling()");
        assert_equals(walker.currentNode, expectedCurrentNode,
            ".currentNode after .nextSibling()");
    } else {
        assert_equals(walker.previousSibling(), expectedReturn, ".previousSibling()");
        assert_equals(walker.currentNode, expectedCurrentNode,
            ".currentNode after .previousSibling()");

function testWalker(root, whatToShow, filter) {
    var walker = document.createTreeWalker(root, whatToShow, filter);

    assert_equals(walker.root, root, ".root");
    assert_equals(walker.whatToShow, whatToShow, ".whatToShow");
    assert_equals(walker.filter, filter, ".filter");
    assert_equals(walker.currentNode, root, ".currentNode");

    var expectedReturn = null;
    var expectedCurrentNode = walker.currentNode;
    // "The parentNode() method must run these steps:"
    // "Let node be the value of the currentNode attribute."
    var node = walker.currentNode;

    // "While node is not null and is not root, run these substeps:"
    while (node && node != root) {
        // "Let node be node's parent."
        node = node.parentNode;

        // "If node is not null and filtering node returns FILTER_ACCEPT, then
        // set the currentNode attribute to node, return node."
        if (node && filterNode(node, whatToShow, filter) ==
        NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT) {
            expectedCurrentNode = expectedReturn = node;
    assert_equals(walker.parentNode(), expectedReturn, ".parentNode()");
    assert_equals(walker.currentNode, expectedCurrentNode,
        ".currentNode after .parentNode()");

    testTraverseChildren("first", walker, root, whatToShow, filter);
    testTraverseChildren("last", walker, root, whatToShow, filter);

    testTraverseSiblings("next", walker, root, whatToShow, filter);
    testTraverseSiblings("previous", walker, root, whatToShow, filter);

var whatToShows = [
    "NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_DOCUMENT",

var callbacks = [
    "(function(node) { return true })",
    "(function(node) { return false })",
    "(function(node) { return node.nodeName[0] == '#' })",

var tests = [];
for (var i = 0; i < testNodes.length; i++) {
    for (var j = 0; j < whatToShows.length; j++) {
        for (var k = 0; k < callbacks.length; k++) {
                "document.createTreeWalker(" + testNodes[i] +
                    ", " + whatToShows[j] + ", " + callbacks[k] + ")",
                eval(testNodes[i]), eval(whatToShows[j]), eval(callbacks[k])
generate_tests(testWalker, tests); = "none";