
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>EditContext: The HTMLElement.editContext property</title>
<meta name="author" title="Dan Clark" href="mailto:[email protected]">
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test(function () {
  assert_true('editContext' in HTMLElement.prototype, 'Element.prototype.editContext must exist');
  assert_equals(typeof(document.createElement('div').editContext), 'object', 'An instance of div must have editContext which is an object');
}, 'Check the existence of HTMLElement.editContext');

test(function () {
  assert_false('editContext' in Node.prototype, 'Node.prototype.editContext must not exist');
  assert_false('editContext' in Element.prototype, 'Element.prototype.editContext must not exist');
  assert_false('editContext' in CharacterData.prototype, 'CharacterData.prototype.editContext must not exist');
  assert_false('editContext' in Comment.prototype, 'Comment.prototype.editContext must not exist');
  assert_equals(typeof(document.createComment('').editContext), 'undefined', 'An instance of comment must not have editContext');
  assert_false('editContext' in Document.prototype, 'Document.prototype.editContext must not exist');
  assert_equals(typeof(document.editContext), 'undefined', 'An instance of document must not have editContext which is a function');
  assert_false('editContext' in DocumentFragment.prototype, 'DocumentFragment.prototype.editContext must not exist');
  assert_equals(typeof((new DOMParser()).parseFromString('', 'text/html').editContext), 'undefined', 'An instance of document must not have editContext which is a function');
  assert_false('editContext' in Text.prototype, 'Text.prototype.editContext must not exist');
  assert_equals(typeof(document.createTextNode('').editContext), 'undefined', 'An instance of text node must not have editContext');
}, 'Nodes other than Element should not have editContext');

test(function () {
  assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () {
    document.createElement('div').editContext = "hello";
  }, 'editContext must throw a TypeError when set to a string');

  assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () {
    document.createElement('div').editContext = 42;
  }, 'editContext must throw a TypeError when set to a number');

  assert_throws_js(TypeError, function () {
    document.createElement('div').editContext = document.createElement('span');
  }, 'editContext must throw a TypeError when set to a node');
}, 'HTMLElement.editContext must throw a TypeError if set to something other than an EditContext');

test(function () {
  for (const elementName of EDIT_CONTEXT_ALLOWED_ELEMENTS) {
    const element = document.createElement(elementName);
    const ec = new EditContext();
    element.editContext = ec;
    assert_equals(element.editContext, ec, 'Getting HTMLElement.editContext should yield the same EditContext instance');
}, 'HTMLElement.editContext can be set on the shadow root elements plus canvas.');

test(function () {
  // EditContext shares all of the shadow root disallowed elements except for canvas.
  for (const elementName of EDIT_CONTEXT_DISALLOWED_ELEMENTS) {
    const element = document.createElement(elementName);
    const ec = new EditContext();
    assert_throws_dom('NotSupportedError', () => {
      element.editContext = ec;
    }, `Setting editContext on <${elementName}> must throw.`);
    assert_equals(element.editContext, null);
}, 'Setting HTMLElement.editContext must throw a NotSupportedError for disallowed elements');

test(function () {
  const element1 = document.createElement('div');
  const element2 = document.createElement('div');
  const editContext1 = new EditContext();
  const editContext2 = new EditContext();
  element1.editContext = editContext1;
  assert_throws_dom('NotSupportedError', () => {
    element2.editContext = editContext1;
  }, `TypeError should be thrown when author attempts to associate an EditContext with a second element`);
  assert_equals(element1.editContext, editContext1, "element1 association should not have changed");
  assert_equals(element2.editContext, null, "element2 association should not have changed");

  element1.editContext = editContext2;
  assert_equals(element1.editContext, editContext2, "Association can be switched directly to second EditConext");

  element1.editContext = editContext2;
  assert_equals(element1.editContext, editContext2, "Assigning to the same EditContext again is a no-op");
}, 'An EditContext can only be associated with one element at a time');
