
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>EditContext: Inherited Editability</title>
<meta name="author" title="Dan Clark" href="mailto:[email protected]">
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  <div id="edit-context-top-0">Text in EditContext-associated element, should be editable</div>

  <div id="edit-context-top-1">
    <div id="default-1">
      Element child of EditContext, should be editable

  <div id="edit-context-top-2">
    <div id="noteditable-2" contenteditable="false">
      <div id="editable-in-noteditable-2" contenteditable="">
        This is a contenteditable="" child of contenteditable="false" parent.
        This node should be editable. It should be the target of beforeinput/input events when the user edits here.
        The grandparent node #edit-context-0 should not be the target of beforeinput/input events,
        and the EditContext should not receive
        textupdate events

  <div id="edit-context-top-3">
    <div id="noteditable-3" contenteditable="false">
      <div id="editable-in-noteditable-3" contenteditable="">
        <div id="contenteditable-in-contenteditable-3" contenteditable="">
          This is an contenteditable="" child of a contenteditable="". Since this is the child of an
          editable element, when the user types here, it's the parent contenteditable="" that gets
          input/beforeinput events, and this doesn't. Basically the child contenteditable="" attribute
          is a no-op.

  <div id="edit-context-top-4">
    <div id="noteditable-4" contenteditable="false">
      <div id="edit-context-in-noteditable-4">
        This is an EditContext child of contenteditable="false" parent.
        This node should be editable, and this EditContext (but not the
        grandparent EditContext) should get events, since there is an
        intermediate non-editable parent.

  <div id="edit-context-top-5">
    <div id="contenteditable-in-ec-5" contenteditable="">
      This is a contenteditable="" child of EditContext.
      It inherits editability from the parent and it should not be the target of beforeinput/input events.
      Setting contenteditable="" on this node is basically a no-op.

  <div id="edit-context-top-6">
    <input id="input-in-ec-6" value="Input in EditContext. Events are fired against this element, and not against any parent EditContext.">

  <div id="edit-context-top-7">
    <div id="edit-context-in-ec-7">
      EditContext child of EditContext. When user types here,
      events are fired only against the parent EditContext, not this one.
      Since the parent element was editable, the EditContext association is basically a no-op.

  const event_log = [];

  const editContextElements = document.querySelectorAll("div[id^='edit-context-']");
  editContextElements.forEach((element) => {
    element.editContext = new EditContext();

  const divs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("div"));
  const inputs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("input"));
  const eventTargets = divs.concat(inputs);
  eventTargets.forEach((element) => {
    element.addEventListener("beforeinput", (e) => {
      if (element == {
        event_log.push(`beforeinput: ${}`);

    element.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
      if (element === {
        event_log.push(`input: ${}`);

    if (element.editContext) {
      element.editContext.addEventListener("textupdate", () => {
        event_log.push(`textupdate: ${}`);

  promise_test(async () => {
    event_log.length = 0;

    const input_target = document.querySelector("#edit-context-top-0");
    await test_driver.send_keys(input_target, "a");
    assert_array_equals(event_log, ["beforeinput: edit-context-top-0", "textupdate: edit-context-top-0"]);
  }, 'Check that element with EditContext is editable and gets events');

  promise_test(async () => {
    event_log.length = 0;

    const input_target = document.querySelector("#default-1");
    await test_driver.send_keys(input_target, "a");
    assert_array_equals(event_log, ["beforeinput: edit-context-top-1", "textupdate: edit-context-top-1"]);
  }, 'Check that child of EditContext is editable and the parent EditContext gets the events');

  promise_test(async () => {
    event_log.length = 0;

    const input_target = document.querySelector("#editable-in-noteditable-2");
    await test_driver.send_keys(input_target, "a");
    assert_array_equals(event_log, ["beforeinput: editable-in-noteditable-2", "input: editable-in-noteditable-2"]);
  }, 'Check that a contenteditable child of a contenteditable="false" is editable');

  promise_test(async () => {
    event_log.length = 0;

    const input_target = document.querySelector("#contenteditable-in-contenteditable-3");
    await test_driver.send_keys(input_target, "a");
    assert_array_equals(event_log, ["beforeinput: editable-in-noteditable-3", "input: editable-in-noteditable-3"]);
  }, 'Check that a contenteditable child of a contenteditable is editable, but the parent contenteditable gets the events');

  promise_test(async () => {
    event_log.length = 0;

    const input_target = document.querySelector("#edit-context-in-noteditable-4");
    await test_driver.send_keys(input_target, "a");
    assert_array_equals(event_log, ["beforeinput: edit-context-in-noteditable-4", "textupdate: edit-context-in-noteditable-4"]);
  }, 'Check that an EditContext child of a contenteditable="false" parent is editable and gets events');

  promise_test(async () => {
    event_log.length = 0;

    const input_target = document.querySelector("#contenteditable-in-ec-5");
    await test_driver.send_keys(input_target, "a");
    assert_array_equals(event_log, ["beforeinput: edit-context-top-5", "textupdate: edit-context-top-5"]);
  }, 'Check that an contenteditable child of an EditContext is editable, but the EditContext gets the events');

  promise_test(async () => {
    event_log.length = 0;

    const input_target = document.querySelector("#input-in-ec-6");
    await test_driver.send_keys(input_target, "a");
    assert_array_equals(event_log, ["beforeinput: input-in-ec-6", "input: input-in-ec-6"]);
  }, 'Check that an input element in an EditContext is the event target for beforeinput/input');

  promise_test(async () => {
    event_log.length = 0;

    const input_target = document.querySelector("#edit-context-in-ec-7");
    await test_driver.send_keys(input_target, "a");
    assert_array_equals(event_log, ["beforeinput: edit-context-top-7", "textupdate: edit-context-top-7"]);
  }, 'Check that for an EditContext child of an EditContext, the parent is the one that gets the events');
